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Everything posted by Nihilum

  1. Nihilum

    It finally happened

    Sorcery! Burn him at the stake!
  2. Nihilum

    It finally happened

    haha, I remember the fist time this happened. Was up in one of the smaller settlements to the north, heard and atv and ran inside one of the wood houses to hide. Guy passes, me thinking I was ninja ^_^ goes to open the door to the house, only to be slammed into the wall breaking my leg, putting me in shock and finally killing me after another 10 seconds of bleeding out. Ninja fail. <_< Side note: Next time I heard an ATV, instead of running, I shot that B*** off with crossbow. Oh the glorious rage coming over direct. :D
  3. Nihilum

    DayZ SA: Walking simulator

    Would be cool. From what dean said it just sounded like customization of existing vehicles. (zombie plow, anyone? )
  4. What if Rocket made Dayz as part of a conspiracy to make us all shoot each other on sight after a huge economic collapse brought on by the new-world-illumi-anunaki-malta-berger-banksters? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OT4B-NJUcZE
  5. Nihilum

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    They could always up the delay or put in an animation depending on where the hot keyed item is stored - to me it makes sense if you think about hotkeying weapons or anything on your pants, shirt and chest rig as it's all with in a quick reach and pull. The only thing that doesn't seem as easily accessed, not making as much sense, is back pack items being hotkeyed.
  6. Nihilum

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    Updates are not your right. You're lucky they've even been fairly regular. I'm sensing a lot of 12-18 year kids with absolutely no patience or understanding of game development blowing things out of proportion. Go buy from EA and Activision if you want something put out half-assed on ridiculous deadlines - I'll take an engaging game with potential years of enjoyment over a copy and paste job to appease impatient little kids.
  7. Nihilum

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    I'm starting to think it's Sergey Titov in drag.
  8. Nihilum

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    All post 2008-- plus that's a turd in the punch bowl argument or one wrong makes all the rights, wrong too. Bit of a logical fallacy. Approximate deadlines are good, but strict ones - like if given say 2-3 months a product can be fleshed out an finished rather than rushed out the door buggy and unpolished like we're seeing more and more. (Mass effect 3, I'm looking at you)
  9. Nihilum

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    Ummm... some of the best games of all time were created with this mantra as it ensured quality and thus success. In fact it was only since 2008 that we've had these terribly quick release dates of cookie cutter sequels as a result of the financial collapse. Companies are trying to pump out revenue (games) as fast as possible, sacrificing quality. IMO they should take as long as they need and make the next big game instead of a poorly executed neat idea - hence why the Dev. process has changed so dramatically.
  10. Here here. I plan to get my friend in on the action. Being that he may very well be retarded, I don't want to consider the rage that could be endured trying to find and give him directions. Any unarmed player ins't a threat and it's not like your going to find MORE loot in a group. If anything having more people to distribute gear to is a crutch early in the game and just as realistic. Who gets food? Who gets a gun? Who gets a backpack or clothing? Adds another layer of strategy to the mix, I think.
  11. Nihilum

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    One of a cannibal wardlord of Liberia. B) :thumbsup: :beans:
  12. Nihilum

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    I've been slammed against an opening door and the wall many a time... lmao Doors may rank higher on the threat scale than zombies in my book
  13. Nihilum

    Delete me

    Tried to watch/ ditch the two morons in the background and i'll try again. Serve no purpose.