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Mad larkin

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About Mad larkin

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Mad larkin

    Latest Dayz version

    can i get the name of any and all servers currently using version 1.62.99515 ? i have been attempting to fix dayz for two weeks now and cannot find the latest version on a server to test it. PS anyone that might be able to help me with my issue i would very much appreciate it.
  2. Mad larkin

    Should we have squad/friend Spawns?

    I personally think that squad spawns would be contrari to a few major parts of this game. such as its difficulty level. Maybe a peice of equipment you can hide or keep on your player such as a small military or civilian radio will centralize your clans spawn point? Requires batteries that may last only a few days before a player needs to source more?
  3. Mad larkin

    Factions and Territory

    I totally agree with this idea as dayz currently lacks tasks and goals that can be immediately relevant to players who do not have much in the way of arsenal or pre built teams. The importance of toolkits and vehicles will be hightened as well, The need to shelter from attracted zombies or snipers/bandits passing by would fuel demand. 200 odd Kms of space to fill afterall. I think that these tasks can be creative and really mix it up from the surviving , crawling , waiting and hiking parts of the game.
  4. Mad larkin

    "Bad version, server rejected connection" Help?

    I have had this problem after patching arma 2 OA the other week and have had no progress in fixing dayz at all i have tried checking and re arranging file locations in the directory patching back and forward on dayz commander while checking australian servers versions and 1.62.99153 to 99445 I have also tried uninstalling then reinstalling arma 2 OA steam version and its BETA nothing has worked so far apologies for the bad terminology at least one well meant answer will be appreciated.
  5. i have been having similar problems, although; no matter how many version changes and how many times i check the australian servers and match them..... bad version, server rejected connection prevents me from running the game at all. 1 I have changed the game files locations in an attempt to make dayz commander find the game at all 2 verifying ARMA 2 OA never seems make a change at all after telling me im missing anywhere from 1 to 8 files and telling me it will download and install them 3 double checking versions - and 1.62.99153 up to 99445 matching the relevant server. 4 repatching ARMA 2, ARMA 2 OA and ARMA 2 OA beta. can anyone shine some light on this problem ? totally sick of looking at my game file directory in frustration. would very much appreciate at least one progressive answer