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Everything posted by twelfthsense

  1. twelfthsense

    Need Transfusion

    nothing but the truth
  2. [b]DayZ Name[/b]: Ghoast [b]Location[/b]: Onterio, canada [b]GUID[/b]: ff3b96e0179e91a1e479cd8ba1ed0c5b
  3. twelfthsense

    Need Transfusion

    im on the official hive
  4. twelfthsense

    Creating/Looking for Bandit Squad

    hey, im 19, yes, im mature. im very active. i got skype and ts3 and steam. ready for whatever. i prefer official servers. im interested
  5. lol well yeah im just joking about the NVG's, haha ill change that :P
  6. twelfthsense

    Just another New Guy

    it wont work for me :'( byebye chopper ans as50 and ghillie and NV goggles. and my precious beans and rangefinder :c
  7. hi. im 19. mature. just started playing dayz. been playing 2 days. im alright at playing and i would love to have a group to work with. i have skype, ts3, and steam(which i have no clue how it works) also. some NV goggles and a sniper rifle would be handy as well :3 Thanks -Ghoast
  8. twelfthsense

    Looking for Bandit sqaud

    im 19. bandit, just died, but id love to join :D
  9. twelfthsense

    Just another New Guy

    I wont ever killed! they made the alt+f4 hotkey setup for a reason ;)
  10. twelfthsense

    Just another New Guy

    haha thanks everyone! hm, Bandit mode? ;)that death you're about to experience? the one where you heard no gun, just the sound of the bullet hitting your head? yeah, that will be me ;) jk, if anything i'll fall off a tower trying to loot and die, or agro a horde of 250 zombehz
  11. i love how oyu say the letter "h"... ..."Hayche" :3 haha nothing bad :) but that aside, THANKS! loved the vid! :D now, lets go see if i cant do a barrel toll ;)
  12. twelfthsense

    Which video card is better?

    the 680 has it beat :)
  13. twelfthsense

    DayZ Survival Guide !

    I am a new "player" (note i haven't played dayz and i am now just downloading armaII off steam, but, i've bookmarked this, and that loot map as well! ill let you know firsthand how this helps a newbie :) ill give up my beans
  14. twelfthsense

    A Short Murder Compilation

    But... ...but... ... ... ...What if they had children they had to feed???!!!!
  15. twelfthsense

    Day Z Wallpapers

    "a dead survivor" lol makes sense don't it? XD but, im actually just downloading arma II for the first time and going to be playing DayZ for my first time! I'm excited, and it takes a lot to get me excited
  16. Apparently your computer doesn't like wooden doors... :lol: ;) But, To topic; Have tou tried running DayZ as admin mode and compatibility mode to windows XP x32?