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About clayster

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  1. clayster


    Application: Clayster Age: 17 Prefered Position: Assault/Support Previous Clans (if applicable):NA Time spent playing DayZ: 1 year Timezone: EST Time able to be dedicated to clan: Whenever 24/7 Time spent playing ARMA II: around 1 year Special qualities/skills (ex, Photoediting, Videos, etc.): NA Acceptance of Clan rules: yes Working microphone: yes Country: USA Steam account name: Clay835 Military Background (if applicable): JROTC, doing ROTC in college Why do you wish to become a part of Renegade Corps: i enjoy the military strategy part of the game, and being able to accomplish a goal by working with a good squad. I like the structure and fun playing with a squad brings.
  2. just going to use skype to play...add me on skype: Clayster.dayz this will be a BANDIT squad so know how to shoot and all that, i will play epoch or vanilla i doont really care what we play
  3. Name: Clay Username: Clayster Skype:Clayster.dayz age: 17 Timezone: EST Primary Job: 1st infantry division Secondary Job: Infantry sniper Will you stay loyal to CG? yes I will not leave under any circumstances.
  4. clayster

    [Clan/Group] Zelengorsk Rebels ~ Recruiting!

    Skype name: Clayster.dayz Steam name: Clay835 age: 18 Location & Time zone: MD, Eastern
  5. Age: 17 Role: Medic/assault rifle This would be super casual, i want to play most days have 3-4 guys just use skype to talk, play whatever map i dont care. I am trying to bandit, so this would be a bandit squad add me on skype skype:: Clayster.dayz
  6. im trying to start up a squad of 4 or so... add me on skype Clayster.dayz
  7. clayster

    Looking for Clan/Group

    im looking for some players to play with bandit around, add me on skype::: Clayster.dayz
  8. clayster

    Looking for a partner

    add me on skype Clayster.dayz I bandit but can be a hero, i can teach you the ropes
  9. clayster

    Walking Militia [WM] has returned!

    i am interested in joining and i am 18, and will follow all rules, what else needs to be done so i can start playing with you guys?
  10. i am looking for people with skype for one... can play most days..im a spotter or support player..so im looking for a medic a sniper and a soldier or another support..i wanna stick together as a squad and play alot together..as much as possible and also dont be scared to take the shot.... i am looking for strategy in our team and people who can joke around but get down to business and kill .... hit me up i am 16 i have a mic i have played dayz for about 3 or 4 months add me on skype if u wanna talk skype-- xalfadogxx name--red bar