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Everything posted by ipariah

  1. You're stupid and should feel stupid. If scripters want to spawn in weapons, they'll spawn in a weapon that they like using, including SVD Camo and guns not in DayZ. His current character could be alive since before ghillies were removed, how do I know? I have a ghillie on right now, because I haven't played in a couple weeks. Also, accusing someone of scripting without proof is a stupid thing to do. I had a character who braved NW Airfield, Stary, NE Airfield, Cherno, and a bunch of other towns, I hit respawn because I was north of Guba and couldn't be assed walking back down to my friends. I respawned and walked over to them in Cherno, there were 2 trigger happy AS50 snipers camping on the industrial buildings. We killed them both, and we walked away with: AS50 x2 Bizon PP19SD M9SD x2 Coyote Backpack x2 NV Goggles x2 Rangefinder x2 Compass/Watch/Map/GPS x2 Box of Matches/Hatchet x2 We got ALL that just from killing 2 snipers with the best gear who were broadcasting their location with an AS50 shot every 2 seconds or so. Its entirely possible if you know where to look, or have the guts to put your life on the line. Oh, and if you don't believe me about SVD Camo not being a scripters weapon of choice? Skip to 8:45
  2. If only. I sent a message like this when I found a camp and packed up all the wire/tank traps, took everything out of the tents that I didn't need, dropped it on the ground, took what I needed, and filled every one of their 6-7 tents with firewood.
  3. ipariah

    pve server kicking all non clan members

    Not sure if stupid or just stupid. 4 people have linked you to the rules server hosters must abide by, and you have completely ignored it. Instead of trying to defend yourself and ignoring the blatant evidence showing you're in the wrong, you should man up, say sorry, and play the game the way it was meant to be played. P.S: I don't give a flying f**k if you're paying for the server. You're paying for it for the sole purpose of hosting it. The only things you control as an admin are Difficulty/3rd Person/Nametags/Crosshair. BEWARE - The same restrictions apply to Non-Dev run servers! - IT MAY NEVER BE PASSWORDED - NO OTHER KEYS OR MODS. NONE. PERIOD. - NO KICKING TO MAKE ROOM FOR 'FRIENDS' OR CLANMATES - NO LOCKING THE SERVER - NO EDITING DAYZ/MISSION FILES - IT'S YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO UPDATE YOUR SERVER TO THE LATEST VERSION OF DAYZ -BATTLEYE MUST BE ENABLED - Minimum slot count of 40 (30 for countries where bandwidth is expensive i.e. developing countries) - Their are only two reasons why you, as a server owner, should ban a player on your server. Those two reasons are: Malicious talk, and racism. You may not ban a user for stealing your loot, killing you, spying on you, etc. - You may only kick for disruptive behavior (such as continued VOIP over side channel). But you may not kick due to race or language or because the person does something you do not like. - Kicking for extremely excessive ping or desync is permitted, but if abused is grounds for blacklisting Failure to adhere to these rules will BAN YOUR SERVER'S IP from DayZ. Link to thread >>>>>http://dayzmod.com/f...r-read-in-here/<<<<<
  4. As title states, every minute or two my game will just freeze for 2-3 seconds. It is extremely annoying and has caused me to fall off a stairwell once or twice, breaking my legs and causing massive blood loss. I get smooth 60FPS in game excluding these goddamn freezes. Date/Time: 21/06/12, 7:32PM, East Coast Australia, Ipswich What happened: Game locks up/freezes every 30 seconds -> 2 minutes, caused me on multiple occasions to take damage I should not of. Where you were: It has happened in woodland around Berezino and in major cities. What you were doing: Nothing in particular, logged in with recent patch to see if my game had stopped locking up, only to be disappointed. *Current installed version: *Server(s) you were on: Seattle 11 in a previous version, when this started happening Seattle 47 to see if it was still doing it *Your system specs: Processor:Intel® Core2 Duo CPU E8400 @ 3.00GHz (2 CPUs), ~3.0GHz Memory:4000MB RAM Video Card:NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450 *Timeline of events before/after error: Looted Berezino and had a firefight with other players, perfectly fine without this issue. Log in the next day to be experiencing constant lock ups/freezes, causing frustrating gameplay and near death experiences. Log in a few days later with latest version, to still be experiencing this problem in the middle of wood land, in the middle of the night. Any help with this would be appreciated. I'm not sure if it is DayZ that is causing this or my PC.
  5. My friend found the Ghillie suit, I found the Camo clothing. Ill tell you what though, its a pain in the ass trying to find him when I lose sight of him.
  6. ipariah


    Good idea. I'll give it a shot' date=' no pun intended. How many people actually run along the major roads? [/quote'] Alot of newer players use the roads until they get a hang of the map. Another way of travel people use is following power lines.
  7. ipariah


    Great places to find survivors are at the Military camps/airfields in certain towns. Maybe try the hospitals/supermarkets/churches/apartment blocks. The important places where good loot spawns, you'll usually find a poor sap.
  8. After being murdered by a Survivor in some apartment blocks in Chernogorsk, I was less willing to trust Survivors I met. I spawned at Balota, so I decided to hit the airfield near it for some military weapons and ammunition. I approached the airfield down the runway towards the hangars and control tower, hitting the hangars first. I found nothing except a couple of AK magazines, disappointed in my findings. I then went to the control tower to see what was in there. Someone had barb wired the ladder, so I knew someone was nearby. I decided I would take the risk, seeing as I didn't have much to risk. I found a AK74 Kobra in the tower. Just what I needed! Heading down the control tower, I found some more magazines and some bandages. I went to the bottom floor door only to encounter barbed wire. But I remembered someone in chat talking about the possibility of vaulting over it! I tried to vault it and it worked, so I decided I would run to the forest north, then east towards some smaller towns. I turned around and saw someone vaulting over the barbed wire. He was following me! I shot him twice in the head, his limp body falling to the ground. For good measure, I shot another 2 rounds into his limp body, finishing the deed. I knew now I had to get the hell out of here incase any of his friends heard my shots. My heart was pounding, my hands shaking. I ran north to the wire fence, until I heard some rustling behind me. I turned around, and there was a survivor prone on the ground, facing toward his friend's lifeless corpse. I took aim, and fired 2 more AK bullets into the back of his skull, his lifeless body hitting the ground, flies beginning to swirl around it. I took what supplies I needed off their bodies and made haste out of the area, waiting for my friends to arrive. I'm not sure if they were planning an ambush on me or wanted me to vacate the area, but I feel that I did what I had to, and thus began my life as a bandit.
  9. So with the removal of Bandit Skins, it will be difficult to identify who and who is not trustworthy. Something that has always bugged me is knowing who is a bandit, over 400-500m away, based on the clothes he is wearing. What if you gained/lost facial features based on your Humanity? For example, the lower your humanity, you gain scars, pale skin, maybe your hair and beard grows out, indicating you live away from other survivors in the forest. This way you could identify bandits, but only up close. I'm not sure what features could be added do indicate high humanity survivors. Feel free to post what you think!
  10. ipariah

    Facial Looks Tied To Humanity.

    If you're going to get offended over cursing, you're too young for the internet. Anyways, you want a better idea? Okay then, you say that bandits should be pale, and have beards and scars due to their fighting, living alone, and not being in cities? Well survivors also fight, stay in the woods alot, and only go to cities for supplies. So if you want this idea to be realistic, then here you go. Make players that stay in the shade be pale, and the more they go into the sun the darker they get. If they are always out in the sun they're have terrible sunburn. Add some kind of shaving feature, and make characters have scars from their injuries. Humanity should have no place in physical features, which are decided by how the character takes care of his body. There you go. See, you can converse without resorting to language like that. Did I say I was offended because of violent language? No, I simply don't like being sworn at when I propose a suggestion of my own and receive responses like that. I don't know if the mod developer wants Bandits to have some sort of identification or not, whether it be noticable at afar (the current skin) or close up, I just feel it would be fairer for the newer players, still getting acquianted with this mod. Right now I don't trust anyone, and shoot on sight if I am in need of food/water, you have equipment I need, or you are simply between me and my destination. I play this way because I have no idea who could be friend or foe, and I like it that way. But I know a few new players who get upset due to trusting most people they see, because of being shot in the back for beans. Moving on though, I like the Skin idea you proposed, and your other ideas that you linked.
  11. ipariah

    So, when do you shoot?

    I shoot if someone is between me and my destination. If they are coming out of a barn and are nowhere near me, chances are I'll bypass them and keep heading towards my goal. I'll shoot if I have no food, water, and about to die and have no other way to survive. There is no telling if the person you approach is a bandit or survivor, trust NOONE. Kill only when absolutely necessary. The only people I trust are those on my VoiP.
  12. ipariah

    Squad Size

    I think 4 is a steady number. If you have more, your VOIP can get really crowded and it becomes hard to communicate. A bandit would feel uneasy engaging a group of 4 decently geared survivors.