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About TheNewGeneration

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  1. TheNewGeneration

    Dayz - Having Moods (Can be used to balance out bandits/snipers)

    Alright well think what you want, but this isnt a whining or complaining post. It's a simple suggestion, dont like it? I'm fine with it.
  2. TheNewGeneration

    Dayz - Having Moods (Can be used to balance out bandits/snipers)

    haha well thanks for that then, i guess thats that then, seeing people dont exactly like the idea, might as well graveyard this too
  3. TheNewGeneration

    Dayz - Having Moods (Can be used to balance out bandits/snipers)

    I in all honesty don't most of the time, but this would be my sort of way for the people that are complaining about this. I've seen so many posts about people complaining, im just sorta giving them an idea,
  4. TheNewGeneration

    Dayz - Having Moods (Can be used to balance out bandits/snipers)

    Guess you could say that Thanks for the feedback, but how many times have you spawned in then had somebody either snipe or kill you even as a fresh spawn? It can just balance out that, so it can punish those bandits who get all of that loot, have some sort of backdraw, as where survivors usually scavenge, find maybe a good gun or two, get shot repeat
  5. Hey i was thinking of a pretty good way to balance out snipers and bandits maybe even for the upcoming standalone. Ok so the idea is that you obviously have a mood. Everybody starts out maybe around 5000. Every time you kill somebody your mood will go down 1000. Also, for every bullet (projectile) that comes within 5m your mood will go down by 50. The effects will be, 5000: Normal 4000: Character runs 5% slower 3000: Character reloads 10% slower 2000: Character shake every 15 seconds near zeds 1000: Character will spawn slightly more zeds than usual 0: Character has a 0.5% chance every 7 minutes to pass out near zeds To increase your mood you can do a couple things, sort of like being a hero. Give morphine to someone with a broken leg, blood bad somebody, bandage them ect. Which your mood will go up by 100. Also the longer you are within 15 meters of a survivor with them in your line of sight, you increase your mood by 50 every 2 minutes. However if you stand near a person with a hero skin you'll go up by 120 every 2 minutes. If they are in any other skin, you'll remain the same. Your mood cant go past 7000. Perks of moods 6000: Live 3% longer without food/water 7000: Live 5% longer without blood I think this'll give the game a more cooperative feeling, and balance out those who feel the need to kill random players, but this should be OPTIONAL on servers, seeing as maybe people like the death match sort of thing.
  6. well the code is unique to each person that is banned to tell bans apart (as in lets say ban xxxx01 is for a person from ny, and ban xxxx02 is for a person in london ) And most likely you were banned for hacking or somebody stole you key and got it banned/replaced it with a banned one
  7. TheNewGeneration

    global banned ???

    Hey bozo this can be a couple things. 1) You hacked, and were caught 2) A hacker got your cd key, and either got it banned or replaced it with a bad one 3) You may have been mistakedly banned by battleye( Very highly unlikely) Ok so you have a couple options 1) Go to battleyes website apply for an unban 2) Buy a new cd key from a trusted company (pm me and ill tell you how to change it) 3) Buy from a 3rd party user (they sell cheap but they either dont work or are stolen and i highly dont recommend this) Good luck
  8. Willing to have an exception? The more the merrier eh?
  9. TheNewGeneration

    DayZ Stories

    It was the best time in dayz i ever had, we had a group of 8 people going, and hell we were DESTROYING a server. We were tactical as hell considering we weren't even a clan. Anyways here's how the story goes. It started with 4 people me, 2 people i normally play with and a friend of theirs. After a long while on confusion on where we all were, we ended up with all of us meeting in balota. On the way, one of my group mates posted on the fourms that we were looking for a good group to go with. So from that post we pick up i think 2 people who also eventually meet us in balota. Lucky us, we had found a uaz and a motorbike, so we had some room for people, and we end up picking up someone and his friend on the server who joins our group. We all start to spread out, most of us heading towards the airstrip looking for gear. We go into the control tower, and the popular places where yo would go to find gear there. Just in our luck, we find dead bodies, all armed to the teeth, with ghilles suits, akm, a lee enfield, 2 cobras,food,drinks, morphine, ect. In awe we take what they had and looked around for people, but nobody to be found. So we grab the gear, plus some extra guns (M1407, another AKM, and a DMR) from the surrounding areas. As we are looting the place we hear a loud POP and one of us goes down, knocked out. We all go prone ( me and 2 others in a hanger, one in the control tower over watching with the DMR, 2 in the woods surrounding the area, 1 knocked out on the airstrip, and another running towards him. We actually lock down balota, having 1 person searching the town, 2 watching the hangers, 1 watching the road into balota, another watching behind the hangars (me), 1 person inside the woods, and the rest in different hangers. Our overwatch spots somebody out around 150m away near an open field.Then the majority of our group decides to go check it out. We "snake" it almost all the way along the road, and we find the person who started shooting at us who was also saying something along the lines in sidechat like "Everybody watch out group of 8 bandits in balota!" To which i reply "dude we're only a group of 4....." and he doesnt respond. We end up chasing him down back to the open field where he was at first, and we start to kill him. Him dead, we instantly have a group of 2 attack us right after. POP 1 down in our group (dead) POP another knocked out, and we finally spot them near the medical tents. We creep up on them and then we end up getting hit a bit more, but eventually kill them. After we are all recovered, and took their loot we head to cherno. Now we are all sprinting untill we hit the outskirts of cherno where we all group up and come up with a plan to kill the people in cherno. We screw around for maybe 30 minutes then we go in. We managed to make it to a small house near the industrial place in cherno. We are all together with 2 snipers and the rest of us with pretty good weapons. And then side chat i see "Holy shit group of 8 in cherno STAY AWAY" which i respond to "No way lol, who would have THAT many people? Probably just zeds" Maybe a minute or two after we heard the POP of an AS50 shooting at us. POP one of us down. POP another, POP another, POP a close miss and we all scramble away. Meanwhile on skype..... "HOLY SHIT EVERYONE GET TO COVER" and we all stay holed up for a while, luckily we had found an M24 along the way, but a not so experienced sniper was using it. He looks around the popular spots and sees nothing, so then one of us decides to run out into the open and POP a dmr is shot by the same person now, and his legs are broken, but alive. He is behind good cover, so out M24 guy decides to go save him and POP hes dead and we're all yelling at him. So now its down to me, 2 others, and a guy with a broken leg. We actually spot him finally and attempt to kill him with our DMR, but we are pinned down so he is killed and me alongside him. Then our last guy decides to try to be a hero, and save the guy with the broken leg, he ends up getting killed running to our guy then our broken leg guy bleeds out. We all died from ONE sniper.
  10. TheNewGeneration

    What was your very first ever DayZ death?

    I get a group of 3 going, spawned in Elektro on the coastline and the rest of my group was near kamenka. Me not knowing that sprinting attracts a fair amount of zombies on the road was running around wondering where to go. So i got a good amount of zeds coming at me, im running around wondering why there are so many and my friends are finally coming close. I'm still running around the coastline waiting for them, they come up in their UAZ, and they kill the zombies around me with their guns. After about 20 min of trying to figure out how to get in the UAZ without the mouse wheel (i use a laptop), i see a zed coming towards me and tell them "dont worry i got it" and it ends up killing me because i thought i could punch it. That was a fun night.
  11. TheNewGeneration


    well i'm not going to be one of those jackasses on here who say "bullshit you hacked and you were caught end of story" But here'd what may have happened. If you downloaded anything even close to something related to arma 2/dayz, they mightve stolen your cd key and replaced it when a banned one. This can happen alot, and sadly you cant do much about it. At this point you have 2 options. Option 1 Go to battleyes website, and apply for an unban, read carefully what they say Option 2 Buy a new cd-key from a trusted company (new army 2 oa cd key) then pm me about how to put in your new cd key
  12. TheNewGeneration

    WofjeM Server | Butthurt Admin.

    sorry to say on private hive they can do pretty much whatever the hell they want :/ they do pay for the server.....
  13. TheNewGeneration

    DayZ car radios/mp3/CD/cassette players working

    Haha, i'd love to see the idea implemented into the standalone, i'd give you something to do on your downtime while maybe waiting for a friend