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Everything posted by urbanfox

  1. urbanfox

    Want to host a DayZ Server? Read in here.

    We simply won't approve it. Our minimum slot count is 40.
  2. What I am saying is the virtual contents of a server (vehicles etc) are not saved server-side. That is handled and stored on the central database.
  3. They don't have the ability to do that. My guess is he is just using a different instance ID now.
  4. urbanfox

    About a server.

    Where are you getting your information?
  5. We will look into this. Can you guys provide screenshots here if you see the server locked?
  6. If you do not have an instance ID, your server will not work.
  7. I'd be more than happy to talk to them, they just have not reached out to us. If you had remote desktop access I'd be able to help you directly, but at the moment the ball is in your host's court.
  8. Hi, I am the one who was handling your ticket. Since you have a slotted server, and did not directly register the instance ID with us, it is the responsibility of your host to set you up. Like I previously stated, it's not that we don't want to help you, but since you don't have direct control of your server we physically can't help you. I can tell you though that I have been paying close attention to new tickets that might come from your hosting company, and to my knowledge we have received none.
  9. urbanfox

    US 1337 Bug Testing Battle Eye Banned?

    He just banned you now and the message is there now?
  10. urbanfox

    Any servers still have Sidechat

    Then you risk being blacklisted.
  11. urbanfox

    Any servers still have Sidechat

    I thought the cursing and slapping one's self with a shovel conveyed it clear enough.
  12. urbanfox

    Any servers still have Sidechat

    As I understand it global/side chat is not realistic in a survival setting. According to Rocket, in version 1.8+ new means of communication will be introduced into the game, however. Also, I'm not sure why you have to have such a hostile attitude.
  13. Neither Delta nor I are part of the official DayZ team, so I want to get that cleared up right away. As for blacklisting, if someone wants to use our service (connecting to our database), then they must abide by our rules. It's plain and simple. If they don't want to abide by the rules, then they don't need to connect to the database. In addition, Polli made a mistake. However, he also realized it was a mistake and unbanned the people in question. Rule correction through education > secret police
  14. What you described is emergent gameplay. You cannot ban people for that. The rules are plain and clear, please follow them in the future and thank you for unbanning them after it was brought to your attention you cannot do that.
  15. 175 when it was checked was following the rules. We can't give updates on the forum for every report we get, but things are being done.
  16. Who applied for the instance ID, you or your hosting company? If it was your hosting company, please go through their support. If YOU applied for it, you should have gotten a welcome email. You MUST follow every step in that guide.
  17. urbanfox

    Any servers still have Sidechat

    What I would recommend is joining a clan or a server with vent/ts/mumble/etc. I understand the frustration, but side-chat was taken out for a specific reason and at this time everyone must follow the rules.
  18. urbanfox

    Any servers still have Sidechat

    Just checked, no longer enabled.
  19. urbanfox

    Any servers still have Sidechat

    Can't check ATM, running 1.62.
  20. urbanfox

    Any servers still have Sidechat

    We do, but we have limited resources. We are doing what we can.
  21. urbanfox

    Any servers still have Sidechat

    That's not true. Enabling side-chat is a direct violation of the rules. It will result in a server being blacklisted.
  22. urbanfox

    US 1337 Bug Testing Battle Eye Banned?

    Talked to the admin, he is going to take the message off and rename the server in the next 24 hours and until then he will not ban anyone either. Nice guy, just a misunderstanding.
  23. I think you are referring to http://dayzmonitor.com/, http://arma2.swec.se/server/list, or http://www.gametracker.com/. I promise, they definitely don't fall on deaf ears. Dante-shawn heads our group up and has been doing a great job getting everyone organized and working behind the shadows to make sure everything runs smoothly and culling out the bad apples in the server hosting group.