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Everything posted by urbanfox

  1. urbanfox

    New Server Signup and Ticket System

  2. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/79593-information-on-server-requests-082312/
  3. FOR ALL THOSE IN THIS THREAD: There should be a minor announcement with some good news for everyone coming today in this section of the forum, so keep your eyes out. Can you submit a support ticket with the subject "Please cancel first request: incorrect info" and in the message section say what your above post says, thank you. That's me, and the standard response is the one I physically put in the system because a lot of people ask the same questions.
  4. urbanfox

    Question about evidence

    Check their map position in the logs, that would be proof.
  5. On 08.14.12 BattlEye released new features to help combat hackers. These features rely upon new text files similar to scripts.txt to work. I'm guessing your host is now implementing these files.
  6. urbanfox

    Want to host a DayZ Server? Read in here.

    Some are private servers that are not connected to our database, some are extremely old servers that were created before the 40 slot requirement, and some are just plain openly breaking the rules. To answer the next logical question, as to why nothing is seemingly done, there aren't enough resources. There are a large number of things being juggled by a small group of unpaid volunteers and at this point there is simply not enough manpower to get things done. That is the price for a 100% free mod. I don't mean any of what I just said sarcastically and I hope no one takes it as me trying to be rude, that's just the fact of the matter right now.
  7. urbanfox

    Want to host a DayZ Server? Read in here.

    The mod is 100% free. If people do not like the rules or current situation, they are free to not host/play.
  8. urbanfox

    Running a DAY Z home server

    I honestly have no idea to be honest. Sorry for the lack of clarification, but I figured it was better than me not replying.
  9. urbanfox

    Server approval taking a while

    Typical wait time is 7-12 days. We are literally inundated with hundreds of tickets and server requests a day.
  10. urbanfox

    Running a DAY Z home server

    We are not approving home hosting at this time.
  11. urbanfox

    Server on only 4 slots - HOW TO?

    Private hive or they are in violation of the rules. For a server to be approved it must be 40 slots and be public at all times.
  12. Side-chat was disabled for a reason. Remove side-chat or be blacklisted.
  13. urbanfox

    US 561 Admin Abuse

    I guess there's really not much to talk about anymore, because if you continue your previous practices, your server will get blacklisted.
  14. urbanfox

    US 561 Admin Abuse

    Just because it is logged does not mean someone is cheating. Please read this: http://dayz.io/t/BEadvisory.txt Specifically below: *IMPORTANT* Please note that there are many legitimate scripts that are currently being logged by these two server-side filters and therefore, banning on the basis of the information in createvehicle.log is currently not advised.
  15. urbanfox

    No vehicles spawning on new server.

    Thank the devs, we are just the messengers :)
  16. urbanfox

    No vehicles spawning on new server.

    Instance ID's up to 10,000 now spawn vehicles.
  17. urbanfox

    US 561 Admin Abuse

    Like I said, that was your warning. Failure to comply will get your server blacklisted. Also, if you notice.... http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/62195-server-hosting-rules/ 13. You are permitted to kick or ban for ongoing severe hacking that is affecting players in a server-disruptive way. All kick or ban actions must be reported in the forums under section http://dayzmod.com/f...heat-reporting/
  18. urbanfox

    US 561 Admin Abuse

    You are interpreting the rules wrong. To be completely clear, you cannot ban anyone (temporary or otherwise) that you have not caught cheating in the logs. Considering this your warning.
  19. urbanfox

    US 561 Admin Abuse

    I assume by "him", you mean Legacy, who you referenced later. You do realize they are forum moderators, right? That doesn't mean they are less or more important than community support staff, but you are contacting the wrong department, plain and simple. Everyone here has different jobs here. It would be like you asking me to delete a thread or ban a forum member when that's not my department and I have no control over that. I'm also not sure why you seem to think that I am a self-entitled kid, but that's your own opinion. Clarify that part. Are you kicking everyone and locking the server? Are you just mass banning people then unbanning those who you think are cheating? Please be specific as to the actions you are taking.
  20. urbanfox

    US 561 Admin Abuse

    Regardless, he can't do that. He can only ban those who he verified of cheating through the logs.
  21. urbanfox

    No vehicles spawning on new server.

    Yes, absolutely. Once the issue has been fixed and vehicles are spawning you should definitely see an announcement from a DayZ dev.
  22. urbanfox

    US 561 Admin Abuse

    Are you an admin/the host? From your guys' forum: "At this point we should take screenshots and ban anyone who isn't one of us. Its the only way to slow the hacking down. If we lose our server over it, who cares. We can't play on it under the current conditions anyway." That's not allowed and it's a horrible way to deal with cheating. You need to stop doing this immediately and unban everyone who you do not have proof (from the logs) on.
  23. urbanfox

    No vehicles spawning on new server.

    If you originally had vehicles and they are no longer spawning, then that is a separate issue. Are you sure people aren't just hoarding them? I am no way trying to sound sarcastic or pretentious, just genuine, but me make ZERO money off of server hosts. We do not get a cut from anyone. At this time we have no ETA. I understand this is quite frustrating, but our dev team is doing the best job they can at the moment.
  24. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/62195-server-hosting-rules/ ^^ New rules.