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Everything posted by urbanfox

  1. urbanfox

    Can't get into my server - stuck on loading screen

    Your whitelist is sitting in the queue. It can take up to 3 hours to process starting from when you received your approval email. It's a server config/start-up parameter/sever files issue. If it's a whitelisting error it gives another error message. It takes no more than 3 hours when approved.
  2. UPDATE: NO MORE UPDATES. DEADLINE MET EARLY. Oh and.... Hey Everyone, Right now we have a rather large backlog of server requests and there is a lot of misconception out there surrounding this situation. As a support team, we understand that not knowing what is going on is half the problem, so hopefully in this post we can clear up a lot of confusion. We get a lot of very similar questions from different people, so I’m going to start with posting them here so others can see them as well. What is taking so long? > Honestly, the game is becoming increasingly popular and the demand is hard to keep up with. Over 1.1 million unique players have tried DayZ and the number keeps growing. A LOT of those people want to host servers and as such we are inundated with requests 24/7. We literally receive hundreds of server requests and support tickets a day so keeping up with them is extremely challenging. It’s been X amount of days, I’ve submitted a ticket asking you to review my order and instead all I got was some blah blah we will review it in the order it was received. I am paying for a dedicated server that is just sitting there and I’m wasting my money. > Our philosophy is pretty simple: review the requests in the order they were received. We feel this is the fairest way of doing things and ensures that people who have been paying for their server longer will be in the best position to have their server approved/denied first. Why aren’t you guys doing your job better? > This is a mostly subjective (and usually sarcastic) opinion, but nevertheless it does come up. The answer is simply because we have real, paying jobs. The support team doesn’t get paid for answering your tickets or reviewing your server requests. We are already juggling work, families, significant others, and the free time that we do have is spent a lot of times providing support for this mod. Does this make us saints? NO! Does this mean we want praise? NO! It just means we really love this game and want to help it grow. So next time you are frustrated, bent out of shape, or just plain pissed at us, please remember this. We really are doing the best we can. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now, how about some transparency on the situation? As of this post, the oldest order is from August 11th. Just as you are not happy with that, neither are we. As result, as of the time-stamp of THIS thread, ALL orders BEFORE that time are going to be processed by Wednesday, August 29th 12:00 AM regardless of what time zone you are in. The support staff is simply going to power through these orders. We are going to ignore our wives, girlfriends, friends, and old episodes of Breaking Bad on the DVR so we get the queue back in order. As for orders submitted after this thread, we are going to do our best to get to those to in a timely fashion as well once we are caught up. For those reading this thread, let me ask four things of you to help this process go smoother for everyone: Do not submit fraudulent orders. Processing them is a complete and utter waste of time. No one believes your residential ISP offers an unlimited bandwidth gigabit connection. Input the correct information in your request. If we are going to take the time to review it, please at least have the common courtesy to provide the right information. “Processor: Intel/Speed: fast” DOES NOT cut it. Take the time to find out exactly what you are running. If you don’t know, ask your host or a friend to help you. UNLESS you submitted an order before this thread was made AND it hasn’t been processed AND it is past Wednesday, August 29th, PLEASE DO NOT submit a support ticket asking us about your order. Know our requirements. If your request won’t meet them, DO NOT submit it! I know it’s written differently all over the place, but if your request doesn’t have at least 4GB of ram, Windows Server O/S (we do not accept Vista/7), and at least a 100mbps/100mbps connection in a data center, don’t submit it! We won’t accept it! I hope this thread provided some clarification on things. I will continue to update this post with where we are at the queue so everyone can know. Please also understand that the majority of support staff are at work right now, so the mass processing of orders (even for those who have orders from the 11th) may not commence until 12-24 hours from now. Once again, “As result, as of the time-stamp of THIS thread, ALL orders BEFORE that time are going to be processed by Wednesday, August 29th 12:00 AM regardless of what time zone you are in.”
  3. Their free request is in the queue and will be processed by unpaid volunteers in the order it was recieved.
  4. Official BIS employees will be handling the standalone game's support. All "community support" staff are unpaid volunteers.
  5. We are inundated with hundreds of support tickets and server requests a day, your patience is appreciated. We are currently processing orders from August 27th.
  6. Like I said, if this is a private server, please do not use our naming convention.
  7. We do not allow servers connected to our database to password, lock, kick, or exclude the public in any way. If this is a private Hive, please don't use our naming convention.
  8. urbanfox

    Are they denying everyone?

    I appreciate the criticism and I will take it under consideration, thank you. As for divulging his employer, I was strictly talking about the IP he requested, which would be public knowledge if approved. That IP belongs to MIT. I never said he works there, he divulged that information. That may seem like semantics, but to me it is not. Well, if that's the case, why are you still posting here?
  9. urbanfox

    Are they denying everyone?

    Your server's bandwidth, per YOUR application, does not meet our requirement. Your backbone doesn't matter. I don't understand why you would expect me to bend the rules for you and approve you when others get denied for not having a 100/100 minimum connection.
  10. urbanfox

    Are they denying everyone?

    Well, here's the deal. You should have read the stickies, but you didn't. If you would have read the stickies, you would have known why you didn't get approved (and maybe not even have applied at all). But, you didn't. Let me spell it out for you. Your server didn't get approved primarily because 1) we don't support Windows 7 (which is no big deal as Server could have been loaded) and 2) your connection doesn't meet our requirements. Number 2 is a big deal. We require all servers to be hosted on a 100mbps/100mbps conneciton. I don't really care what your backbone is when the connection to your server doesn't meet our requirements. So, no, you aren't going to be approved on that IP. Because I am dick? No, because it wouldn't be fair to bend the rules for you while others get denied. The rules get applied fairly to everyone. Oh, and yeah, the thing about it being on MIT's network...
  11. urbanfox

    Are they denying everyone?

    So MIT IST will confirm that you are permitted to do this?
  12. urbanfox

    Are they denying everyone?

    So, as a system admin or whatever you are, you didn't know the network's speed? So you provided the speed from from an online speed test? Also, are you 100% positive that the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is allowing you to host a DayZ server on their network? Seems fishy to me.
  13. urbanfox

    Are they denying everyone?

    I find it funny that you are leaving out the fact that your application said the server was using a 75/50 connection. Your server was not approved because 1) it's running Windows 7 and 2) it doesn't meet our 100mbps/100mbps connection speed requirement. Anyone, regardless of host, who meets the requirements gets accepted.
  14. lol, nice. However, I can tell your our ASDL orders don't!
  16. UPDATE: It's been roughly 48~ hours and we are currently working on orders from August 18th. THIS IS A DECEIVING way to gauge progress, however, since orders are submitted in waves. For a more accurate assessment, in the past 48~ hours the team has processed about 58-60% of the orders we need to get done by our deadline.
  17. Just bump the ticket then, I'll keep an eye out for it.
  18. UPDATE: It's been roughly 34~ hours and we are currently working on orders from August 16th. THIS IS A DECEIVING way to gauge progress, however, since orders are submitted in waves. For a more accurate assessment, in the past 34~ hours the team has processed about 38-40% of the orders we need to get done by our deadline.
  19. Can you PM me the ticket number?
  20. At this time, no, all requests must go through the same sign-up system. This is reguardless of if the order comes from a GSP or someone who just rented a dedicated server for their own personal, non-commercial use.
  21. UPDATE: It's been roughly 22~ hours and we are currently working on orders from August 12th. THIS IS A DECEIVING way to gauge progress, however, since we had an incredible influx of orders during that weekend. For a more accurate assessment, in the past 22~ hours the team has processed about 18-20% of the orders we need to get done by our deadline.
  22. We do more than that, and we prefer a more hands on approach, but we appreciate the suggestion.
  23. The process, including instance ID assigning, is virtually all automated, but we hand-check every order to make sure it meets certain requirements (specifically the network the server is on).
  24. urbanfox

    New Server Signup and Ticket System

    If it is a manged server, they will register it for you unless they tell you differently. Thank you for asking.