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Everything posted by urbanfox

  1. urbanfox

    Instance ID and Mission

    If it says "active" AND there is a location/instance ID, you are good to go. If it says "active AND there is NO location/instance ID, ignore it and please resubmit. If it says "pending", then we have not reviewed it yet and all is well.
  2. urbanfox

    Instance ID and Mission

    Ignore the "no". Click "view details" and look for "status". That will tell you what is going on and if it is still pending.
  3. urbanfox

    - S6! - Super Six Private Hive

    If only we had a section for this kind of stuff... http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/64-private-hive-discussion/
  4. urbanfox

    DayZ Support

    Did you even read what I said? "THE LAST TIME I SAW YOUR TICKET...." Actually, all I did was copy and paste the new IP you wanted whitelisted into the magic that is WHOIS. Really, it's not that hard.
  5. urbanfox

    DayZ Support

    FYI, I am JD... As for your ticket, the last time I saw it you were trying to move the servers to an IP that belonged to a residential ISP, http://www.tesat.pl/. We do not allow home hosting. Concerning your thread being deleted, I have no knowledge of that. One last FYI: we are unpaid volunteers. There are hundreds of support tickets and server requests submitted each day. The only reason tickets get answered and servers get approved/denied is because people freely give their time for nothing in return. That doesn't make community support saints, I'm just letting you know because there seems to be awfully high expectations around here.
  6. urbanfox

    Instance ID and Mission

    I'm not sure where you heard you were guaranteed an instance ID within 72 hours. We receive hundreds of support tickets and server requests a day. There was an error in our system but it was already corrected, so since you resubmitted your request you should be fine now.
  7. urbanfox

    Instance ID and Mission

    Please resubmit your requests then. Resubmit your request then?
  8. urbanfox

    Instance ID and Mission

    Like I said, we have no requests older than 3 days. If your request is 8 days old and it says "no", then it wasn't approved.
  9. urbanfox

    Not sure of Admins Powers

    PM me the server info.
  10. urbanfox

    Instance ID and Mission

    We have no orders older than 2-3 days....
  11. Manually edit the ban folder and reload it via RCon. For in-game, log-in via any chat channel "#login password".
  12. Really? How so? Have you bothered reading the rules or are you just talking out your ass? Who said you can't ban hackers?
  13. Yeah, I do think you are a shitty host, especially when you argued with us about overselling your servers, argued that an E3-1230 was an "eight core CPU", argued that we didn't know what we were talking about and that we haven't run a server with many instances before (that was one of my favorite parts), bitched that you have to wait in the server request queue and that instead you should be auto-approved (several times), bitched at us for not resetting your instance ID's when we've already told you several times we don't reset instance ID's, then went on another forum and accused us of resetting instance ID's except for yours (OK conspiracy theorist), and last but not least, my ultimate favorite: blamed the Hive for YOUR network issues at Limestone datacenter and then wanted US to fix them because apparently you think we are also Limestone network engineers. You are one of the most entitled and piss poor attitude hosts I have ever had the pleasure with dealing with here.
  14. If I wasn't a straight married man I'd consider it. Flattery is always appreciated though, so you can have my beans.
  15. If that's what you are doing, putting 12-16 40-slot customers on a Xeon E5-2620, then that's not overselling in my book and you are one of the VERY few hosts who almost has a 1:1 ratio of instances vs. CPU cores (HT-threads not counted). **I HAVE NOT VERIFIED WHAT ERSAN191 HAS SAID. I NEITHER ENDORSE NOR SLAM HIM OR HIS COMPANY*** If you want an example of overselling, please see below. I REALLY can't believe you just liked my post when I clearly said the following: Am I in the twighlight zone? Do you not see the color red? Let's use our time machine and go back to August 2nd on a support ticket... 1) Complained that we cancelled an order that was trying to oversell your server 2) Argued with us that an E3-1230 was, and I quote here: "It's actually an eight core CPU" (NO, it's not. HT threads don't count and there is a reason the E3-1230 is what Intel calls a "quad-core") 3) After being proved wrong, then argued that eight instances can run fine on an E3-1230 and that it's OK because it's your "budget line" of servers 4) After being told firmly "no" again, then said (direct quote here): "Again with 40 slots on a E3-1230 V2, it hardly uses any CPU - around half a core" (UGHH NO...) 5) You then argued that you had tested this yourself and questioned if we knew what we were even talking about You are a shitty host Tyler.
  16. We don't allow home hosting. If you don't like that... don't play.
  17. I don't know who you are, so I'm not adding nor excluding you from this group because I just don't know (and I wouldn't say it on the forums), but the majority of these hosts have been overselling their servers from the start. I can confirm new physical servers are being added constantly, though, so there has to be some increase in customer base (for players who want servers, not in terms of the DayZ player population). The majority of these GSP's are just greedy assholes. In fact, it got so bad, that I've literally had to cancel orders and tell them "No, we aren't going to allow you to run that many instances on your server. You're overselling your servers, ripping off the customer base, and making DayZ look bad". < Had MANY of these conversations. **AGAIN, that post is not directed @ ersan191. I don't know him, his company, nor recall seeing any of his orders. I neither slam nor endorse him or his company. EDIT: A SEVERE WARNING TO ALL GSP's: DON'T QUOTE ME, LIKE MY POST, OR TRY TO COME OFF IN THIS THREAD LIKE YOU DON'T OVERSELL IF YOU DO ACTUALLY OVERSELL. I WILL CALL YOUR HYPOCRITICAL ASS OUT. < FAIR WARNING
  18. urbanfox

    No more auto server Instance ID's?

    The auto-approval was turned on by accident.
  19. You do realize that in less than 6 months this game went from obscurity to over a million people trying it? The mod is doing things ARMA II was never meant to do. If you can't understand the simple concept that obviously a standalone game that is being professionally worked on by a game studio should greatly improve the DayZ experience, then I don't think anyone can help "you".
  20. No, hosts across the board seem to be requesting new instance ID's on new servers as normal, which also doesn't account for the very recent boon of private servers from GSP's. The market is just getting more competitive. It's not like it was even a few months ago when the majority of servers were hosted just by the major players (Vilayer, HFB, etc). There are a lot more start-up GSP's now offering just DayZ hosting. The market is flooded with hosts, so it does nothing but actually help the consumer.
  21. Yes, because there are so many games available to the public that are this popular and in the "alpha" stage...... /sarcasm.
  22. Op, read these posts. Read them 20x or until you understand them. This can't be stated enough.
  23. I'd start with 40 and see how it performs if it gets full and go from there.
  24. Correction* 6 lower population, maybe even 8 depending if they get full or not (didn't see it was a dual-CPU server originally) As for hosting less, but higher population, I would advise against it. The server is not efficiently multi-threaded in the least, so individual core architecture/speed is the actual determining factor. The E5520 is an older generation Xeon and 2.26GHz at that, so a well-performing high population server is kind of out of the question. That's not necessarily a bad thing, though. The server population is already saturated so hosting low population servers isn't going to be a big deal unless your server gets extremely popular.
  25. For optimal performance with the current CPU I wouldn't host more than 3 lower population servers, but that's just me.