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Everything posted by urbanfox

  1. urbanfox


    from the scripts.txt file ? and if so what will that do ? I wouldn't remove it. It's how A LOT of hacking starts.
  2. urbanfox


    well i am trying to point out that its should be up to the servers admins to decide the amont of players' date=' some people want to play whit less then 30-40 people and to pve more then pvp, what you think of this and what you think about the point of the game i dont care about. no one should force people to have 30-40 people playing on a server they have rent them self, in my opinion it should be around 20-30-40-50 etc etc vote for piratbay. [/quote'] Once again, it is NOT your mod. It is NOT your server files. It is NOT your HIVE. You don't want PvP, but it's NOT your choice. The whole idea of Day Z is that it's almost like one big unhindered, undirected social experiment. The point is NOT to alter that. YOU rent the server, but THEY provide the files and access to the HIVE. Just because you offer a server up doesn't give you the right or authority to not follow or change their rules.
  3. urbanfox

    Server hosters - Key Files

    You have to go through Day Z staff.
  4. I think the massive persistent world is what attracts a lot of people. I like the way it is now, but to each his own.
  5. urbanfox

    Beta Update

    I think that happens when it's swamped. Try again now, it works for me: ftp://downloads.bistudio.com/arma2.com/update/beta/ARMA2_OA_Build_94209.zip
  6. Perhaps a new solution should be arranged. lol Simple enough is let servers have there own central databases. Stops most cheating and stops problems. I have also been coding my own DB system as I am tired of the hive going BANG Actually, this would kind of destroy the whole point of the game.
  7. urbanfox

    BattlEye not kicking for scripts

    That's the thing though, it IS in there already. I just turned it back on to see if it was still doing it and now I get incorrect server side application (seems I'm not the only one). I guess when it rains, it pours.
  8. It seems a lot of us are getting this.
  9. urbanfox

    BattlEye not kicking for scripts

    The server has been down since I discovered this -.- Not letting this thing back up, that would be irresponsible. Looking for ANY advice I can get here, guys.
  10. urbanfox

    BattlEye not kicking for scripts

    No, I am not using scripts, but doesn't the default scripts.txt kick for opening that?
  11. urbanfox

    Helicopter crash sites

    Is it just me, or are the spawn rates broken for the crash sites? I found one today with TWO Bizons, 1 DMR, 1 Fal, and 1 M14 AIM... More times out of not in the last 10~ days it seems a helicopter crash site is more likely to have a high-end weapon(s) than just medical supplies/Stanag ammo etc. Thoughts?
  12. Do these look odd? if (isnil 'BIS_GITA_fnc_createMarkers' || false) then { BIS_GITA_fnc_createMarkers or this private ["_dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"onKeyDown",0,107,0,107] execVM "\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf";
  13. urbanfox

    BattleEye off, but why?

    In the script, BattleEye is on: BattlEye = 1; Are you sure it's in the right directory, though (the BattlEye files)?
  14. urbanfox

    Performance Tips/Tricks for DayZ/ARMA 2

    I'm running a 2500K @ 4.7 GHz, 8GB DDR3 1600, and a 7970. I cannot confirm this for all machines, but any start-up parameters like video memory, CPU count, threads, etc have absolutely no performance difference on my machine. Same thing on a stock i5-2400/6950 machine. Just some food for thought.
  15. urbanfox

    Unluckiest Thing That Happened To You?

    Playing with video settings, accidentally hit respawn -.- M107 Bunch of mags Ghillie NGV Blah -.- The funny thing is when I started playing I got so attached to my gear, even the common stuff. But, after being killed so many times, I surprised myself when my first reaction to the respawn happening was literally busting up laughing.
  16. With DC being something like 40m, communicating with an unknown player in-game is pointless because before that range shoot-on-site usually happens. IMO, if some form of a global channel is not allowed, DC range needs to be increased.
  17. You mean dual box? If so, you probably need to run another instance of the game in a VM. < My guess
  18. urbanfox

    Enabling side chat?

    I thought this was now a requirement (that side chat be disabled)?
  19. urbanfox

    [PLEASE LOCK] Are car spawns bugged?

    Seattle 118 went up a few days ago and I can confirm that vehicles are there. Maybe people are getting wise to certain spawn points.
  20. Some make peak times (usually night time) reverse, so it's light on the server. If you are looking for something that is PST time, you should play on Seattle 118 :D
  21. Are talking about the crashed choppers?
  22. urbanfox

    My HFB Server has been down ALL DAY

    I believe HFB said all slot servers in Atlanta were being moved to Seattle, but I'm not sure.
  23. Hey everyone! To help promote the server, this Thursday I will be conducting a treasure hunting contest! Server: Seattle 118 When: 06.28.12; Between 6:30-7:30 PM PST (my apologies to those on Seattle 118 today to whom I told it will be tomorrow night) How it works: During the 60 minute time frame (it shouldn't be hard find it...) I will be the general vicinity of Stary Sobor watching the town. In the town, somewhere, will be an item (announced in-game when the event starts). The first person to find that item will then be directed to the event prize. Event Loot [ (amount) Item ]: (1) DMR (4) DMR Magazines (1) G17 (3) G17 Magazines (2) Bandages (2) Sodas (2) Cans of Food It's not much, but it should be fun nonetheless. RULES: 1. PvP, group up, do whatever you want to win. HOWEVER, do note that I will try to intervene on any camping snipers. I'm not talking about if you are surveying the area with your scope or if you use your sniper rifle on someone, I am specifically referring to not participating in the event and just sniping from the town parameter. 2. If I die before the event ends, the loot will be distributed in the same time frame in an unspecified way (don't worry, it won't be on me). Come one, come all! P.S. My buddy is holding the loot AND he is out of town until Thursday, so don't worry about that loot not being there come the event. Also, leading up to the event, I will try to see if I can grow the pot...