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Everything posted by urbanfox

  1. urbanfox

    As an Admin, how do I deal with this?

    Actually, server admins who actively protect their server already closed that hole ;)
  2. Very interesting. I will check it out when it's back up.
  3. urbanfox

    As an Admin, how do I deal with this?

    At first I was really disappointed with BattlEye, but you guys have to realize they aren't VAC. They don't have a ton of staff, but the ones they do have ACTUALLY CARE. I had a problem with my server, one that was pretty clearly probably my fault, and on the official forums I had a guy from BattlEye PM me and try to help me out through several conversations. THAT is customer service when realistically I am not his customer. Obviously a lot of stuff is behind the scenes and never talked about, but in the last month alone they have stopped A LOT of hacks and banned A LOT of people for using said hacks. So, when it comes to bypasses, obviously BattlEye will have to fight them as they come, there isn't any magic code to stop them all from happening. As for scripts, be proactive! Don't wait for your server to be attacked. SEARCH for hacks. Wait, what lol? YES, search for hacks every so often. DayZxxxxxx obviously did and he posted that link to that script. What do we then do? ADD IT TO OUR SERVER'S SCRIPT DETECTION FILE!
  4. urbanfox

    Banned from seattle 118

    No worries. I replied to your PM, but in case you don't see it, yeah just send me your vent info. I am in California and am actually about to go to eat dinner and go to bed because I have to be up early tomorrow, but I should be on at least from 6:15-7:45 PM PST. I'll keep an eye out for that vent info, thanks.
  5. urbanfox

    Banned from seattle 118

    I am the only admin of this server. I have no idea who this clan is other than seeing them in the players list. No one else had admin access. I physically checked both IP's he sent me as well as the GUID and neither were in my ban list. Do you guys have Ventrilo? If so, PM me, I will send you vent info. Once I can talk to you, I will have you guy(s) try connecting again and see what I can see in the server logs.
  6. urbanfox

    Banned from seattle 118

    So here's what's going on... Neither the two IP's you sent me nor the GUID you sent me are in my ban list... Are you able to join other servers fine? I have honestly no idea why you are being kicked. Do me a favor, see if you can specifically join Seattle 119 & Seattle 120.
  7. http://support.dayzmod.com/knowledgebase.php?action=displayarticle&id=13
  8. urbanfox

    Banned from seattle 118

    When you log into a server, it should show it with other BattlEye info in RED characters. It will say GUID xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx for example. If you can't catch it all, at least try to get the last 5 characters, thank you.
  9. urbanfox

    Banned from seattle 118

    I have seen that clan on, but I don't have any affiliation with them and they don't have admin access. I got your PM, but it only contained an IP address. I can confirm that IP address is NOT banned server side. Can you PM me your GUID? I will check for that.
  10. urbanfox

    Banned from seattle 118

    Hi, I admin Seattle 118. You said you were banned? Can you screenshot what the ban message is when you join the server for me? Also, can you PM me your IP & GUID? The only person I banned in the last few days was someone who was Desync'ing CONSTANTLY. Are you sure it's not a BE ban?
  11. The server is still up because it's a good server and you seem hell bent on 1) not telling the truth about what happened and 2) shutting the server down for no good reason. I'm done posting, not my server, and you aren't my problem.
  12. Actually' date=' as God is my witness, I have no idea who the admin of that server is nor do I know him/her/them. I just happened to witness this all go down and your side of the story isn't exactly the truth at all. They (the server) have not updated to the required beta is my guess. I don't know about that, but I did know if my server had side chat and you spammed voice all over it constantly, I'd ban you too.
  13. You were not only abusing it, but EVERYONE who was abusing it got kicked....
  14. urbanfox

    Script Question

  15. urbanfox

    US168 Password

    US168 has a password: http://img803.imageshack.us/img803/4400/67582545.jpg http://img843.imageshack.us/img843/4196/87115683.jpg
  16. urbanfox

    US168 Password

    Don't know, but it's currently has a password still, although 0/40.
  17. urbanfox

    Global Ban

  18. You can't blame them that you are paying for a server before you got white listed.
  19. http://www.battleye.com/index.html ^ Shows there has been an update http://www.battleye.com/download.html ^ Assuming MD5 would be updated as well, old files...
  20. urbanfox

    Seattle 92 shutting itself off

    On the main page, is there anything under the tab "Scheduled Restarts"?
  21. urbanfox

    Beta Update

    In the zip file, run the installer. When it's @ 100% press OK. In your base arma2/OA folder, you will see the shortcut "Launch ARMA2 OA Beta Patch". This is the shortcut you want to run. I run the retail version and this is how my path looks: "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe" -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -nosplash -skipIntro -maxMem=2047 -maxVRAM=2047 -mod=@dayz -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7 -world=empty
  22. Sometime today BattlEye stopped kicking for scripts. I don't know why nor were any files edited or changed. I was on my server when on map I accidentally pressed down too many times and hit server control. I wasn't kicked. I exited map and tried shift+P and again I wasn't kicked. I restarted the server and it still didn't work. NO files have changed. NO files have been edited. Am I the only one this is happening to? EDIT BattlEye IS enabled and IS showing up as red text, but not kicking scripts.
  23. urbanfox

    BattlEye not kicking for scripts

    STILL have not solved this issue. ANY HELP/IDEAS to get scripts.txt working?