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Everything posted by urbanfox

  1. PLEASE READ THIS Ok, where to begin? First of all Soujyo, you aren't a host. You are a server admin. I'm not being a prick, an asshole, or trying to be rude/mean when I say that, I am just stating the facts here. You are paying another person/company to host the game for you while you admin it. I think that's a very clear disctinction that needs to be made. Admin a server Pro's: A LOT cheaper; don't have to worry about setting the server up; paid support (well, depends what company you go with lol...) Cons: Virtually no control over the server (which itself has pro's/cons) Hosting a server Pro's: 100% complete control over the files/setup Cons: Got to figure everything out yourself/hope there is help on IRC Now, I'll give you two scenarios: Scenario 1: You want to lock your server 5-10 minutes before you restart it to prevent new players from joining Admin a server: You lock the server 5 minutes before scheduled/unplanned restart. 30 seconds to 2 minutes later your server shuts down and you get an email from your host about how locking your server is an illegal configuration. Hosting a server: BattlEye Extended Controls automically locks server, warns players, and restarts server. Scenario 2: Your server is experiencing technical difficulties Admin a server: Email/submit support ticket to your hosting company and let them figure it out. If it's a substantial amount of time down, expect a credit to your account for time missed. Hosting a server: Figure it out yourself or hope someone on IRC can help you; no "compensation" for downtime I guess you could say there are more privleges with hosting a server, but like anything else, there is also more responsibility. It's important to always remember the disctinction between being an "admin" and being the actual "host". With that said, $ permitting, I encourage everyone to be there own host as it's a very rewarding experience.
  2. urbanfox


    You are talking weird semantics now. Bottom line, anyone can run as many isntances of the Day Z server as their machine can handle, nothing against the rules there and LOTS of people do it. In fact, most Day Z servers you join are probably ran on a machine with other servers running as well.
  3. urbanfox


    Day Z server requirements DO NOT say that. Also, VPS has nothing to do with running more than one server instance. FYI, all the major Day Z hosts here do this. There is no problem running multiple Day Z server instances on the same dedicated machine.
  4. urbanfox


    He isn't renting a dedicated server, he is renting a managed Day Z server, which means you admin one Day Z server instance. A dedicated server can run 2+ depending on specs, so if his server cost $60 and he runs 3 @ $30 each that's $30 profit after $60 cost.
  5. urbanfox


    I can't comment on the legitimacy of their site, but $30 isn't out of the question for pricing. When I was thinking about starting to do Day Z managed hosting, through my work contacts I could get a 1st gen i7 Xeon for $50~ and the discount they were giving me wasn't that big. That server would have handled at least two or three 40-50 slot servers.
  6. urbanfox

    hfbservers side chat?

    No host can give you side channel back. If you choose to manually add it back in, you could be blacklisted.
  7. urbanfox

    Host providers

    Got whitelisted for a second server this morning and from registration to whitelisting only took four days. Dedicated is the way to go!
  8. urbanfox

    Host providers

    In the long run, it's your best shot, seriously. Support quality and speed hands down make it a must IMO.
  9. Yep...................................
  10. Trying to reply to a support ticket but website is not working...
  11. Server restarted it self...
  12. Server Status: Stopping... Put in support ticket...
  13. urbanfox

    Host providers

    I can't speak about anyone other than HFB, but they are resellers. They go through professional hosting companies (server stadium, wow rack, etc) and rent dedicated servers from them and then they resell it to us. My advice is cut the middle man out and go through a professional hosting company where you have complete control over everything and get support answers within the hour, not days like some Day Z hosting companies. Also, please don't apply what I said to ALL Day Z hosting companies. I am sure their are some that actually own/have physical access to their servers or if they do resell offer a much better customer service experience.
  14. urbanfox

    DayZ Server

    This is a mod where these people aren't getting paid for this. It's a completely free service for the end-user. I have no concrete guess about how many server hosting requests they get, but I'd be willing to bet it's a ton. Per day. Hang in there, realize this is alpha, and ride the wave.
  15. Newbie, My guess is that it's because they are resellers of the actual servers.
  16. Manually update BattlEye on your server.
  17. Wait, you guys are just reselling, not actual owners of datacenters? Server Stadium, Wow Rack, Limestone, Server Savior, etc resellers????
  18. urbanfox

    New beta patch, 1.61

    Install it yourself with FTP access.
  19. urbanfox

    New beta patch, 1.61

  20. I'm guessing you two don't have Seattle servers.
  21. urbanfox

    New beta patch, 1.61

    ARMA2_OA_Build_94876.zip not backwards compatible it seems.
  22. How many physical cores does your VPS guarantee?
  23. That's an interesting way to talk to customers.
  24. urbanfox

    Banned from Us107 LA1.

    Lots of barbed wire + tents (like, 15 of them?) multiple vehicles, sand bags in a small valley. Also directly east/west/north/south (don't want to give it away...) of a town... Wasn't hard to come across for me.
  25. urbanfox

    Banned from Us107 LA1.

    Interesting... I stumbled upon this camp last night. All the tents + barbwire were there, and three vehicles, all of which were undriveable. Thanks for the ammo and M249, though :D