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Chronic Smack

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Everything posted by Chronic Smack

  1. Chronic Smack

    Raptor Militia is currently recruiting

    Name-joe Steam name-chronicsmack Age-17 Skills-im good at pvp, long distance combat is my best though, love the dmr m4 lee enfield and the m1911 also i know chernaus like the back of my head General location- usa
  2. Chronic Smack

    Loking for more PpL

    hey man send me your skype name and lets play some dayz
  3. Chronic Smack

    Vets putting together a bandit crew !!!!

    Player name : Samsung Admin Steam name chronicsmack Game experience : (ex: Vet , rookie , ect ect.) Vet Role : Support, Medic, Sniper, Pilot Fav. gun combo :M4A3 CCO, M9 SD, 2x Frag, 2x Satchel Where are you from : United States of America, Illinois Activity : ( ex: Casual , hardcore , active , ect ect ) Hardcore
  4. Chronic Smack

    Bandit Clan

    Im looking for people who want to get a big bandit group together must be 15 or older to join also must have skype, a mic, and must not suck at playing dayz. To join leave me your skype name in the comments.
  5. Chronic Smack


    okay will we be going on foot or by vehicle
  6. Chronic Smack


    im 16 and im fine with the timing im usually always on
  7. Chronic Smack


    Steam ID:chronsmack Teamspeak Y/N: Skype: (will be used to confirm recruitment)chronicsmack In Game Name:ricky Current location and gear in non Hive servers:spawned in resantly do to death Experience and what will you bring to the table:im a good chopper pilot and a great sniper/recon