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About TsukasaKun

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. TsukasaKun

    Considering coming back....What's new?

    Yes I got dayZ commander and updated DayZ. I'm talking about the beta patch. All the servers are running different versions of it and i'd have to switch ever time I want to try out a server.
  2. TsukasaKun

    Considering coming back....What's new?

    Thanks for the info! I went to play DayZ last night and almost all servers were a different version than mine! Is there some sort of "one size fits all" version?
  3. So I stopped playing dayZ in like late July. I'm thinking of coming back. From what iv'e read, there is a lot of new stuff. Private hives? Bandit/Hero skins? Dogs?? Can somebody explain or provide a link explaining these and other important things I should know about? Thanks.
  4. TsukasaKun

    Military barricade in Cap golova

    Looks pretty cool, regardless if duping was used. at least they didnt dupe to block the doors of every building.
  5. TsukasaKun

    How do you lose zombies?

    Well you could: Run into a building and run out the other side Run and Run building a massive train of zombies and then shoot your buddy in the leg The less honourable, frowned upon, (but most effective) disconnecting despawns all zombies chasing you.
  6. I think you lose Items while swimming because it would be hella hard to swim with all that heavy ass gear. Have you tried swimming with a fully-loaded backpack and a rifle? I'd imagine you'd just say "fuck it I don't want to drown" and drop your gear to preserve your life.
  7. TsukasaKun

    Best place to find Alice pack?

    I think in general stores they spawn most, or churches, but I've seen them spawn in random sheds in the middle of nowhere before. But the best location to find an ALICE pack is on the back of the guy you just shot for his ALICE pack.
  8. TsukasaKun

    What weapon was underwhelming to you?

    The crossbow looks to be garbage. I've seen too many videos of its fails to use it, such as this one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFGM81i5eYA
  9. TsukasaKun

    Any bandits enjoy CQC?

    Anyone else hear CQC and immediately think of Metal Gear style CQC?
  10. My logic for killing others: All weapons are a threat. All threats must be eliminated If a stranger has a weapon, then he is killed If a stranger does not have a weapon, then he is not killed all this logic goes out the window when I newly spawn, as I have nothing to lose.
  11. TsukasaKun

    Is anyone friendly anymore?

    I'm only friendly If the person in question is not a threat. Also if he or she has signifigantly more firepower than me, which only happens if I just respawned. Hell, I have nothing to lose, so I might as well take a chance.
  12. TsukasaKun

    Alternative to blood transfusions

    back to the front page for moar lulz.
  13. TsukasaKun

    Add a sexual anxiety meter

    Back to the front page with ye!
  14. TsukasaKun

    Add a sexual anxiety meter

    LOL. So now when that bandit shoots you and you go unconcious, he can also "have his way" with you too. funny stuff.
  15. TsukasaKun

    Alternative to blood transfusions

    I'm rating 5 stars cause I laughed so hard. Oh, and we can already kill/eat pigs in DayZ, so I guess that makes us all racist. :D