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About dustinw888@hotmail.com

  • Rank
    On the Coast

Contact Methods

  • Skype

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  1. dustinw888@hotmail.com

    Experienced Player Looking For 16+ Aged Players To Group With.

    add me on skype dman1214 ive played arma for 6months and im 17.
  2. dustinw888@hotmail.com

    Looking for players to join current squad

    hey dude im looking for a squad, im on all the time and have been playing for 3months plus. skype: dman1214
  3. dustinw888@hotmail.com

    Looking for a Dayz Squad.

    Ive been playing Dayz for about 3months now and know the game pretty well, i play on chernus the marjority of the time. looking for someone that is 14+, with a mic, and skype, or ts3. skype: dman1214