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Everything posted by luvanb

  1. luvanb

    Looking for admins

    You Banned Me from The Team Speak ?!?! WTF
  2. luvanb

    Looking for admins

    Sorry ^ For got my IGN:luvan_000 or luvanb_000 Skype Add Name: luvanb From: New Zealand But in South Africa Currently for Holiday
  3. luvanb

    Looking for admins

    Hey,Mate I was Actually waiting for someone to make a Post like this one!! I came across This One and Saw you are Recruting/Requesting Admins! I would like to Apply For Admin Or Moderator Position On This Server I have a lot Of experience On DayZ Admining I can give you Application.Please Excuse my Caplisation In a Few words Now and Then. Age: 15 Timezone: GMT Daily playing hours: 6-10 Do you have a microphone that you can use on teamspeak,Skype: Yes. Why do you want to be an admin: Well obviously I want to minimise the amount of rule breaking and create an enjoyable experience for the whole player base. But more to the point I would like to become admin to help and encourage new players, provide them any assistance they may need, and generally aid any player in any way they require in a polite, respectful and accelerated manner. Finally I would like to help relieve some of the stress of the other staff members by being active and helping consistently. What could you bring to the team: I could bring my commitment, I would try me very hardest to provide players with informative and helpful answers to all their queries, I would do this frequently to make sure all players have an enjoyable experience. Also because of my previous experience I have a great understanding of appropriate sanctions and the best means to deter rule breakers, by simply making fair unbiased decisions. Also I have high amounts of time and patients, which I think would be essential when helping players come to grips with rules and any problems that have. Do you have any knowledge of plugins or have any experience as an admin: Yes,I used to run a small server of our own, just for fun. It had a small player base but none the less I acquired many beneficial skills, for example I have learned the basic use of permissions. I am highly skilled,as well as Keeping The server run smoothly.Finally when I was an admin with A Freind I learnt many of the appropriate commands and helped all players in any way I could. Do you understand that you can be removed from the admin team at any time: Yes, of course.No Abusing Powers Or Freebies....... I don't hope my age Makes a Impact Of Chance of Becoming A Admin... Thx for Reading :D