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Everything posted by dirtyzerg

  1. dirtyzerg

    Found A New Item!!!

    its a cool concept but really most groups/clans are using skype/vent/ts3 etc anyway..and i doubt many people will care to talk to random people within 100m of them..
  2. dirtyzerg

    System to Punish KoS

    pvp is staying...along with KoS.. look..the thing is..no matter what they do to discourage KoS the majority of people who do it (including myself and my friends..) do it for the sheer enjoyment..I could care less about loot being destroyed or me getting some "bandit" appearance..hell they could make it where if you kill 15 innocent survivors/"heroes" you start bleeding to death and unable to stop it and i'd still kos.. even the ones who do care about loot being destroyed..guess what will happen ? hold up or knock out with a shot, handcuff...take blood..take loot...and then..execute..so you still die either way what else would you have me do after gearing up ? kill zombie npcs? build bases ? really..this isn't minecraft..
  3. because forcing people to play the way you want to play always works out and everything is fine ? really this is a bad idea..if you want first person only then add a server flag to disable third person at server owners choice, forcing the entire community to play how you think the game should be played will do nothing but deter people from both playing and buying; word of mouth is powerful among gamers especially..and when probably over..no..WAY OVER half the playerbase goes about telling potential buyers not to buy it because some elitist have convinced devs to cater to the playstyle they enjoy will not end well Here is a better example..if its such a good idea then how come like 80% of first person only servers on the mod..remain empty ? exactly my point
  4. dirtyzerg

    Reason behind your username?

    In my CSS days as a pub star after obliterating half of a 30 man CT team with the name "Zerg Rush!" a well known player in the server named "DippityDoo", quite the funny fellow coined the name as I was coming through CT spawn after my killing spree with the line "We got a Dirty Zerg coming from behind!" and I used it ever since..
  5. dirtyzerg

    easy way to boost fps

    theres not alot you can do even with a beast rig you won't get more then 60 constant and thats on beast machines..more CPU intensive then GPU
  6. dirtyzerg

    Share your noob stories

    me and two friends were going from a supermarket raid into the woods, one of my buddies spotted a player coming toward us from the wood, he had the m21 sniper or w/e it is and a bandit outfit..the guy had obviously spotted us and was moving tree to tree trying to get a shot on us, we used direct and said something along the lines of "its three vs one..you'll lose buddy..back away now and we can all have a good day" about that time the bandits buddy flanked us with a kobra..we could of easily killed the bandit when he was coming toward us as one of us had a M16 and the other a DMR.. never try to talk to bandits..shoot on sight
  7. dirtyzerg

    Dayz Auto Run - [Application]

    thanks my finger was getting cramped holding W all the time for 10-20mins at a time.. ignore the peeps calling it lazy/hax/noob etc..they seem to not understand the difference between a video game and a chore
  8. dirtyzerg

    the admin of US 3055 is a child

    or investigate and remove it from main hive if its a main hive server..like its supposed to be..pretty sure the agreement to be on main hive specifically says NO ADMIN ABUSE, server owner should be notified of said admin and remove them from admin list or be prepared to lose official status..in my opinion, especially if theres a hacker running rampant and that admin was too busy banning people for side chat..
  9. dirtyzerg

    [L85]Am I bannable?

    think it depends on server admin..not sure..heard all different stories found hacked weapon on body -> banned forced to get in hacked vehicle, "get in or die" -> banned teleported around by a hacker like he was friend -> banned are they true ? dunno..just what i have heard of happening
  10. dirtyzerg

    Dont get too carried away

    i just hope they don't get too carried away with the "realism" aspect, like pooping..i mean honestly everyone always says "MOAR REALISM!12!" but then when its actually put in it becomes more of a chore then a game and quickly loses entertainment value The UI is a good example, completely removing it from the SA would be a mistake in my opinion, not everyone is a hardcore player..forcing the casuals to play a certain way never goes well as casual gamers make up 80% of any population and if they feel overwhelmed they will leave, if it must be done I hope they do it correctly by giving servers an option to run the game on "difficulty levels" or something and not forcing people to play the way they "see fit" as dictating gameplay always ends up going south DayZ is already considered a hardcore mod and the UI we currently have isn't exactly amazing as I can't tell the difference between 1000 blood and 100 blood, I can only imagine colorblind people have it worse, not being able to tell between 8000 and 1000. There is a fine line between acceptable realism and pain in the ass realism, if I have to stop to "poop" every hour or two thats just annoying and I honestly don't see what it contributes
  11. dirtyzerg

    ArmA II Free no longer on Steam?

    funny cuz i own combined ops on steam but opt to use Arma Free because Arma Free is 1.75 GB while Arma 2 full is 6.5GB..just saying not everyone is a cheapass..some of us just don't want to uninstall our bigger games for Arma 2+OA
  12. So me and a buddy play a lot of diff games and for some reason on most DayZ servers he will have a solid ping of 25-30MS while mine is 40-250MS, even tho we live 2 blocks away from each other..his internet package is 2X my speed (his is 6MB Down/1up, mine is 3MB DOWN/500KB up) but that shouldn't cause my ping to be 250-300+..? I am wondering because I get kicked every like hour or so when ping hits 300ish His is always 25-30MS..never gets above that..so why does mine shoot up so high, I thot programs in background doing it but nothing in resource monitor
  13. dirtyzerg

    How is ping determined in DayZ ?

    My computer is the only thing connected to the internet..and from what I can tell nothing interferes with the connection DayZ is the first game I have played where I connect to a server that tells me 20ping and after connecting my ping shoots up into the 100s/200s, every other game is fine..such as CSS, L4D, WoW, HoN where when I connect to a server telling me 20 ping..while playing it stays 20-30MS..DayZ on other hand.. My friend has no problem..we have the same ISP and router provided by that ISP..the only difference is the packages, 3MB is still pretty decent download..is fast enough for the price I pay..and again this is the first game where I have been effected this way so what could be causing it.. I thought maybe there is something interferring so after I got kicked from the server for high ping again I went and loaded up CSS and played for a while..my ping stayed 30-35MS in a server with 50 people..but on DayZ when I connect to a 20MS server it instantly goes to 40MS when I first load then starts rising from there on til I get kicked after about an hour, nothing is showing up in Resource Monitor as using network other then arma2ao and the svhost.exe's, which the svhost's only are using like 5-20 send/recieve at any given time..is same when I am playing other games or not so that can't be what it is..
  14. So I spent 18$ on Arma+OA during cyber monday because people said DayZ was fun.. I would love to take there word on it..but considering how huge of a headache this MOD is to even play..I have to question that. Lets start from the beggining WRONG CDKEY 4 hours of fixing this leads to Kicked from server because of wrong signatures on some goofy files 3 hours of fixing that WRONG VERSION 2 hours of fixing that You have been kicked off the game 45 minutes of that..and I am burnt out.. Out of the 20 or so hours I have put into DayZ..only 5 of those hours were actually spent playing.. I log off for the night Get back on and guess what..WRONG CDKEY Good luck with the standalone version, maybe it won't be such a pain in the ass to play yea? and dont worry ill prob buy the SA..but i am just fed up with the MOD..having to reinstall every day just to play for short amounts of time before some hacker comes in and teleports everyone into the sky just isn't worth my time, maybe SA will fix that and not be such a headache since it will be updated thru steam
  15. dirtyzerg

    One does not simply play Dayz..

    1. I use commander 2. I don't reinstall the entire game..I VERIFY THE CACHE, big difference there. I have to do it everytime I join a server otherwise I get "wrong siganture for xxx.pbo" crap. But thanks for advice..i guess..
  16. dirtyzerg

    One does not simply play Dayz..

    the solutions given took more then one try to fix it, the regedit only took 30 seconds..verifying thru steam every time i change servers or get killed by a hacker etc equaled out to about 4 hours waiting for the verify/redownload 1 file thing.. WRONG CDKEY was the easiest one..the rest have been the shit driving me crazy..especially that "WRONG SIGNATURE FOR xxx.pbo" crap and then when I get on the next day back to square one with WRONG CDKEY
  17. dirtyzerg

    Can't enter any server.

    having similar problem today..played fine last night now when i join server i can play for about 50 seconds before "Session Lost" or "You have been kicked off the game"
  18. dirtyzerg

    New news

    Using VAC is somewhat discouraging..as most people know VAC is meant to be supplemented by Server Admins due to the fact VAC is a delayed ban system, and also allows "skinning" or "material" changes which can be exploited to give advantages, such as colored models/wallhacks etc with no risk of ban by VAC
  19. I keep gettin kicked from every server after I run like 10 feet, it doesn't say why I have tried verifying thru steam, reinstalling everything and etc..I am up to date dunno what to do..help? I just bought Arma 2 and OA to play DayZ :(
  20. dirtyzerg

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    4 years ago quad cores were like 220$..and no game even utilized them so i bought dual core for much cheaper, i can get a phenom x4 965 black edition now for 100$..and a 1GB video card for like 120$-150$ which i guess isn't bad..ill prob end up coppin a quad core this comin up month i just hope my GPU is strong enough to bring atleast 40FPS in the standalone because if its based on Arma 3's engine, the minimum for Arma 3 is like 896MB of VRAM and my 4830 is only 512mb, if i could splooge on myself at will I would, but I got kids and chirstmas is killing me on money..
  21. dirtyzerg

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Well that sucks..I just bought Arma2 and OA to play Dayz this week.. I hope the standalone's system requirements aren't insane like Arma 3..some of us still live on a budget, ill have to wait for the Sys Requirements to be released before I buy the standalone.. I imagine with Arma 2 being old there is quite a bit of Day Z players who are in the same boat waiting for the Sys Requirements..hope you guys keep that in mind as you don't want to lose half of your players because of hardware or end up splitting the community between the MOD and Standalone