I am getting a new computer for Christmas, and I need to know if it can run DayZ Mod/DayZ. http://www.walmart.com/ip/CyberpowerPC-Gamer-Xtreme-GXi440-Desktop-PC-with-Intel-Core-i5-3470-Processor-8GB-Memory-1TB-Hard-Drive-and-Windows-8-Monitor-Not-Included/21978262 Yeah yeah yeah I know, its walmart, but I dont care. I know its graphics card is terrible, so I am planning on getting this one, I would appreciate feedback on it also. http://www.walmart.com/ip/Diamond-Multimedia-ATI-Radeon-HD-6570-2GB-GDDR3-PCI-2.1-Graphics-Card/20636840 Thanks!, Mehh