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About onimaru

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. onimaru

    Squad xml not working at all

    Finally got it working with webs.com. Man this is way more troublesome than the last few games with custom logos my guild played. Anyway thanks a bunch for all the help.
  2. onimaru

    Squad xml not working at all

    That website isn't working either. The nickname and player name are the same thing right? The only thing I can think of that I might be doing wrong is getting my name or ID wrong, or putting in the squad url wrong. I just pasted http://www.smasht.byethost7.com/test/ into the squad url.
  3. onimaru

    Squad xml not working at all

    I made it 256/256 in photoshop as a .png file, then converted it to .paa in texview 2. Not sure what could be going wrong. I'll try that website for the info.
  4. onimaru

    Squad xml not working at all

    Yeah, I put the .png on the drop box file. See if that worked.
  5. onimaru

    Squad xml not working at all

    See if this works. Thanks for the help. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vadnyf7vlsbjkzj/s9LMIzUH6-
  6. I'm sure this has been posted a thousand times but i've been trying to get this crap to work for days and i'm all out of ideas. I've filled in the squad xml using my exact playername as listed in the profile menu, converted my clan's logo into a .paa file, and I uploaded them to a public folder on my dropbox account. I used my ID number from the ArmaII:AO menu and pasted the link given by the dropbox public folder into my squad url. But nothing at all shows up in-game and when I load the xml as a webpage the emblem doesn't appear, instead it tries to use a sqd_logo.png that doesn't exist. The fact that none of the information shows in-game leads me to believe that either dropbox isn't allowing dayz to access the files or that I might be inputing my player info wrong somewhere. Any help would be greatly appreciated, here's hoping they simplify this crap on ArmaIII.