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Everything posted by Thornir

  1. Hi there. The server should be up again now.
  2. Thornir

    FR10 random ban

    Note, I tend to get restriction #49 when I enter the server control screen ingame (as in, by going into map and choosing server control, if done on logon, or after aborting first it seems to work normally.)
  3. Thornir

    DE #33 Admin Abuse

    Wonder if "AMG" is the clan that actually runs the server, or if someone just get voted in as an admin?
  4. Thornir

    So.. being a server admin can get interesting.

    I guess someone has to repopulate the world.
  5. Thornir

    permabanned with no warning by tnbdare

    I'll be monitoring that, and requesting a blacklisting if you do ban him for not breaking any rule on YOUR server. thats your warning. No offense, but you're acting fairly aggressively for someone trying to score a pity unban for your friend.
  6. I'm also experiencing this issue on our server. Good to see I'm not alone atleast.