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Everything posted by ov3rj0rd

  1. Hello I am currently with SS and I am thinking about switching over to dayz.st, few things I want to know first. Is the map tool equal or greater than SS's map tool, can i drag and drop or anything like that? On the map tool can i see players and vehicles live? do support tickets get answered relatively quickly? Are the updates for the maps up to date? Im still with an old version of arma and old namalsk, they promise to update but coming on to day 4 with no update Do the server restarts actually display messages in game? ive tried BEC and it works after first restart then no warnings after that. Thanks in advance
  2. Okay that's all the info I need, thanks!
  3. Hello I am currently with SS and I am thinking about switching over to dayz.st, few things I want to know first. Is the map tool equal or greater than SS's map tool, can i drag and drop or anything like that? On the map tool can i see players and vehicles live? do support tickets get answered relatively quickly? Are the updates for the maps up to date? Im still with an old version of arma and old namalsk, they promise to update but coming on to day 3 with no update Do the server restarts actually display messages in game? ive tried BEC and it works after first restart then no warnings after that. Thanks in advance
  4. Yeah what's the deal here, I asked if I could have my map changed to namalsk on Friday but didnt get an answer untill yesterday saying that they were going to be putting up bliss 4.3 with namalsk 0.73 support last night...
  5. SS, I have sent a support ticket that was created on Thursday about the Tc admin login errors, it is now Saturday and no reply... I have also asked on that ticket to switch my map to Namalsk 0.73 on Friday and its been over 24 hours for that to happen. I am now getting database sign in issues (it just refreshes the screen when I try to sign in), and my map tool says incorrect user/pass... what is going on?? Ticket #121022
  6. Hello, I am wanting help to set up server restarts on my server every 6 hours and have in game warnings at 10,5,4,3,2,1 minutes. I have the BEC installed on my server and I know where to go to add it all, I just don't understand how it works. Thanks in advance
  7. hey, im very new to this server thing and im on survival servers and trying to figure out how to use phpmyadmin. first of all i have no clue in hell how to read the vehicle "worldspace" coordinates [319,[4128.79,7511.07,-0.049]] for example. i also need help with trying to spawn items in the vehicles like putting a food item in a vehicle like for example: [[[],[]],[["ItemSodaCoke","ItemBandage","ItemPainkiller"],[5,2,3]],[[],[]]]. lastley, how do i edit my character loadout so when i join my server i get say a gun and ammo. many thanks
  8. okay thank you, and do you know how to edit the amount of default rows so the server will fill those with vehicles? right now its max 30 and i want to change that to like 100