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Brute Forsyth

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About Brute Forsyth

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Brute Forsyth

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    No, keep it, but fix it so it actually stops zombies, doesn't produce graphical glitches, and creates bleeding rather than broken limbs. The issue some people have with it being used to deny access to certain buildings - it's a legimate tactic, so find a toolbox and/or deal with it.
  2. Brute Forsyth

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I'm using and beta patch 95883. Still getting graphics glitches at Balota airfield (and a building nearby, weirdly). Also, friends that I was playing with experienced getting teleported back to spawn points upon logging in, and one even got teleported to the 'wilderness'. Could we get an explanation of how the 'multi-generational' humanity system works, please? It seems clear that a players humanity carries over from one life to the next, but could we get some detail? Thanks! Keep up the good work, but please, can we have fixes for issues that should have been resolved weeks ago (such as getting teleported to the wilderness)?
  3. Brute Forsyth

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Thanks for the hotfix and yesterday's update, Rocket/team, much appreciated! Few things I noticed having tested it for an hour or so just (as a fresh off the beach survivor): # Checked out two barns, but couldn't safely enter either due to three zombies standing inside each. The zombies were also clipping each other badly, practically inside one another. They didn't walk around or away either, but did move on the spot. # Found a zombie trapped inside a wooden platform, directly on top of a loot spawn point. I threw a tin at him, but it didn't catch his attention. # Visited a castle, only four of the twelve loot spawns actually had anything, and of those four, three only had one item apiece (a compass, a watch, and something else of low value), and the fourth only had empty tin cans. The other usual loot spawn spots had nothing at all. # Is crouch walk slower now? I don't really mind, just need to be more patient now, and it can add to the tension of 'am I going to get spotted or not?!', just wondering. # Zombie line of sight seems much better (compared to yesterday), whilst still making them more observant and dangerous. # Player visibility seems a bit odd, at least compared to what I was used to in 1.7.0. Often a bar or two higher than before in similar situations, and yet player sound seems very low. Thanks again!
  4. Brute Forsyth

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    The vast majority of us seem to want this game to be more of a challenge and, on paper, this update is a great step in the right direction. The zombies in 1.7.0 were one of the few weak point of the game to date - half-blind, low in number, and with odd movement and animations that broke immersion, they were easy to avoid. Making strafing crouch runs and staying just outside their detection radius worked a treat, and crouch walk when close. Too easy. Undoubtedly a huge part of why the game previously could seem more of a PvP FPS game with zombies than proper zombie apocalypse survival with PvP. However, the new zombie senses go beyond merely adding more difficulty, and instead veer sharply towards leaving a player feeling cheated. And in my opinion, that's one thing a game (and this is a game, like it or not) should never do... few things piss off a player more than the game seeming to screwing them over beyond their control. The zombies in 1.7.1 aggro with a ridiculous sensitivity at times. A couple of examples, I was crouch walking inside a building, on the second floor, yet somehow that was enough to send two inside and up after me. Another time, a zombie sensed me through a hill/mound, despite me completely out of its line of sight. And this despite me playing more cautiously/stealthily that before, due to knowing the intended changes. I'm sure I could adapt, but the point remains the same - these zombies seem to have senses far beyond what reasonable. Yes, they're more challenging, but not in a good way. They're challenging because they can spot you through walls and terrain, and you have practically no way of getting half-way close to them, of being sneaky, stealthy, unless you give them the widest berth. If this could be adjusted again, fuck, tonight's update is amazing. No starting weapon, water or food gets a huge thumbs up from me. And I was really excited about more dangerous zombies (they definitely should do more damage, spawn in greater numbers, etc). It's literally just the zombie super senses/sensitivity that can practically cheat a player.
  5. Brute Forsyth

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    Good shit: # New zombie sounds and animations are great - some of the new noises are disturbing, haha! # Starting without a weapon will make things much more interesting, although I suspect it won't change much for experienced players, and will be brutal on absolute newbs. But whatever, they need to be scared, killed and taught a lesson early... # Game runs smoother than before. My frame-rate seemed much better. # More zombies! And spawning away from buildings, seemingly, too. Keeps the player on edge, even out in the sticks! Bad shit: # Zombies can see/hear TOO far. I'm up for their senses being increased over what it was in 1.7.0, but seems excessive now. They're supposed to be zombies - stupid, instinctual, easy to deal with in low numbers, but with the capacity to fuck you up if you get careless, especially amongst numbers. Whilst a fan of Romero-style zombies too, I can deal with the fact they run in DayZ as it makes it more difficult, more interesting. But the infected seem like undead super soldiers now, with super senses to match. The changes to crouch run visibility only compound this further. --- I'm sure I, and most players, will adapt. Hell, it's part of the fun, and poses a challenge most, again, will relish. But the new zombie senses buff has gone slightly too far, in my opinion.