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TG ! Jimmy

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Everything posted by TG ! Jimmy

  1. TG ! Jimmy

    US 3480 Ban Appeal

    Temp bans for spam typically don't last long--just enough time to get everyone to stop yelling "stay out of sidechat!". For some reason, people think that by yelling into side chat, it will somehow get other people to stop using side chat. In any case, sorry for the confusion--glad to see you're joining us in US3480! Cheers, Jimmy
  2. TG ! Jimmy

    Starting public hive character

    Thanks for the recommendation, US816 and US3480 have a lot of time spent on them in terms of admin. It's nice to see that it's not unnoticed! Join us anytime :D Cheers, Jimmy
  3. Hey mate, For what it's worth, I host US3480 and US816 with HFB, and have always enjoyed it. They aren't "as big" as other names out there--but personally I don't find that to be a bad thing. The service is good, and they are quite fair when it comes to billing. I like the fact that they have Group Pay setup, so my guys can pay directly towards the server bill if they so choose, and the ability to "put my hands on" the files. Moving forward, I have never bothered with third party anticheats. Quite frankly, I would never even consider paying for one. If you keep all of your files up-to-date and have knowledgeable admins on staff, you will still run into people that cheat but hopefully you can clean them up. I have to hand it to my admin, they do a great job. I spend a lot of time updating, as well as double-checking their work, and maybe this investment of time is something you'd rather avoid. My point is, you don't need to pay for anticheats for your server--even if it's heavily populated. Cheers, Jimmy
  4. TG ! Jimmy

    Your favorite high populated server?

    US3480 runs on GMT-10 so it's daylight hours are roughly 1030-2230 (eastern) if this helps you out at all. It's NY based, so you may ping nicely there as well. Happy hunting! Cheers, Jimmy
  5. TG ! Jimmy

    Your favorite high populated server?

    And are both owned/operated by Tenacity Gaming B) thanks for the recommendation, we appreciate it! :beans:
  6. Gurdz, I'd be happy to work this out with you. PM me and include your in-game name, and GUID, I'll look right into it! Cheers, Jimmy Edit++ You've been unbanned, thanks for joining us in US3480!
  7. Just a semi-shameless and fully audacious post to pump up the Tenacity Gaming Vanilla DayZ Server. Vanilla. As in plain old Official Hive DayZ with no frills, no extra mods, no brass poles for us to create a gentlemen's club and watch strippers play (there is a bit of glitter though). Just DayZ as intended, in all of it's original glory. The server is based in New York, and seems to ping well for the majority of the US, and the UK. We've got a teamspeak that's open to the public; however, it is passworded. You can find the password in the MOTD of the server. Sure, putting the password in the MOTD is a bit like baiting. We're masters. Pun intended. Ok, enough of my slanderous filth, let's meet up in-game! US 3480 Tenacity Gaming Vanilla DayZ 2352
  8. TG ! Jimmy

    US 3480 Invisibility/Teleporting

    I'll happily look into this for you. I will scan the logs and compare the data with what you've listed here. Thanks for the report, hopefully this is a one-time occurance! Cheers, Jimmy
  9. TG ! Jimmy

    New player lookin for pals.

    Thanks for mentioning the server :) you're free to join our teamspeak and play with the TG guys whenever you'd like! Cheers, Jimmy
  10. TG ! Jimmy

    Trying to get back into the swing of things..

    Hey goofy, Feel free to stop by 3480 (cheers, Flux, for the recommendation btw) where you can get right back into the swing of things. There are usually plenty of players in there, and for whatever reason they tend to be generally well-behaved and I would almost dare say "nice". There's plenty of action, banditry, and all that (ofc) but you'll likely make some friends to play with. We've got a teamspeak as well, you're free to join in on the chatter. Connection info scrolls in the MOTD. Hope to see you out there. Cheers, Jimmy
  11. TG ! Jimmy

    Been Banned from US 3480 ( Accident)

    Could you please provide us with some more information? Are you sure you're being banned--and not just kicked by a BattlEye filter? What are you using for an in-game name? What are you seeing for a message when you connect to the server? Help us help you ;)
  12. TG ! Jimmy

    Introduce yourselves

    Love your traffic guys, thanks for coming to US3480 B) Cheers, Jimmy
  13. TG ! Jimmy

    Vehicles not resetting/respawning on US47

    Hey mate, If you have access to the FTP of your server--PM me, and I can walk you through a fix. PM me your instance ID I will see if Razor's around, as he can also help out with this. Cheers, Jimmy
  14. TG ! Jimmy

    Are there any official servers left?

    Feel free to check us out at US3480. Vanilla DayZ, 60 slot, have a teamspeak setup if you'd like to jump in. Info for TS scrolls in the server MOTD. Server info in my sig, but you knew that ;) Cheers, Jimmy
  15. TG ! Jimmy

    SSD Gone Read-Only ?

    mZLY, When you install your SSD and set it all up (ie. installed Windows) did you have other drives connected to your motherboard? I've heard of users having issues doing this--and always recommend only having the SSD installed/connected whilst installing your OS. Making sure the SSD is set to AHCI, and using a reliable controller on the motherboard, as some boards have more than one controller. I prefer to use the Intel controller if there is one. I know it's of little use to you now, but when you setup the SSD again you could benefit from reading through this guide. It's really informative and will help you squeeze the most performance out of your new drive/install. Nothing to lose now, yah? Rebuild her! Cheers, Jimmy
  16. TG ! Jimmy

    US 3480 - Banned Players

    Cheaters Detected: AddWeaponCargo Violation: 26.06.2013 08:38:29: Kyle (IP) 0735c05c460a6bed07531b08a109ea13 - #0 "PK" 0:0 26.06.2013 08:38:29: Kyle (IP) 0735c05c460a6bed07531b08a109ea13 - #76 "PK" 0:0 26.06.2013 08:40:49: Kyle (IP) 0735c05c460a6bed07531b08a109ea13 - #0 "PK" 0:0 26.06.2013 08:40:49: Kyle (IP) 0735c05c460a6bed07531b08a109ea13 - #76 "PK" 0:0 Video of "Kyle" in the server, brought to my attention by one of our regulars. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r87S33Ra7ao&feature=youtube_gdata
  17. TG ! Jimmy

    SSD Gone Read-Only ?

    mZLY, If this is a brand new drive, I'd poke around the manufacturer's forums. It's possible that this issue arises with particular firmware versions, and maybe you could flash it. If this is a used/older drive, it's possible (a tad unlikely, but possible) that it's hit it's expiration. With SSD's they can "expire" when the amount of writes/deletes has reached a certain amount--although unlikely, it's definitely something that can force an SSD into "Read Only". Worth exploring a bit. Cheers, Jimmy
  18. Hey Domi, Myself and my Admin Staff have been DaRT users for quite some time. Running into tons of issues with v1.0 as far as getting/remaining connected--and evidently issuing bans isn't working either. Last night my Admin were reporting that they could connect via DaRT; however, that was all they could do. Is this a common problem? Sorry for the bug report via forums, didn't know a better way. Cheers, Jimmy
  19. TG ! Jimmy

    The amount of Rangefinders is too damn high

    ....changing my name to Reception.
  20. TG ! Jimmy

    Need help to confirm the battleeye kick #53

    Hey Apple, I'd check into your AddWeaponCargo log--track the player and see exactly what it was they were kicked for. AddWeaponCargo refers to them moving a banned weapon from their person/pack/tent/etc. It's possible they had a hacked weapon/item (which your log will tell you) or that there is just an error in the filter and it was kicking for a reason it didn't need to. In which case you could comment it out, whitelist the item, or change the value from "5" (kick) to "1" (log). Cheers, Jimmy
  21. TG ! Jimmy

    US 3480 - Banned Players

    Remote Exec Detections: .06.2013 19:08:48: proAsason (IP) 74b7e945f8dcbc5affa5fe82038905ac - #0 "if (isServer) then {"dayzLoginRecord" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) call dayz_recordLogin;};"rcmd" addPublicVariableEventHandler {}; BIS_MPF_ServerPersistentCallsArray = [[nil,nil,"per","execVM","ca\Modules\Functions\ini" 14.06.2013 19:08:48: proAsason (IP) 74b7e945f8dcbc5affa5fe82038905ac - #4 "if (isServer) then {"dayzLoginRecord" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) call dayz_recordLogin;}; "rcmd" addPublicVariableEventHandler {}; BIS_MPF_ServerPersistentCallsArray = [[nil,nil,"per","execVM","ca\Modules\Functions\ini" 14.06.2013 19:08:54: Jawsh (IP) 8732e28c2a5350ecf457f10422c411a3 - #0 "if (isServer) then {"dayzLoginRecord" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) call dayz_recordLogin;};"rcmd" addPublicVariableEventHandler {};BIS_MPF_ServerPersistentCallsArray = [[nil,nil,"per","execVM","ca\Modules\Functions\ini" 14.06.2013 19:08:54: Jawsh (IP) 8732e28c2a5350ecf457f10422c411a3 - #4 "if (isServer) then {"dayzLoginRecord" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) call dayz_recordLogin;}; "rcmd" addPublicVariableEventHandler {}; BIS_MPF_ServerPersistentCallsArray = [[nil,nil,"per","execVM","ca\Modules\Functions\ini" 16.06.2013 16:32:29: [s.T.A.R]Lusaosko (IP) 0e6f2fe518f4a0acbc888ce1fbf01a0a - #0 "allUnits = [];" 16.06.2013 16:32:29: [s.T.A.R]Lusaosko (IP) 0e6f2fe518f4a0acbc888ce1fbf01a0a - #161 "allUnits = [];"
  22. TG ! Jimmy

    To Everyone Complaining About 1.7.7

    Just on a personal note: I do my best to sneak around, and avoid zeds (especially the "viral" ones). I got myself an infection when helping someone out yesterday--so I took my fancy ass to the woods and kept killing animals to grill and eat. I survived doing this by killing/eating every few minutes to keep my blood up. I was able to survive a few hours doing this until I got the antibiotics I needed. Was this harder? Sure. Did I survive? Yes. I suppose my point is, you can get infected and write it off as a death--or you can do what you should be doing in a survival game...fighting to stay alive. That's just my $.02
  23. TG ! Jimmy

    Loot tables after 1.7.7

    The tables have all been changed. For the most part, you'll notice much less "loot". Things have become more rare, it's not just you! Cheers, Jimmy
  24. Here's a very basic dirty way to get your server up and running if you're having issues after "updating" to 1.7.7 I host through HFB Servers--so I can only attest to this working on their servers. I suspect the issue happens with other hosts. It seems to me that their "install" or "update" feature isn't properly replacing the former .pbo files with the updated ones. -Save off backups of both your mission file and your dayz_server.pbo ++If you're hosted through HFB Servers you can find these files in /IPOFYOURSERVER/@Hive/Addons/dayz_server.pbo as well as /IP/MPmissionFiles/instanceidofyourserver -Once you've saved off backups of those files, delete them from the server via FTP/Filemanager -Download the new .pbo for 1.7.7 and re-up it to the @hive/addons directory (can get if from Razor's post here if you'd rather) -Generate a new mission file and up it to the /mpmissionfiles directory using the instanceid_chernarus.pbo format as your old one -In the "updates" section of your admin panel, install the latest arma beta (103718) -double check your config files on the server to make sure your passwords/difficulty/hostname are all good -download the latest filters and install them in /serverip/HFBchernarusOfficial/battleye Restart the server, and join. Give it a few minutes to launch the mission. Should work, from here. If not, you can also use the "install" option for 1.7.7 after manually replacing the files--and that should work. This is far from ideal, but it seems as though HFB's "install" isn't currently replacing the .pbo files and that's causing issues. Hopefully this is a quick and dirty way to at least get people's servers back up and running. (it worked for me) Cheers, Jimmy p.s. big ups to Faco for the filters and a myriad of other resources...as always