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TG ! Jimmy

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Everything posted by TG ! Jimmy

  1. TG ! Jimmy

    US 3480 - Banned Players

    US3480 has been updated to 1.8.1 Cheers, Jimmy edit: the server host has yet to provide any updates at all to the clients, so I have manually updated the server. I'm working on getting the latest ArmA patch on there as well, but for now that's on the "to do" list. Sorry for the delay, working best I can.
  2. TG ! Jimmy

    US 3480 - Banned Players

    It's possible your character had old data saved on the hive, and when you tried to join with items that are now banned in DayZ--it kicked you for this. If you're able to join another official hive, check your inventory. If there are items in there from previous character use, that would likely be the reason behind this. Else, you should be able to join the server. Cheers Yes, we will be updating very soon.
  3. For what it's worth, I own and operate US3480 and it's a US based Official Hive server. As of this reply, the rank is the toilet due to downtime on the hive last week; however, I suspect that will turn around over the coming weeks. We were ranked 19th in the world prior to the downtime. It's barely related, but I feel obligated to speak on Faco's behalf. I will personally vouch for the RAID WINE servers if that means anything. Faco is a great admin, and knows DayZ code well enough to determine who is and is not cheating. There is no reason not to play FR34 or FR129 if you're looking for a non-US official server. Cheers, Jimmy
  4. TG ! Jimmy

    HFB Servers - What's going on?

    Double thread: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/197700-hfb-servers-whats-going-on/
  5. TG ! Jimmy

    HFB Servers - What's going on?

    I'm willing to guess this has been remedied by now, as my HFB server was down--and is now back up. In any case, checking your hiveEXT should also give you an indicator if the issue is the gameserver, or it's connection to the hive (assuming it's an official hive server). If you've got repeated lines of: 2014-05-22 04:31:59 Database: [Warning] Could not connect to MySQL database at xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10060), retrying in 1 seconds2014-05-22 04:32:22 Database: [Warning] Could not connect to MySQL database at xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10060), retrying in 1 seconds2014-05-22 04:32:44 Database: [Warning] Could not connect to MySQL database at xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10060), retrying in 1 seconds2014-05-22 04:33:06 Database: [Warning] Could not connect to MySQL database at xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10060), retrying in 1 seconds2014-05-22 04:33:28 Database: [Warning] Could not connect to MySQL database at xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10060), retrying in 1 seconds2014-05-22 04:33:50 Database: [Warning] Could not connect to MySQL database at xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10060), retrying in 1 seconds This is your server telling you it cannot connect to the hive to pull your instance's data. Basically your game server is able to launch the mission, but at most you'll get the lobby screen you showed in your images. Other times you may simply see "wait for host". In any case, hope you got it sorted. Cheers,Jimmy
  6. TG ! Jimmy

    US 3480 - Banned Players

    It's up now, sorry for the downtime.
  7. TG ! Jimmy

    Im back to the mod!

    He meant 3480 :) I appreciate the recommendations, guys. The server's been under attack for a bit, but should be back up soon. Check back, this is a pretty rare instance. We'll get back to surviving one way or another.. Cheers, Jimmy
  8. TG ! Jimmy

    Any Vanilla DayZ Servers Left?

    Shhh it's bandit-bait! Don't tell...
  9. TG ! Jimmy

    Any Vanilla DayZ Servers Left?

    I guess, Bullet, that DayZ needs audacious old gasbags such as ourselves. We're the dinosaurs that still lurk around telling people "back when I started playing..." and sharing old war stories. The game has come a long way, and it's great to see the progress--but I suppose you've got a great point about players not finding (what I will call) real DayZmod. Oh well. Free beer in Elektro tomorrow! Cheers, Jimmy
  10. TG ! Jimmy

    Cant connect to database or ftp

    Probably a bit late, but when you're connecting via FTP client, are you using port 8821? Most game servers will use a virtual port (88xx) for remote connections, seeing as they are virtual machines. Just an idea! Cheers, Jimmy
  11. Pretty straightforward information here, guys. We're a small group of mostly 20+ year old curmudgeons who like to bullshit in teamspeak, play DayZ together, and generally raise hell. We're picking up active mature members. I don't simply mean "over 14 years old" here--we want people who are fun to play with, even when they are killed or lose gear. None of that whining business, we can't take the time to spank you and tell you not to worry about loot. We share gear, and work together all the time. We play on our own official hive home server, US3480, which is a New York based server that is typically ranked between 45th-75th in the world. Looking now it's ranked 87th, so I'll have to work on bringing the activity up a bit--but you get the idea. In any case, we tend to fill the server every night (50 slot) and we often times will run vehicle repairs, do bus tours, chopper runs, looting missions, or generally raise Cain in a particular area. We have a few heroes and of course some of the finest bandits in the land. Cheers to TG ! Triton for his -1,000,000 humanity, he's the Mayor of Cherno and somehow has the lowest humanity in the whole damn town. Don't ask. We welcome members from across the Globe, realizing that the server's location will be your ultimate decision-making factor. We're currently offering asylum to members from Central US, Northeast US, Southern US, and the UK. Did I mention the free beer? Yah. Free beer. Not really. But seriously, we have it. If you'd like to join our band of merry marauders & audacious gas bags please fire off a PM to me to obtain our teamspeak info. Being able/willing to join teamspeak, and play like a semi-respectful human is really all we ask of you. Cheers B) Server info is in my sig, but you could see that already...right?
  12. TG ! Jimmy

    US 6313

    Hey Skyboxii, WIthout knowing any history on your server, I'd quickly verify that you are running all the most current DayZmod files and that you haven't made any changes to your dayzserver.pbo or your mission file. Typically when you are stuck at "wait for host" it's either the server itself not being able to auth with the CDN certificate server or the mission file is trying to call a bogus instance ID. Things I would do: *Verify you setup the server the way you intended (official or private?) *Verify your serverside files are all up to date *Use only default files (if you care to change anything, do it after you're up and running) *Wipe the server and start over You could also open a ticket with HFB to have them double check your hosts file. I know there was a point in time where they had a bad host for the CDN, I wonder if maybe you have this same hosts file as well? Just an idea. Cheers, Jimmy
  13. To anyone that cares, or may (or may not) have noticed: US3480 Hosted by Tenacity Gaming has moved from it's old IP to a new one: Cheers B)
  14. TG ! Jimmy

    US 3480 - Banned Players

    It means you were kicked then banned from the server for illegal weapons. Either scripted in by you, or someone else--and you were using/moving them in your inventory.
  15. Hey Antiquote, I've held my server with HFB for over a year and a half. Been through dozens of tickets, IP changes, DDoS attacks, basically all of the trials and tribulations of running a game server. HFB isn't unlike other GSP's, in that you're asking for support from people who are most likely glorified volunteers. It's not a business where they can pay three shifts worth of tech-support folks to sit around replying to tickets--so you're likely going to have a couple people check in on tickets in their evenings/off time. It's a slow process. Sadly. Resolutions tend to take a couple days, depending on the issues. I agree, the initial reply could certainly come through faster--and that is what frustrates clients the most. The worst thing you can do for yourself is to close your ticket and start over. The ticket system will shuffle you to the end of the line, and you're essentially starting over. If there were 25 calls ahead of you, and you make it to be only a few away from being answered--then you cancel and start over...well you get the point. You seem like a calm and patient guy, and that's going to work out well for you. No one wants to respond to a ticket that's full of flaming and threatening messages. The person reading and responding to your ticket isn't the cause of your problem, just there to try and help if they can. Keep doing what you're doing, and remember once your ticket is submitted just leave it alone. Updating it constantly or creating new tickets will not better your position in line! Cheers, Jimmy
  16. TG ! Jimmy

    Any Vanilla DayZ Servers Left?

    I should have read this more carefully. US3480 isn't down, just was under attack for about 12 hours. It happens from time to time--but it's not at risk of disappearing anytime too soon. We're still up and running, and glad to have you play with us! Cheers, Jimmy
  17. TG ! Jimmy

    Any Vanilla DayZ Servers Left?

    FR129 is also up: Great server and great admin if you're in need of an EU server. Worth checking out. Cheers, Jimmy
  18. TG ! Jimmy

    US 3480 - Banned Players

    Jozef PL please send me a PM on the forums, and we can sort this out. Cheers, Jimmy
  19. Check out FR129 over on great server, great admin. Faco runs a good show over there. Cheers, Jimmy
  20. TG ! Jimmy

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Must have been a cold morning ;)
  21. TG ! Jimmy

    I need help :(

    Stephen, Glad to see you've decided to manage your own server. It's exciting, and there's a ton of info that can be gleaned from the OpenDayZ community if you poke around. Also, as plain of an answer as this seems, have you tried searching these DayZ forums for help? Few people are going to be scouring these forums to find someone to go help. If you have legitimate questions, which is sounds like you do, it may benefit you to spend some time here rooting around. Asking short detailed questions. I bet you'll find some help. I try my best not to be a nazi about grammar, but just a little punctuation might also help you to make a clearer point. If your first language isn't English, then you've done a great job. If your first language is English, just remember that forums etiquette does matter to some of us old gasbags...you know...those guys that you're asking to help you :thumbsup: Cheers, Jimmy
  22. TG ! Jimmy

    How easy is a server to...use?

    Hello, Some Game Server Providers (GSP's) will give access to certain things straight from the TCadmin panel. HFB servers offers a basic, but I would assume useful, set of tools to do some of the things you asked about. Using tools like these is extremely easy, they are designed to allow admin to run their server with sort of a point and click method--rather than have experience writing their own scripts or editing coded files. Should take some guesswork out of this for you. As with most things, trial and error is the fastest way to learn. Don't forget research...you won't find all of the answers simply by asking on the forums! Disregard the "cancel" symbols, as I run an official hive server they are options that cannot be used. I believe on a private hive server, all of these options would be enabled. I don't know, I do everything manually. I wont go over everything else Kichilron already covered, but feel free to ask more questions. We'll answer what we can. Cheers, Jimmy
  23. TG ! Jimmy

    Unconscious problem for all my players

    That's exactly what I was going to recommend doing. Whenever you're going to modify, do things... one. step. at. a. time. Cheers! Jimmy
  24. TG ! Jimmy

    FR 34 Ridiculous admin ban

    Hey mate, It would be kind of you to change your thread's title to something similar to "Resolved". Or anything other than what it is. The name would be misleading to someone just cruising the server forums--seeing as how it was a misunderstanding. Think it over! cheers, Jimmy
  25. TG ! Jimmy

    What kind of food recipes do you want in DayZ

    At first i wanted to call you crazy, considering the time (and ingredients) required to make a proper pulled pork. Then you mentioned cornbread. You, Sir, have my beans. Cheers, Jimmy