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TG ! Jimmy

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Everything posted by TG ! Jimmy

  1. TG ! Jimmy

    Hi Helping with DayZ servers.

    What? This smells borderline graveyardy. What is the meaning of this? This isn't a section to apply for any type of admin position, maybe Google translate has lead us astray here. Cheers, Jimmy
  2. TG ! Jimmy

    US3481 Private Hive Is Open!

    There are still people that play the mod! I swear, we exist! :P -Jimmy
  3. I've had no such luck...
  4. TG ! Jimmy

    US 3480 - Banned Players

    US3481 Is officially live! I have setup a private hive server on the dedi, so you can join US3480 for all of your Official business...and US3481 for your Private business. Did that sound dirty? Good. -Jimmy
  5. TG ! Jimmy

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    HA would naturally be a great option. In terms of IOPS, I guess it would depend what type of hardware you've got available. If there's an option for SSD's then it would be the best route--seeing as how much of a pig ArmA is, more IOPS = more happy survivors. If not, I guess we'd be able to use any RAID setup you have handy. We can fine tune this plan. Cheers, Jimmy
  6. TG ! Jimmy

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    No rush. Just ideas for the future! It wouldn't be altogether difficult to throw together a small "new hive" for a few of us to join into--we'd just have to centralize a few things. A certain amount of uniformity would be a must, and agreeing upon certain things. But really, it wouldn't be much to worry about. Cheers, Jimmy
  7. TG ! Jimmy

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    The hive is up for now. There were some ideas flying around the other day during the downtime. I think one potentially viable option would be for admin who run vanilla servers to band together. This could potentially mean creating a private DB that is shared among the few remaining vanilla servers (a new hive). Of course, this would be one hell of an undertaking--and even though there aren't all that many vanilla servers left it would be a substantial database (in terms of bandwidth). If it comes down to it, we could rehash this idea. But it's something I'd consider. I have unlimited web space, and unlimited bandwidth at my disposal. It could potentially be a road we could go down. There likely aren't more than a half dozen of us left anyway. Might be worth the investment in time. Cheers, Jimmy
  8. TG ! Jimmy

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    I could tell you it isn't... but I'd be lying.
  9. TG ! Jimmy

    US 3480 - Banned Players

    The official hive itself is down currently. The game server is running fine, but it will do you no good since the server can't connect to the hive. I'll be putting up a private hive server on the same dedicated server asap and will post the info for it. Since the official hive is (er...was?) hosted by HFB servers, who have all but died, it seems we may be in for a little roller coaster. Hang on tight, and keep an eye out for US3481 Private Hive. It's coming. Cheers, Jimmy
  10. Couldn't have said it any better. It is entirely asinine; we are being forced to throw security out the window to allow people to simply find the game server. It's about a step and a half better than forcing clients to bring their PC's to my server room and plug into a rusty old 10baseT hub if they care to game at all. Cheers, Jimmy
  11. As of right now the official hive is down. It was hosted via HFB Servers, and they seem to have faded into the mist. Allegedly the CEO sold the company off a few months ago (without so much as a notice to clients) and the new owner/s were going to overhaul everything. Take this for what you will, but the Official Hive is going to suffer for some time. Like Razor suggests, I'll be launching a private hive server for the meantime. Cheers, Jimmy
  12. TG ! Jimmy

    US3480 Official Hive Vanilla DayZ

    Ah, yes, the Steam Group! I have a link to it... Click here! Feel free to join it--I plan to use it to keep information handy to those users who care to have DayZmod information inserted into their grocery holes. Free beer in Elektro tomorrow, Jimmy
  13. TG ! Jimmy

    US3480 Official Hive Vanilla DayZ

    This is correct. We're waiting on Josh, who is waiting on Gamespy, who is...well you get the point. Everyone's waiting on someone else for this whole beta patch mess to be sorted. If it ever gets sorted, we'll be able to reclaim the glory days. Glory holes. Water holes. Infected water. Boil it. Cheers, Jimmy
  14. TG ! Jimmy

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    Link to Download Enjoy, Jimmy
  15. They have the best prices I've seen anywhere for dedicated equipment. Certainly worth your while, if a dedi is what you want. Cheers, Jimmy
  16. Yes, What Kich said up there^ I went with just a cheap ($33/mo) VDS from NFO, little three core virtual private machine. Just wanted something that would be able to run our server, but give me root access. Cheers, Jimmy
  17. Would have been nice to get a 'what is going on' message over a month ago when my server tanked from 19th in the world to "offline" and never recovered...
  18. This has actually been going on for a couple of months. Sorry to see you had the same issues. We had a our server hosted via HFB servers since 2012, and have always had great support (not unlike you). We began running into issues every billing period, as in: the server would go down on the 15th-17th (depending which day of the week it landed on) and then remain down for a few days. Presumably until HFB actually paid their bill to the direct hosts. The last ticket I had replied to was in March, the outage was blamed on a DDoS (even after being migrated to their "DDoS proof network") and I was told: These regular outages (once a month) had begun in August of 2013, and each time I was simply told "It's working now!" or some other reply that left a bad taste in my mouth. To be quite honest, when I ran the traceroutes it was clear that HFB wasn't hosting anything--simply reselling--and I was fine with that. I did the same thing when ran a small GSP, not a big deal, it's expensive to Co-Lo. ++Link is to the true host, HFB is reselling my server from Moving on, my expected outage in May didn't earn me a reply after server questions and borderline threats. I decided if it happened again, I'd pull the plug. We have long since been a loyal customer, I've even gone as far as to defend HFB on what could be accurately called too many occasions. We stood with a $45 credit in our account (entirely community funded server) and of course the bills automatically generate and pay from our credit. I'm sure the money is long since gone. To be fair, HFB grandfathered our DayZ Server Package, and always was very good to us on crediting downtime--and never upping our price even after constant upgrades. There is little sense in their information they provided us with, but it was only $25 a month--so I figured we'd stick with it until it was too taxing. See screenshot below: Our slot count $20, our initial charge $30, and recurring charges of $25...all basically lead me to believe they had no organization going on with billing. Didn't matter, the bills were always paid ahead of time--and any issues were credited. Until now. The server has gone down regularly, with zero replies to tickets, and zero replies to my recent questions. I've now canceled our service entirely, and opted for a dedicated server that I can actually manage--as it's just entirely too much of a pain trying to beg for help once a month (or more). I canceled, requested a refund for our poor service since May 18th (the time of my last ticket that went unanswered after a 5-day downtime) and also a refund of the $45 that was in our credit. I don't have high hopes. Guess we're both just examples of customers who tried their best to stay about, but there's no use staying aboard a sinking ship. Cheers, Jimmy
  19. If you download the "Full download: Server files" the particular file dayz_server.pbo lives within the @Hive\Addons\ directory inside there. Does this help? Cheers, Jimmy
  20. Ok, I'll check with Razor. He's the man for the job, and can get you set up. Cheers, Jimmy edit: It's being looked into as we "speak"
  21. You're trying to get a server whitelisted so you can join it to the official hive, yes?
  22. TG ! Jimmy

    Arma 2 Will not let me downgrade

    Try renaming your entire \expansions\ directory, rather than just \beta? You can certainly play with two different versions, so you should be able to iron this out. Cheers, Jimmy
  23. TG ! Jimmy

    Looking for a Vanilla DayZ server!

    Thanks for the recommendations, fellas. Cheers, Jimmy
  24. TG ! Jimmy

    Any old DayZ mod servers?

    We're bouncing back from a weeklong downtime, but the traffic has been steadily flowing back. Hopefully we're back up to 50+ people during peak hours soon! Cheers, Jimmy