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Everything posted by pozzuh

  1. Me and my friend found a V3S Civilian 2 days ago. We went around the entire map collecting good loot. Today my friend had to go for a little while, we drove the truck into a forest, saved it and logged out. A few hours later we logged back in again, did some inventory management and saved the truck again. We drove for about 15 minutes when the server crashed all of a sudden. After the server came back up we spawned in the place we were when the server crashed. The truck wasn't there though. I'm 95% sure the truck spawned at the last save location, because we had this happen 2 times before. We tried tracking our way back through the forest but we just can't find it. We've both been searching for about an hour now. I'm pretty mad about this, I wouldn't be so mad if we lost it by getting killed, because hey, that's the game. But this server crash shit is just outrageous. http://i.imgur.com/MXiKN.jpg These are the weapons we had, we had spare car parts, 20 meat, ammo for most of the weapons, ~10 morphine, ~20 bandages, ~10 blood bags and loads of drinks.
  2. My fps seems to be pretty bad in DayZ. When I play the ArmA 2 OA SP my fps is about 40 on average. But when I play DayZ ( my fps is 10~15.. These are my current ingame settings, http://i.imgur.com/TN0l4.jpg changing them doesn't really seem to do anything. I start the game with call "%_ARMA2OAPATH%\Expansion\beta\ARMA2OA.exe" "-mod=%_ARMA2PATH%;EXPANSION;ca" "-mod=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion" -nosplash -mod=@dayz -cpucount=6 -exthreads=7 -maxmem=4096 -skipintro My computer specs are: AMD 1090T, 6 Cores at 3.2ghz 8GB RAM HD6970 My FPS was a bit better in 1.7, but still not as good as it should be. Any idea about how I can get better fps?
  3. pozzuh

    IF this was an actual game...

    Game purchase only with a kickstarter.
  4. pozzuh

    Should we scrap bandit models?

    Yes, but there need to be more downsides to shooting random people. There still needs to be away to distinguish 'good' and 'bad' people.
  5. I've played a few lives of this mod, it worked fine. Now I spawned a new character and got in the debug area. I walked east for a long time and I found the first village. I can see zombies in the village but they won't kill me for some reason. I don't have any items at all. Pressing esc->respawn just respawns me in the wilderness. What do I do? My mod files are up to date since I played fine this morning. I don't have any walking sounds either, and I'm pretty sure players can't see me eitehr.