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Everything posted by MrMarsmall0w

  1. MrMarsmall0w

    Kicked off the game

    Haha! Tried to join a game but got kicked because my name was to long x)- "Jack the hunter" maybe a bit too long, but come on, this is ridiculous;P
  2. MrMarsmall0w

    Kicked off the game

    Yea it was an admin but still it´s a pretty dumb reason to kick someone because of that:P
  3. MrMarsmall0w

    Maximize Frame Rate On DayZ and Arma2 - Low Frames Fix

    Wow seriously dude thank you:D Had the game on 8-10 fps, after this i had it on 25-30 fps:D thank you so much mate:)
  4. Hello everyone! My name is Andreas and im 16 years old ( 17 this year). im looking for people that are 15+ and enjoy casual gaming but also might want to be serious every once in a while:) I would like you to be a social person that have no problem talking, i´m recording videos for youtube so someone that isnt shy to be a public person:) You don´t have o have any experience in the game at all as long as you have the game, it dose not matter what map i´m playing as long as it´s fun. A group about 3-5 people or maybe a bit more depending on what you think:D Get in contact if you are interessted and i will give you my skype name ( you must have skype so that we actually can communicate) :) If you do youtube yourself that is a plus;)
  5. Sounds good so far:) the problem is that @Aramilnailo you live in the US could be hard with the time difference other than that it sounds good:) And @Perls you sound like a fun gang to hang with too, but do you live in the US too?:)
  6. MrMarsmall0w

    Bandit clan/squad looking for members!!!!

    only have 1 question, what isteamspeak and do i have o pay for it?:)
  7. Yeah sure:) My skype name is: "Mrmarsmall0w" on skype too:) Just make sure you live near the timezone GTM+ 0, it could get hard too play if we are to far away because of the timezones but we could try:)
  8. MrMarsmall0w

    Just looking for a group to play with.

    Okey well seems like a nice mixture of people:)
  9. MrMarsmall0w

    Just looking for a group to play with.

    All i´m looking for is people that lives in the timezone around GTM+0 and are mature, social and someone that enjoys playing in a groups:)
  10. MrMarsmall0w

    Just looking for a group to play with.

    Haha no problem for the reply;D I might check the clan out but i just think it´s hard to remember 25-30 peoples name:) And also i´m not all to experienced with dayz so i might be a burden instead;D
  11. MrMarsmall0w

    Just looking for a group to play with.

    Hey:) i´m also looking for some guys/girls to play with:) I live in sweden so the time difference shouldn't be a problem. I´m 16 years old and i play dayz casually not like a hardcore clan group for example but i don´t have any problem playing the game a bit more serious:) Would like a group of maybe 3-4people:) I use skype and i talk a lot so be prepared;) I also use a lot of smileys etc when i type as u might have noticed, i ould also like to record the gameplay for youtube upload if that´s okey:)