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Everything posted by Guam

  1. Hey everyone. Alright I'm getting a error that says "Bad animation file format in file 'ca\anims\characters\data\anim\sdr\cts\c1_briefing\sykes1_c1briefing.rtm'." I've looked up how to fix it and tried verifying the game cache through steam twice and that didn't work either time. Infact it made it worse because now I get the error on startup when before it would be as I'm loading into the game. Well hopefully someone can help me with this but as far as I've searched I've found nothing to fix it.
  2. Guam

    Error I can't seem to fix.

    Ended up reinstalling it and well it worked I don't know why it needed to be reinstalled but it looks as if I can continue playing DayZ now thanks man.
  3. Guam

    Error I can't seem to fix.

    I'm going to try that if I can't figure anything else out.
  4. Guam

    Updating Arma?

    Sweet thanks man I'll try it out.
  5. Guam

    Updating Arma?

    Hey guys before I even go into what I need here I'm just going to say I'm a noob when it comes to stuff like this (I just recently started playing games on the computer ^^) Anyway what I basically need to do is update the Arma beta patch (I'm pretty sure that's is what they call it) to 99153 and I'm not entirely sure how to do this think any of you could help me out? Thanks.