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Everything posted by crosa

  1. And yes Ive made sure the taviana filter isnt set... for some reason my commander is only showing taviana servers... here are the filters I have set Hide Unresponsive Hide Full Any Mod Hide Locked Hide Wrong Versions (both arma and dayz) Day Only Third person yes Crosshairs yes Ive always seemed to have problems finding a lot of servers but now its just taviana servers I am updated to the patch would this be causing the issue? thanks
  2. Yea I rolled back my DayZ from to 1.7.6 and all the servers are back... guess no one wanted to apply that hotfix to their servers lol
  3. crosa

    Anyone found a machete yet?

    you should post a picture of the machete, Ive yet to find one as well and would at least like to see what it looks like.
  4. crosa

    The Notorious Can Incident

    seriously.. the cans arent even a big deal, I dont know why everyone is focused on it... I for one am stoked for all the other stuff like the quiver and straight line running zombies.. oh and the freaking machete...
  5. Love Rockets eating Anims... those are gunna look awesome!
  6. crosa

    Penta kill by hatchet

    Brilliant I never catch damn bandits like this lol
  7. crosa

    DayZ Roadkill - Video

    Im honestly suprised you lasted as long as you did would have thought the ram that sent you flying onto the fence would have definetly killed you lol
  8. Sorry if this is in the wrong place but I am Just fed up with my low frame rate and crappy graphics settings so im looking to upgrade my CPU and Motherboard and was just wondering if I could get some Ideas on which CPU would be the best? I'm looking to order through Newegg and I'm wanting to get a CPU/Motherboard Combo under $300. Ive had the same CPU/Motherboard for about 6 years so its defiantly time to update, and my graphics Card is a GTX 460 so I know its not the card causing my Low FPS its my old AMD processor... Thanks for any suggestions :)