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About jujume

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Really fun server, I've been playing for a few hours and it is very fun indeed. It's a shame such a really fun server is suffering from a lack of players, because its really good! We are getting a ts sooner or later aswell.
  2. Sorry, I must've typed wrong in the above one. Sourcarrot, I live in sweden.
  3. Ohi, I've been playing DayZ for a couple of months. I've recently been playing with some guys but they have quit playing... And it's quite hard to find people playing DayZ in my age. I'm -NOT- looking for people around the age of 16, but maybe more around 13. I'm 13 myself, I sound like a little kid and shit. I mean, I might be a kid but I'm at least not as stupid as the ones that scream on the loading screen of cod. Anyhow, just comment below, tell me your steamname/skype. Yes, you need a mic because there is no way I will play with you if you can't talk throught mic. Text-chat playing dayz with friends? No. Just no.Lets say the age limit is 16. Okay? And I don't give a shit how you sound like or how good you are at the game, just looking for a friend to play with! (As long as youre not an alcoholic kid who screams on the loading screen of cod, rages because someone headshotted you from half across the map with a shotgun and killed you? That was probably me. No hacks, just skills.)
  4. jujume

    Looking for player to coop

    Oh.... Because, I'm 14. Soon 15... But I've played the game for a really long while.
  5. Hey, names jujume. I've been playing DayZ for quite awhile now, and I never get tired of it. Tho, my friends stopped playing it and now I find nobody to play DayZ with so I thought I'd go post here. I'm looking for someone around the age 13, 14. Maybe 15. Since I'm 14, and for some reason I have a very childy voice, most people that I try to play with keep insulting me and saying "stop playing dis game u call of duty faggot kid". So I'm looking for someone to play with. Skype: w-dark-heart-w SteamID: STEAM_0:0:38721904 Thanks, -jujume.