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Everything posted by Companion

  1. Companion

    DayZ 'Grave Yards'

    At allot of apocalyptic scenes there are so called 'Grave Yards' like a traffic jam were lots of people died due warfare or zombie virus outbreaks due some one is already infected? This would be a nice asset to the DayZ Standalone or the current DayZ. These graveyards could be goldmine for scavengers, survivalists and bandits since it is a soup for bad or good experiences that could help or destroy people on a single place. These graveyards are used in many series like 'The Walking Dead' or various of movies, this can be seen as a simple traffic jam or a simple farm, shopping mall or even some local market. Further I do understand that people could be against it and should be seen as a suggestion and not an actual implementation. This suggestion might be posted already but not found in my search queries on the forums.
  2. Companion

    DayZ 'Grave Yards'

    Guys lets remain on topic here...
  3. Companion

    DayZ 'Grave Yards'

    Ambulances, Police Cars, Militairy Trucks, Repair Vehicles, Domino Pizza Mopets its all in the mix!
  4. Companion

    DayZ 'Grave Yards'

    It could be implemented on various of ways, such as just 4 or 5 vehicles with limited loot or 10 to 20 with some what 'more' loot and more zombies passing trough. Could include police cars or ambulances or what ever as a big bonus or what ever but this simply will cause wars between survivors and stir up the 'soup' of the game and make people fight for their worth how then ever. There are so many ways to implement it and there could be copyright issue's or what ever with this since its used in many scenes of movies, series or games. From my experience with standard 6 to 8 cars and average loot: People started gathering materials for wars,People became strategic and tactical for conquering the loot,Some times it even included wars/pvp for more then 5 hours straight,People started negotiating each others and group up just for loots,When spawn/event stuff is known it will be a bloodshed most of the times,People get up early ;)
  5. Companion

    DayZ 'Grave Yards'

    That is exactly what I have meant with the entire topic. There are lots of beneficial things with it for PVP and PVE and grief/trolling purposes. Back when I had a private hive I made them my self which was a huge benefit for my server AND every one loved doing it and woke up early (Some times 3 AM) just for the 'Grave Yard'.
  6. Companion

    DayZ 'Grave Yards'

    Actually a 'Zombie Grave Yard' is a place were many people died and became zombies and 'stick around' solo or a horde. For example: Apocalypse has breached and every one wants to go north for saving their own guts and they get in a traffic jam, one man is sick in a car and dies and turns into a zombie and infects all other people and now the zombies are lost and boundless wandering around for a peace of meat/brain. Because people have died they left tons of food and plausible weapons around that can be used for scavengers or survivors and as a bandit... you know what to do ;) You sir have my beans :D
  7. Hello there, I have been away for a period of time due the release of Day Z standalone arround the block I have made time to resurrect my community and start various of brand new projects focused on DayZ and a bunch of other games. We are a sponsored group of players that want to expand our self into a bigger group (Trough out Europe) that will aid focus on our goals and achievements. First of all who are we? The Archnoob also known as 'PPG' has been around for a wile on private hives together with several other 'friends' we liked to compete against each others and grant our selves some laughs wile trolling once the game turns into night. We are a focused group working on improving our knowledge or skills about various of aspects within various of games and MMO's and we are a pretty open and widely spread group. As a group we are always on Team Speak 3 which is provided by our sponsor Creative Hosting and if you are a company and you are reading this you want to sponsor us as well feel free to PM me. Our sponsor deliver us various of Game Servers and Materials with a huge discount so we can run our community and maintain our activity on various of ways which gives us total freedom in what we can and what we want to do in our online world and living. In the past we have owned several DayZ and Counter-Strike: Source servers which have been running for quite a wile, and we want to bring our focus on DayZ Standalone as a Bambi Training Central with experienced players helping out the Bambi's within the DayZ Community. What we have to offer We want to offer experienced players fun, co-operation and a solid group to play various of games with and the ability to share and dedicate our laughs, joy and fun. You as an experienced player we wont be asking too much of you beside helping and co-existing our community main goals which is socially helping and informing the newbies and Bambi's with fun and social thoughts in mind. As for the Bambi's and newer players in any kind of game we want to show them how things are done and help out the newer players however we can or want to as long it does not include trolling or harassment. As we used to do in the past we shared our knowledge on Team Speak 3 and wrote our guides in our very own forums which could be used as a reference in case we forgot about things how it is done. As for today we entirely wiped out web server and started a community kind of website which is focused on groups were people can create/modify/talk to their own needs. How can you help? We are looking for Solid players that want to become a part of our community that lays focus on playing DayZ Standalone on our Private Hive wile training and helping out Bambi's that are joining or requiring aid from your circles. Also it is fully endorsed for writing guides, articles, information on our community website The Archnoob which will be permanently published as long as you like as long it it is in the corresponding groups/media. We are a privacy aware group and will never share/sell/give away your information and it will be kept 100% Private and secure by our maintainer (unfortunately me). What we provide We provide every one permanent access to our Team Speak 3 server which is open and free to use at any time, you will be able to play on our Game Servers and participate our current community that is restlessly awaiting the release of DayZ Standalone. Some times there will be a vote on which game servers we will take and give it a trial and if it is a success we will hold it online for quite a long wile trough our sponsor. Further we allow existing clans and communities to make a use of our Team Speak 3 server as long they obey our rules and policies and participate on our servers or even let them manage our servers once they have earned it. Additional things As our love within our solid group has been extended we have infected each others with our passion for Anime, that brought our main staff stuck on watching hyperactive Japanese Cartoons. After a wile it became a plague with entirely randomness within our staff with forced us to endorse a sub-category for our Japanese 'Anime' love on our website as well brought under a secondary topic/focus. Contact/Reach You can contact us on various of ways so all our contact information will be linked down here. IRC: Server: irc.rizon.net Port: 6667 Channel: #TheArchnoob TeamSpeak 3: IP/Port: Website: WWW: thearchnoob.net Steam Profile: Rainbow Dash Kind Regards, Companion The Archnoob Founder
  8. The Archnoob has released their new server with the map Lingor Island were events and many more things will happen during your survival hours. This fresh zombie survival filled server will have the out most best support trough our own forums were the community decides what changes should be processed or not. We also give away personal support trough our Team Speak 3 server. This server will hold events with our permanent event crew and helpers on our server from both of our solid groups on our server. One of the groups is called [s.O.S] their focused on helping the new comers out and give them some basic scavenged supplies if needed. Further we have a hostile group of max 6 people called [PPG] they usually troll people and scare them off during the night which can be allot of fun for both parties eventually some one gets killed... Server information: Server Name: PRIVATE HIVE - UK665 (v1.7.4.4/build 99153) [Veteran][GMT 0][3DP:ON,CH=OFF] The Archnoob Server IP/Port: Settings: Third Person: On, Crossair: Off, Name Plates: Off, Death Messages: On Difficulty: Veteran Default Loadout: 1x Blood Pack, 1x Morphine, 1x Pain Killers, 2x Bandage, 1x Hatchet, 1x Matchbox, 1x Hunting Knife, 1x Compass, 1x Military Flash Light. Server Banner: Community and TS3 Information: IP: ts3.thearchnoob.net Port: 9987 Website: www.thearchnoob.net
  9. Companion

    New Private Hive - Needs Help.

    How about creating a ticket to them to resolve this issue?
  10. Bought a server here, awesome support and put the support to the test, Peter still did not died by my questions... Pro's: - Awesome, mid fast support, - They do any thing for beans, - You can feed them beans and soda to keep them satisfied, - They have Live/IRC Support at GameSurge... Cons: - Nick did not liked when I send my zombies after Toby
  11. Main post updated* Changes: - Map Name, - Server Name, - Added Loadout.
  12. Companion

    2 Peeps looking for new home! in UK

    The Archnoob currently runs Chernarus, its a great server for many people I wonder how you would like it... Their server information: http://www.thearchnoob.net/index.php/topic,34.0.html
  13. From now on also give community wide sponsorship such as Mumble Hosting and Squad Hosting (XML Files + Logo), contact me on ts3.thearchnoob.net:9987 or PM me on the forums!
  14. Companion

    Recruiting Clans!

    TheArchnoob is recruiting clans, groups and players for our community and servers! We have opened our forums at www.thearchnoob.net we are an open community which provides mumble hosting to any clan or player group out here of atleast 5 or more persons. Your activity on our forums and network will be rewarded in various of ways and you as you play a part of the community the majority will have their choise.The Archnoob buys in their game servers from their sponsors depending on the amount of budget that is available. What will you get on our community: You will be a part of an interactive forum among with other clans, groups and players and we will provide community wide game servers to play on. As a clan or group you can sign up for a Mumble Voice server to talk to our other members of your clan/group till your group has fallen appart or dropped out. Slots will be demitered on the size of the group and can be expanded any time. Currently we are hosting a single DayZ Community server and as we grow we will buy more or other kind of servers and we're hoping to expand soon or later to multiple servers. This community is lead by me personally and we have various of mods available. We are hoping to see you online! -Companion
  15. Companion

    Recruiting Clans!

    Still sponsoring / recruiting clans and groups!
  16. Companion

    Recruiting Clans!

    Currently our server has been resetted / moved towards a different location, our new server is located in the UK which is a private hive. Before we moved there were average 15 to 35 players online around this time and we are especting most of them back. There are currently two groups on our server one is PPG and the other is S.O.S. PPG exists of a total of 6 people and SOS about 6 to 7 people aswel so there will be quite a tense combat. And our network will provide you a mumble server and various of extra's aswel even if* you are playing on a different game or network The Archnoob will keep supporting you :)
  17. Companion

    Looking for UK/EU players!

    Tried to add you on skype and steam your no were to be found, we might have the group for you which you suit perfectly in. -Companion
  18. **RESERVED** - This Reply will be updated soon with staff recruitment / events / updates. Soon we will be hosting DayZ Bliss Panel (By UnclearWall) for your server aswel! ===== Free Mumble Hosting! We will give away free 50 slots Mumble Hosting trough our own community, this is meant for: Clans, Groups or Archnoob Community groups. What you need to do for a mumble hosting: - Register at thearchnoob.net - Read / Understand our form at: http://www.thearchnoob.net/index.php/topic,16.0.html - Apply your clan at 'Registered Clans' > 'Clan Application' section - Wait for approval. You and your clan will be fully helped by the archnoob networks and we espect your activity in return. Our support will be processed trough our forums and clan applications aswel. =====
  19. I have my doubts/critics on the special offer... what price will it be after 2012???
  20. DayZ.ST Tried to fix up the database and did offered of restoring the server in original state, which I have declined without offensive reasons. He tried to recover backups as well without success. Good luck with Selling!
  21. Sending you a PM* Further I had no mail from DayZ.ST inside my mailbox* //Edit: About the 3 Days Extra / PayPal related things: As I have mentioned in previous post: I had enough money on my PayPal Balance / CC and Bank account.
  22. We had no local backup of the database any more because RSYNC got over written yesterday and we were considering of fixing it right now. As far I am aware there is no database any more and we decided to start fair and clean again. Also ive send you guys a ticket for your TS3 information so I could get to know you guys and have a little idea of how you guys are rollin. We are considering of making hourly database export towards my local home servere etc. //Edit: Subscribed to topic
  23. I am used to have a server hosted at DayZ.ST and we've been satisfied till we had an error from PayPal with the payment. I had over 1200 euro's on my bank account and over 150 euro's on my paypal balance and my CC active on my PayPal account. After an error by PayPal we lost our server and it is inmedietly given away to some other community. After the error mail from paypal we were not notified and inmedietly taken down and our server got transfered to some one else. We sended an mail inmedietly to settle this issue after that we had no reply for 5+ hours and counting. We did noticed they did posted several times on Twitter during the current time frame. We did not minded it got a bit over sold and laggy when there 25 ~ 35 players on but this is seriously retarded what hapend.
  24. Just ordered and waiting for a setup, we are used to have a popular hive around rank 200 on game tracker.com - DayZ.ST instantly disabled and deleted our server without a notice when there was enough funds on PP, CC and Bank. Hopefully you guys will do it better! -Companion
  25. Welcome to The Archnoob DayZ Server We offer a server dedicated to DayZ and Zombie/Bandit kind of events including various of advanced features. Backups are made every 3 hours and will be kept for a week in case we need to recover our server. With dedicated admins on our server we provide one of the most managed servers. Our events will be usually hosted during the weekends and be announced on our main forum www.thearchnoob.net in general discussion. We own our very own event crew thinking of various events for Saturdays or Sundays in order to keep the players active and have a dynamic experience on our server. With a professional trained crew we will hold every thing in place and running. Server IP:Port - Founder / Root Admin: Companion Admins: Stok, Jantje, Thomsas Current active Clans on our Server: PPG S.O.S Website: www.thearchnoob.net Gear you will spawn with: Backpack: Standard / Coyote Inventory: 1x Bloodpack, 1, Morphine, 1x Bottle of water, 1x Coca Cola, 1x Baked beans 2nd Tier: 2x Bandages Tools: Hatchet, Hunting Knife, Matchbox, Military Flashlight,