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Everything posted by austendude

  1. austendude

    I dont understand Zeroing.... at all

    Ok but lets say he is 600m away and i zero my CZ to 700m. Will i still hit the apple dead on?? Cause if thats the case then i should just use highest zeroing possible all the time, right?
  2. This has happend twice already. I go out in the middle of nowhere way up north in hte woods, park my bike (its facing ground and hard to see) and run to nearest town for supplies. I am very cautious. I come back to my bike next day and it is missing. I know for a fact no one stole it because 1) i hide it REALLY good, trust me. 2) it was getting dark, so by time somene got it would be pitch black, so unless they had NVGs and a bike detector, uhnlikely. Do bikes disappear if you leave it for a little while and log off?? Even if u press save bike many times? THis has happend TWICE!!!
  3. austendude

    "Save Old Bike" doesn't do shit...

    Same server....
  4. austendude

    "Save Old Bike" doesn't do shit...

    Then you sir are beyond a human. No man could have seen the bikes i hid...
  5. There is some bug where if you dont have enough slots, and you put it in ur bag, the gun disappears (for me at least). I DO NOT want this to happen to my precious Bizon lol. I onlly have a ACU backpack, so it has like 12 slots. Is that enough??
  6. austendude

    How many slots does a Bizon SD take up?

    Thanks everyone. I found an FN FAL with 6 mags and a Bizon. The FAL already fit, so i was worrying. Thanks though. Anyone have any tips for the FAL? I have never had it before.
  7. I usually just used my computer for school work and youtube before DayZ (tiwtter and facebook work fine on my phone). Arma 2 was the first PC game i ahve ever bought, since i have an xbox and my family PC is complete shit. So you're kinda right..
  8. I found NVGs... got really excited. Ran into a tree line and DC'd to end my day. Logged back at night to play with my toy and i never had it. Server must have been lagging before i DC'd. Would be nice to know when it last saved.
  9. austendude

    "saved/Unsaved" needs to come back!!!

    I know man... Night Vision goggles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i Have never had them before, and i wanted to wreak havoc on the blind zombies and bandits that roamed Chenarus in the dark! But intsead i was back to playing in the daytime with no NVGs. This all could have been avoided if it simply let me know when i last saved.
  10. austendude

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I think wire fencing should be removed. Zed walk right through them, so it is pointless for zombie defense. People blockade good loot areas. Plus, half of the wire fencing that are placed are bugged so even if u have a toolbox there is no option to remove the wire, even if u are looking at the little metal pole on the wires. Plus they cause visual graphic bugs, ruining the vision to look ahead. It's rediculous. Wire fencing and the steel metal blockades should be removed. Sandbags are great, since they dont cause visual glitches and people can hop over them. Remove the wire fence/steel blockades, and make the entrenching tool more common. Peace.....
  11. austendude

    BattlEye initialization failed

    I'm having this issue (running 95054).. Updated BE, made new profile, did what RTribesman said, and still saying "Battleeye initialization failed" on EVERY fucking server. Makes me so angry damn... I dont know what to do. :(
  12. austendude

    Beta Patch 95099 - Problems

    Im on 95054 and that messed my game up too!!! Battleye initializaiotn failed.... I looked up a solutoin, apparently i had to update the battleye. I did everything correctly, but had the same problem.. What the hell is going on here
  13. austendude

    Beta Patch 95099 - Problems

    Ummmm.... is there any way i can go back to 94876?? I updated to 95054 but i cannot join ANY game. It just says Battleye initialization failed for every server. I just want to go back to playing :( How do i delete the 95054 and go back to 94876? (im a PC noob so please explain as if i were retarded lol)
  14. austendude

    Would you consider me a bandit?

    That's not just banditry, that's assholetry :P
  15. So I was in a pretty quiet Elektro. I was able to find an M1014 in a firehouse with no problems, and after that I headed to the 3 story office building. As I was there, I noticed a man riding on a bike outside. Dude was doing wheelies and shit... Pretty funny. I decided to leave that guy alone as he drove off and when I turned around inside the house I saw 2 unarmed ppl. A girl and guy. They looked like noobs since they walked around like they had no idea what they were doing. I let them follow me though... Eventually the man found a crowbar, and while I was cautious at first, he seemed like a good guy. I let them still follow me, but I kept a eye on the guy. As we were crouchrunning, I turned my head behind me and saw the other guy running directl behind me. I stopped for a second amd the motherfucker took a swing at me! I laughed because he had no idea I noticed. I kept running like nothing happend until I stopped again and he took a swing. I turned directly around and shot at him. He dropped with a broken leg and I aimed striaght at his head and took a shot. He must have DC'd as soon as I shot him at the head because he disappeared, and I never got a kill count. Then the girl just looked at me and did the surrender function. I was laughing so hard. I wish I saw the real person's face. He was probably like "oh shit man! I had nothing to with it! He was the crazy one!" I let her go, as I left her. Later on though... I saw he again with no weapon and with a guy. I forgot to check the crowbar guy's name (tags were on), but I was tempted to shoot him. The better man got the best of me, and I let him.live.. Several minutes later I saw them running towards the firestation, and they had weapons. I got so paranoid, and I thought they would kill me the next time they saw me! So I snuck up the ladder near the back, and waited... I remeber seeing another M1014 up one of the stair floors, so I chilled on the lower roof waiting. I saw the guy. It came back to.me. I remember the crowbar guy had big shades on! This guy had the same ones, and was reaching for the M10 when I popped him four timss with my revolver. He DC'd and sunk in the ground, but I got the murder mark so I killed him :). Then the girl came up with an Enfield searching for the killer. I just stood there aiming at her face with my shotgun while she looked up the stairs lol. BANG! She died, and didn't DC. I felt bad I had to kill the girl, since she was fairly nice. She did chill with that asshole though, and for that, she paid the price.
  16. austendude

    My first Kill

    I used to trust strangers with guns.... then again i used to be a dumbass who died a lot from betrayals. I say that if you don't know him personally as a freind, and he has a weapon, kill on sight. If he yells freindly, continue to shoot. I once had someone who yelled friendly when i saw him. He had no ammo for his gun, and i helped him for 30 min. find supplies and ammo. When he found his ammo, as i was eating a can of food, he shot me in the back. He was "friendly" alright...
  17. Acutally i was just waiting in "char. create", minimized it, and then texted here. I went back, and it was stuck at Loading....... I swear fucked up so many things it's ridiculous. The other servers that i can actulaly play are so bugged (frozen zombies, go unconcsious every time i log in)
  18. yes it happens to me if i even get there. Most of the time i can't even get to loading, since it gets stuck at "Character Create". :(
  19. This has happend to 3 of my characters so far, all leading to my death as well. So, i wouid end my day by logging off. Next time i got on, i would be unconscious. No bleeding/damage, ect. , but just knocked out. Also, the eye detection is at the highest bar, so like every single zombie sees me, and attacks, thus resulting in my death. There is no way to escape because it takes like 5-7 min. to regain consciousness. Fucking hate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. I WASN'T in any shock after logging off many of my characters. My first guy was in the bushes near Grishinio up north. I promise no one saw me cuz i had a bike and i saw it while unconsious, so no one stole it when i logged off. So obviously the whole "you must have been in shock!" is complete bullshit. Another one was near a tree proned near a barn up north near Novy Lug. No zombie saw me when logging off, although when i logged on while unconsious every zed near the barn saw me for some reason (eye bar was highest). This freaking sucks...
  21. They can see you crawling/crouching from hundreds of feet away, while the other types of zed can spot you normally. I already hate the hoppers/monkeys the most as it is, and now this just makes me hate them even more lol. Needs to get fixed, damn.
  22. austendude

    Mountain Dew anyone ?

    Is this a joke? Are you really trying to get NVGs or a DMR for a soda??? lol. It is rare, but no one is going to do that. Just drink the shit out of it :)
  23. austendude


    So i heard there were 2 bicycles in a lighthouse. I have a couple questions... Is it the lighthouse at Cap Govola(sp)? And is it actually inside the lighthouse or is it around the area? Thanks
  24. austendude

    Changing profiles...

    So i have 2 characters.... I like the position my first guy is in but now i wanna just work on my second guy. If i switch profiles, will my other guy die? I know this sounds stupid but since it's alpha who knows what could happen. Thanks!
  25. austendude

    Changing profiles...

    Ok thanks. Yeah i loaded my second one and realised it was the same guy as beore.