I have installed Arma II and Arma II OA, I installed Arma II through Amazon and I installed OA through Steam. I followed the instructions and ran both of them (I ran Arma II first) and then I installed the DayZ commander. I updated Arma II and DayZ to the latest version (Through the DayZ Commander) and I downloaded the most recent beta patch for OA. I enabled @DayZ and DayZ in the Expansions section on the Main Menu of OA. Whenever I attempt to log into a server through the DayZ commander, a message appears saying: 'dayz_anim requires addon CAMisc_fix'. Then, once the game loads, another message pops up saying that the server will not accept certain files, and then it lists many .pbo files that are found in the Addons folder of Arma II. I have tried removing these files and it does not fix the problem. The servers that I have attempted to join are up to date. I have also tried using PlayWithSix instead of the DayZ commander but this does not work either. Please Help!!!