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About Kmoe

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    On the Coast
  1. I think that weight is definitely something that needs to be implemented. As stated above, carrying two primary weapons is completely possible but there needs to be pros and cons to the decision to do so. As far as weight goes I'm not sure there should be an outright 'limit' to the amount of stuff being carried.. but more a of point where the cons (moving slow, endurance being hindered in some way, more work is being done to simply walking around = more calories spent = more food/water needed) of carrying a bunch of stuff will eventually out way the pros (having a lot of stuff, being able to survive long periods without going into populated area) As for our character and how he/she handles the weapons and whether or not the 'average run of the mill person' would be able to figure out how to operate the firearms in the game efficiently, I think this is where some back story about this apocalypse would really help. How much time has passed since the outbreak? If it is a significant amount of time we can safely assume all those 'regular people' who dont know a thing about survival or firearms have long since bit the dust and are zombies and that our character has had previous experience and is already well versed in survival techniques and knows exactly what he/she is doing with various firearms.