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About Zawazuki

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    On the Coast
  1. Zawazuki

    Recruit/Regular server?

    Whoops! That's a big thing to forget to mention. We're located in US Midwest, but any US or Canda server will do.
  2. Hello, My friend and I are in search for a private server on Chernarus with the recruit or regular difficulty. We have had the game for about four days now and have loved almost every moment of our experience. The small portion of time that ruined our fun were the hackers that took our loot and fun. Are there any private servers out there that are accepting two new players? Here are some things we're looking for: -third person -recruit or regular difficulty -chernarus map -version -day only -US or Canda server Thank you so much! -zawa
  3. Zawazuki

    Recruit server?

    Whoops! I double posted, could someone remove this please?