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About denver_miller@yahoo.com

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. denver_miller@yahoo.com

    No Sense in Dying Alone - Namalsk (NSDA) [Closed Temp.]

    ArmA name- shortstar E-mail-RWwZp77dH3kg@meltmail.com Location (State/Province/Territory/Ect, Country)- USA, GMT -6 TeamSpeak?- as long as its someone elses party Hours available- WKDYS after 1700 WKNDS Random Additional details- Stay frosty!
  2. denver_miller@yahoo.com

    Looking for a Clan? We want YOU!

    free bump for dupe post
  3. denver_miller@yahoo.com

    Looking for a Clan? We want YOU!

    was going to hit you all up till I found this off your forums, and its you bragging about being a bastard to people, go grief somewhere else. "So I'm playing with my buddy on a Namalsk server a few days ago and we meet up, get gear the usual stuff. For some reason there's this derp in side voice chat telling everyone where a convoy is. We realize he's literally just down the road so we snipe him and take him out. We then tell everyone in side chat we scared the shooter off and to meet us at the convoy. A truck of 4 people shows up. They get down and start scoping the area for hostiles. Just when they think they're safe, I unload a full AKM Mag into 3 of them while my partner takes out the driver with a headshot. After looting the bodies, I run down the road a bit and run into a squad. They ask me if I want to join them and I say sure. We get into their Ural. They take me to Tara Harbour and start searching the docks. Meanwhile, my partners been following us with a boat along the coast and is now hiding in the hills with a CZ. This squad spots a chopper and wants to shoot it down. I convince them to get on the roof for a better shot. 3 of them go out, only 1 comes back. "The other 2 have been killed" hes screaming, sniper in the hills! So now it's me and 2 guys in the building hiding on the 2nd floor. These guys are watching the stairs from separate ends and I can only get a clean shot on one of them. I'm beside one guy so I quickly shoot the other guy in the head with my AKM. Now the person beside me knows I'm hostile and turns to shoot me. He shoots me and breaks my leg. As he's about to finish me, I shoot him roughly 20 times in the legs and knock him unconscious. I hover over him as he's passed out and take all his gear of value. As he awakens he stares at me and asks, "please don't kill me, keep my stuff I'll just run." I stare at him for a moment and with a cold, emotionless whisper tell him, "No tears, only dreams now." And finish him with a headshot from my Revolver. I meet up with my partner and we take all their best gear, a Ural and some random noob we found in the wild to the Old Hospital. We get down at the old hospital and this noob runs out straight for the supermarket. Poor bastard..we kill the kid and he sounds like he's crying on voice chat. We see a helicopter approach and hit the deck. It circles around a few times asking who's ural it is. We say nothing and are completely silent. Finally, it hovers over the hospital and we have a shot. My partner takes out the driver as I run out and shoot the other 2 players inside the chopper. After raiding the old hospital, the bodies and the heli, we park it next to the ural and blow them both up with a grenade. We leave the scene with nothing but a revolver with 2 mags each, 1 can of beans and 1 can of pepsi. Why? Because we're fucking retards. " heres the link: http://www.onecastga...-a-real-bandit/ and a screenshot of said post in case your a 12yo and think you can pull it down is attached for proof.