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Everything posted by Retsof

  1. Name: Retsof Nagirroc Age:18 Location: US, Texas Headset & Microphone?: Yup Speak English?: Native language How long have you been playing DayZ?: Over a year off and on. In-game Name?: Intergalactic Potato Playing style - Bandit/Hero/Survivor?: Depends on my mood. Usually hero or survivor. Other games you play/interested in playing?: Total War Rome II and Arma II Anything else you would like to add?: Not really, the post seemed pretty straightforward, if I have questions i'll ask those on TS.
  2. Name: Retsof Age:18 TeamSpeak Name: Retsof Mic?: Yup Why do you want to join?: I want a group to play with. Solo play can only keep you entertaind for so long. Experience in game: Been playing for about half a year now. I know the ins and outs of the game well. Timezone: Central Time Bio: Usually a friendly guy. Try not to kill others who don't threaten me... unless their bandits. In that case I see it as open season. Been playing a good amount of solo so I can take care of my own but I can do squad play well too. In game Name: Intergalactic Potato