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Everything posted by darkfly@gmail.com

  1. darkfly@gmail.com

    Kidnapped Or Was She In On It ?

    Hahaha, good vid :D
  2. darkfly@gmail.com

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Yes, yes it is. All these people screwing at rocket need to take a moment to realise just what it is he and his team are giving us. Probably one of the best games ever. If it comes out in 2014 sure I'll probably be driven insane by the anticipation but when it finally hits I'll be f'ing loving it regardless :)
  3. darkfly@gmail.com

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    How many times can a question that answers itself be asked?
  4. darkfly@gmail.com

    [New Series] Bandit Brothers - Arma 2: DayZ Mod - Ep.1

    Yeah I have to admit, when I heard that he had a sniper locked on you I called BS straight away. Given your position, highly highly unlikely. The guy didn't help himself considering the situation he was in.
  5. darkfly@gmail.com

    [New Series] Bandit Brothers - Arma 2: DayZ Mod - Ep.1

    Hahaha. Entertaining, but harsh. You were always gonna kill him regardless weren't you? :P
  6. darkfly@gmail.com

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Rocket as of 1 minute ago on reddit - http://www.reddit.com/user/rocket2guns Fair play to the guy. Hope he has a relaxing christmas.
  7. darkfly@gmail.com

    Taviana - PVP Action

    Nice editing Very entertaining vids :D
  8. Roophio UK 2260b59b7a3c3256046d0cdfd48ce38c
  9. darkfly@gmail.com

    Noob looking for company

    24 y/o english speaker. only started a few days ago, picking stuff up still. wouldn't mind grouping up with someone else, or maybe a few .. just to learn a bit faster perhaps and have some fun. cheers.
  10. darkfly@gmail.com

    The Day Before the Standalone

    I think you're going to be pleasantly surprised.
  11. darkfly@gmail.com

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    "ASAP". Should've been replaced with "trololol"
  12. Complete noob.. Uhh what do they actually detect? :P
  13. darkfly@gmail.com

    ARMA 2 Combined Ops now on sale

    I wonder if Rocket will give information about the release date of the standalone before this sale ends. :P
  14. darkfly@gmail.com

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    As long as you can pick up guns, and see other people, I'm good. B)
  15. darkfly@gmail.com

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    I vote, Dec 10th. :blush:
  16. darkfly@gmail.com

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Agreed. Considering timing this update is surely going to be stating if the game will be released before new year or after, or maybe that's just what I want to believe so I don't go insane waiting. Honestly, this is how I used to feel about christmas when I was 5, only difference being I don't know when it's going to happen. :lol:
  17. darkfly@gmail.com

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    You only just found out? I'm so jealous. Dying for this game for what seems like an eternity. :P
  18. darkfly@gmail.com

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Nothing is confirmed. There's hope for 2012, but 2013 is a possibility.
  19. darkfly@gmail.com

    Standalone release confirmation

    Hi guys, first post here - Been reading for a while though. I don't have the mod, since I only found out about this game a few months ago, the standalone was already confirmed as in development. From what I've read it seems a lot of people are confident the standalone is being released before the end of the year, though I haven't seen anything from devs confirming this. If someone could point me towards something showing this I would appreciate it, or any information regarding standalone release. Thanks.
  20. darkfly@gmail.com

    Standalone release confirmation

    Thanks for the replies guys.