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JimJam (DayZ)

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Everything posted by JimJam (DayZ)

  1. JimJam (DayZ)

    Change use of .50 cal Sniper Rifles

    Weights unloaded: A50s: 30.9 lb with 29 inch barrel, 29.7 lb with 20 inch barrel M16A4: 7.18 lb AK47M: 6.82 lbs And you are telling me someone can run around with an A50 just as well as an M16?
  2. JimJam (DayZ)

    Let's have less hi-tech guns available

    My understanding it is based on a country in the Caucasus, which is not Russia. And people there would not have the income of the US or 1st world country. And no, not from the US.
  3. JimJam (DayZ)

    Change use of .50 cal Sniper Rifles

    Another guy who can't bear the thought his 'special' gun is going to be realistically modelled and he's gonna have to pay a penalty for carrying it... :lol:
  4. JimJam (DayZ)

    Change use of .50 cal Sniper Rifles

    What a bunch of cliches this guys quotes. Did he actually read my post? No. No one is asking for the ban of these weapons, just that they be implemented realistically. By the way, a US Army report noted the weapon was uncomfortable to be carried long distances, even on a sling on the back, and that is why they come in briefcase type cases. Which means they take a LONG time to deploy.
  5. I get killed by Hackers more than I do by fellow players or Zombies. It's my number 1 cause of death. And like the OP, it's getting annoying. Last time I finally had a Ghillie suit, and all kinds of other necessities. Decided I'm going to register at some private servers, enough of this nonsense.
  6. Hello Please allow players to have their axe as their second weapon instead of a pistol. I find the axe is the best weapon if you want to dispose of zombies without making a lot of noise and attracting other humans. If you are trapped in a house and the zombies are coming up the stairs, if you start shooting you just end up with an unending line of zombies to kill until you run out of ammo. Then you end up having to use your axe anyway. If you drop your weapon to use the axe, the weapon usually disappears. If you could pull out your axe, then you'd be able to dispose of the first couple zombies without attracting any more with gunfire or worse, attracting the attention of some lowlife Human who will wait for you to come out the door and then Ace you with his sniper scope.
  7. JimJam (DayZ)

    Couple of moronic logic's that should be fixed.

    Yes you can. You just open up the gut with a couple chops, pull the guts out with your hand, then you can take the loose skin with your hand and then using the axe blade, separate it from the muscle underneath. You can also turn the axe over, blade up hold it between your knees and use the blade as a fixed object which you can then cut sections of meat with. And chopping is exactly what you want to be able to do, obviously you have never had to deal with a large animal, separating joints is not an easy job with just an knife, an axe is a much better tool. It's clear you have not worked a lot with an axe, this is a wonderful implement, anyone who has spent any time in the wild knows how useful it is. It is not just good for chopping wood. Maybe they wouldn't be that effective, doesn't matter, they are a potential weapon. The requirement to drink is too much, either they compress the time in the day to give more day and night cycles or they reduce the amount of drink required. Minimum requirements of fluids, (which include the fluid component in food) is 1.6 liters. An active human requires approx. 4 liters of water a day. A canteen is at least a liter. An average male with a weight of 170 lbs and a height of 5' 10" exercising intensely every day requires 2700 calories a day to maintain their weight. That is 6 cans of beans, less of pasta. And of course, humans have layers of fat, they can survive on less food for a long time.
  8. Thanks for the guide. However, what I notice on the servers I am on, is there are a hell of a lot more zombies around than I see on your server, and they seem to agro a lot quicker, never passed that close to a zombie as you did on one occasion without them agro-ing, even if they were looking the other way. Also, the Zombies seem to run faster on the servers I am on than they do on your server, maybe because you were moving in city with a lot of buildings and they are getting confused? I generally hang out in smaller villages. I wish they had a way for you to keep your axe as a second weapon, instead of it having to go into the tool belt, never to be retrieved except for cutting wood when you get your first weapon. I prefer to have the axe available for situations where I don't want to alert other players with gunfire. I would like to have the option to have it as the second weapon instead of a pistol.
  9. JimJam (DayZ)

    Starving to death needs to be COMPLETELY overhauled.

    That only happens if you leave the area, move 200 yards away and come back. Which is what I tried in a high value residential area, and I got more of the same, ie. no food.
  10. JimJam (DayZ)

    Starving to death needs to be COMPLETELY overhauled.

    I didn't kill any other players. Even if I encountered one, I don't like to kill players. And I looked in every zombie corpse. As far as rummaging around Electro, that is the fastest way for a single player to get killed by a**hats like Bushman who camp the likely spots with their scopes. I went up north through Solinichym, Nizhnoye and Berezino. In any case I've made my point, those who disagree are free to, those who agree, hopefully we see some changes, those who are a**hats are still a**hats.
  11. JimJam (DayZ)

    Starving to death needs to be COMPLETELY overhauled.

    I see a lot of people didn't bother to read my post. You need a knife to render an animal bozo, if you don't run across a knife you can't do it. That's my point. You should be able to do it with the much more common axe. And I didn't die from ignorance, I did read up on the best strategies and the newbie guides, I have a map which shows where things can be found, I went to 8 different locations, including a large city which had a shopping center. I had everything else I might need, except a skinning knife and food. If you are lucky. I wasn't lucky. I checked out over 25 different buildings, most of them high value, and only found one single can of sardines. I saved that can of sardines till my food button was flashing red, then I ate it. Then I searched again, but didn't find a single scrap of food in three hours of searching another 25 buildings including a shopping center and high value residential buildings, (where else are you likely to find food???). In the meantime I ran across many many cows, goats and pigs, but couldn't kill and eat them because I didn't have a skinning knife. Then I starved to death... That's stupid and poor game design. I didn't die from ignorance, I died from the failure of the game to model realistically. I had plenty of water, I got a water bottle, refilled it many times and drank, had lots of cans of soda, which should give some food value, but they don't, had Morphine, blood bags, painkillers, bandages up the yin yang, lots of weapons and ammo, matches, watch, toolbox, axe, crowbar, jerry can, etc. etc. What I'm asking for is more realistic hunger modelling, and use of food animals. I don't think that's unrealistic.
  12. JimJam (DayZ)

    Starving to death needs to be COMPLETELY overhauled.

    What do I want? I want some realism. This is supposed to be an ultra realistic survival game, then it should have the following: Drinking water out of ponds or taps without a water bottle being required Being able to butcher an animal with an axe, hell in many ways I think I'd prefer an axe to a knife, I know how to use one and I'd like being able to chop through joints easily Being able to eat food raw, and yes it should go bad if you try to keep it without cooking. In fact, shouldn't be able to keep cooked food for more than a short while. And I'd be happy to see a more realistic effect of being shot, no instant cures from blood transfusions. And not starving to death three hours after eating a can of sardines. That is simply ridiculous. If the designers want to compress time, then make it at least 24 hours. And by the way I didn't run that far, most of the time was spent crawling around exploring houses and buildings which had lots of stuff I didn't need or already had. I didn't do anything wrong, in fact I thought I did everything just about as well as I could, but because the food spawn generator was off, I was out of luck.
  13. JimJam (DayZ)

    Starving to death needs to be COMPLETELY overhauled.

    Well when you do everything right, but for whatever reason the freaking random generator of food doesn't come up though you visit 25 different sites, it does get more than a little annoying. I had everything else, pistol, rifle, shotgun, bloodbags, meds of all necessary varieties, axe, crowbar, toolkit, but of course, no freaking skinning knife to allow me to butcher the freaking pigs I kept running across. What's the freaking axe for?? I had wood and matches, no, can't chop the freaking pig up with an axe, not allowed. Fix this nonsense.... PLEASE.
  14. Hey Just started this game a couple days ago. My first two times were the usual shortlived failures, got eaten by zombies pretty quick. I can handle that, part of the challenge. Before the third time I did some research, read the newbies guides, and when I spawned in,found out where I was, looked at the map, had a plan of action, knew where I was, where I was going, and the tactics to use. Just had started to head out when suddenly I was teleported to the middle of a pile of dead players, one getting shot just as I arrived. Around them were a couple players in ghillie suits, aiming at those spawning in, and the voice comms were them laughing about all the good equipment the dead players had lost. All of the dead players were well equipped, lots of goodies, sniper rifles etc. I had nothing, and maybe for that reason, they didn't shoot me immediately. I started to crawl away, hoping they'd spare me, but just as I was about to crawl behind a hill, one of them teleported over and shot me in the head. Wrote that off on the fact morons will be morons and started a 4th time in a different server. Was doing the best I yet, had lots of food, a water bottle, axe and crossbow, and a skinning knife to use for killing game. Was getting good at killing zombies, dancing around them and wacking them on the head with an axe, or making them run downhill and kill themselves by falling. Only problem was I had a bad cough, health going down, and had to get to the hospital for anti biotics. Well, I was within 200 yards of the hospital, with only one zombie in front of me who was hanging around, was about to plug him with a crossbow bolt, when suddenly I am teleported into the inside of a helicopter. Again, all kinds of other players there, and the hackers are laughing again, one of the players gets thrown out of the chopper. I exit as quick as I can before I am next. But when I go to restart, I am not near the hospital, I am way out in the boonies, I know I am not going to make it all the way. So I go suicide against this house with zombies, kill four of them with the axe before a fifth one finally breaks my leg and stops me from dancing. Then I have to wait while he beats on me... Game musta been fun before the hackers decided to show what pathetic individuals they are....
  15. Stupid question I know, but how do I do this?
  16. JimJam (DayZ)

    How do I put stuff in a backpack?

    Thanks for the info fellas. :thumbsup:
  17. JimJam (DayZ)

    Musta been a good game before the Hackers got here

    So I got hacked again tonight.... after a reasonably successful day. But unarmed, an unloaded shotgun, and in middle of hunting up some ammo, bingo I'm teleported out to some location then shot. Had to laugh actually. Someone is actually taking all this time to do these hacks, gotta be really lacking in a life.
  18. JimJam (DayZ)

    Musta been a good game before the Hackers got here

    Thanks for info. I thought the cough was fatal, I was watching my health drop and didn't want to have to wait a day to die with all the fainting. Another time I survived a zombie attack barely, and was so weak I kept fainting every five minutes. I finally got to a barn with all kinds of goodies including a shotgun, just picked up the shotgun and I died.... The only problem I can see with waiting to heal is that you can't do a lot active, the cough alerts zombies, it took me forever to sneak up close to the hospital without getting swarmed.... that was what was so frustrating about being teleported by the hacks. How do you get the passwords to the private servers?