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JimJam (DayZ)

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Everything posted by JimJam (DayZ)

  1. I have now tried this at least a dozen times. I come across a backpack. When my cursor goes over it, its says: "Open Backpack" (or "Alice Pack" or whatever it is) I open it either with the middle mouse click or with Gear, doesn't matter, the pack is shown at the top of the left side under total items. I can put stuff into it, which then disappear and can't be taken out, but I can't take the pack. When I press the take button, nothing happens except the items I have placed in the pack come back to me. According to this thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/691-guide-gearinventory/ I am supposed to drop my own pack, then I'll be able to pick up the new pack. AND I have been able to drop my Coyote pack, (on a nice level piece of ground so it doesn't disappear) but when I turn back to the other pack, I am unable to pick it up. Neither am I able to pick up my old Coyote pack once I have dropped it, though it shows there, and yes, I can put stuff in it. The end result everytime I try to get a new pack is I end up with no Coyote pack, and no new pack. So what am I doing wrong?
  2. Anyone seen what a load of buckshot does? Or even a load of pellets at short range? And a ball that hits is going to do MASSIVE damage. One blast from a shotgun at distances of 30 ft or under should be insta-zombie heaven with missing heads, legs and arms. Double barrel on a pack of zombies should see a lotta flying parts. Same applies to humans. Shotgun should be a very nasty closeup fight weapon.
  3. Good idea. :) Could be tournament server, for experts.
  4. JimJam (DayZ)

    Sniping needs to be balanced

    Reduce the problems with sniping by reducing the number of available sniper rifles. Most long weapons in the game now have scopes. If the number of scoped weapons was reduced by 75% then more people would be walking around with Lee Enfields, Winchesters and Shotguns and you wouldn't see these incredible distance kills.
  5. JimJam (DayZ)

    How about a BTR-70?

    http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-R1Gu-RepWXg/T28ZNQpfDvI/AAAAAAAAAQo/YrZSA9QxQlw/s1600/BTR-70_03.jpg There were actually quite a few BTR-70's in the Caucasus around the period of Arma 2. Would be a more realistic vehicle to operate than a helicopter, just requires some basic mechanic knowledge, and wouldn't require the level of training to drive. These were pretty much bullet proof, didn't break down a lot. Would be an excellent team vehicle, with a driver, MG operator and Commander required for max efficiency. But of course, if it was included, also would need RPG-7's to be added to counter it, which wouldn't be too hard.
  6. The current situation with players being able to run around with .50 Sniper rifles as though they were M16's is clearly nonsense. These are very heavy weapons, normally used by a two man team, and only fired from the prone position. The ammunition for this weapons is very heavy and bulky. They should be limited in the game as 1) putting a penalty on movement, and limiting what else can be carried, 2) by only being allowed to be fired from a prone position with the bipod deployed. Maybe we would get less of the Kiddie Hack-Wankers with .50's too if they were changed.
  7. Right now there are a plethora of hi quality military grade weapons available. As people have mentioned, you can find them quite quickly. This is not really realistic, most people in 3rd world countries do not have military grade sniper rifles, they have pistols, shotguns and iron sight hunting rifles. So my suggestion is to reduce the amount of the military grade hardware, and increase the amount of shotguns, rinky-dink pistols and Lee-Enfields. Would make it easier to move around without having to worry about every high location being populated by a guy with a .50 cal and getting nailed by some guy 1000 meters away too. Would provide for more mano a mano up close stuff. Then those who had the bandit tendency would perhaps be a little more careful about starting a firefight.
  8. JimJam (DayZ)

    What i've experianced in Day Z so far

    I'm quite ready to accept being killed by bandits.
  9. JimJam (DayZ)

    My first Heli crash site

    I notice Zombies get stuck in places quite a bit. I have encountered groups of 4 of them stuck inside the hunting blinds, blinking out at me like sad owls. They are quite passive even at 15 ft ranges, but don't come too close or try to climb the ladder as they go into a frenzy and manage to spin themselves upside down and outside. As well, they often seem to spawn inside preferred objectives, like military tents, and certain of the 1 door barns, and they always stay inside, never wander off. Unless you have a silenced pistol or are very good with an axe, don't go in and try to eliminate them because 40 new ones will arrive at the front of the enclosure shortly after you fire the first shot. You might get them to run after a flare, but then you'd be an advertisement for every human with a scope to be on you. I'm actually starting to feel almost affectionate towards Z's. They remind me of the bad tempered but really stupid bully who I used to tease when I was a kid. I never die from Z's, just from Hackers and Bandits. OOPS! Famous last words.... lol
  10. JimJam (DayZ)

    Why can't I pick up backpacks?

    Unfortunately already tried this. Moved all my contents of coyote pack to a loot pile before I dropped it.
  11. Just had the complete nonsense experience of starving to death. This despite my having a can of sardines less than 3 hours before. Plus a ton of water, plus a ton of Cokes and Pepsis. Pepsis are FULL of freaking calories. This game needs a complete overhaul as far as food requirements are concerned. Humans can survive for a week or more without food, as long as they have plenty of water. FIX THIS. And by the way, I visited a freaking supermarket and found everything but food... :rolleyes: Food should be all over the place in the residential areas. Oh yeah, and I also ran across a freaking dozen sheep, cows or goats and of course, couldn't kill them and eat them raw... Calling BULLSH*T
  12. For anyone who has looked at the loadout for this weapon, saw 12 gauge done a double take and realized something is wrong.... Winchester never made a lever action shotgun with a 15 round magazine. They did make a 10 gauge, but that loaded max. 5 rounds, and looked nothing like the game weapon: It was also very rare. The game weapon also does not behave like a shotgun, it has a much longer range and better ballistics. And it hits pretty hard. ;) The real "Winchester 1866" was a rifle, which fired .44 caliber rimfire Black Powder cartridges. It was a descendant of the 1860 Henry Rifle, which was used by the Union Cavalry in the Civil War. But the 1866 only had a magazine for 7 rounds. And it is extremely unlikely that a weapon this old would be available in the Caucasus, especially when it required a antique black power round. Winchester did make a very popular internationally successful lever action model which fired modern smokeless powder, the "1892", chambered for .44/40 pistol rounds, with other versions chambering smaller pistol rounds like the .32/20. Over a million were made. The 1892 did have a magazine of 15 rounds, although I am not sure it took 15 when chambered for the .44/40. This was the weapon you always saw John Wayne carrying in the movies, in the movies it was intended to represent the "1876" model, another black powder lever action. I think the weapon we have in the game is a rifle, and I think it is the "Winchester 1892" chambered for the .44/40 pistol round. The question is whether it has the right magazine load for a .44/40 cartridge. Anyone can answer that? In any case, game needs to revise the weapon.
  13. JimJam (DayZ)

    Starving to death needs to be COMPLETELY overhauled.

    Just to let all the critics know, since I starved to death as per my comments in the first post, I have had 5 new characters find plenty of food, not doing anything differently from what I was doing in the example I gave. Usually I have 4 spare cans of food available at all times, and lots of drink. So I guess it was just a matter of extreme bad luck, I guess in the experience I had, all the dice were loaded against me, and I just kept rolling snake-eyes on my come out. So here I am admitting my mistake. Jump all over me if ya want. Last time I post in this thread. P.S. Still think players should be able to butcher animals with an axe, eat it raw, (with perhaps a chance of illness) and they should be able to drink directly from a pond or well without needing a water bottle.
  14. JimJam (DayZ)

    Night Time .... lets take it seriously.

    I don't know how may of you guys have run around on night exercises, WITHOUT night vision devices, maybe I am dating myself, but you can actually see quite well given a clear night and a moon. After a while and after your vision adapts, it's almost like daylight at shorter ranges, AS LONG AS THERE IS NO ARTIFICIAL LIGHT to ruin your night vision. But considering this game is predicated on all normal lighting having been eliminated, there is no reason for us to have the type of pitch blackness we get now. Human eyes should adapt. Of course, inside a building or under a forest canopy, the ability to see should be limited by the lack of moonlight. But it is amazing how well the human eye can see in darkness, given enough time to adapt. Right now I feel the current 'cheat' of turning up gamma and brightness is not actually that far off what we would actually see at night. It is still worse than night vision googles. By the way, the night vision equipement in the game is severely overmodelled. We don't get the real tunnel effect and the lack of distance perception.
  15. JimJam (DayZ)

    Why can't I pick up backpacks?

    So you are saying I should drop my old backpack on top of the new backpack? The thread I referenced said not to do that, but to drop it on a patch of clear ground. Is there ever a situation when you can only 'open' a backpack, and not take it? Whenever I see an axe or a weapon of any type, it usually says: "Take axe, drop so and so". I usually press the 'Gear' key instead of taking it, and pick it up that way, so I can move around my inventory to where I want it. But all these backpacks I encounter, just say: "Open Backpack", not "Take Backpack". Is that normal? Whether I click on the "Open Backpack" or activate 'Gear', it doesn't matter, never am able to pick it up. This is a major pain in the butt because usually by the time I actually encounter a backpack, I have a pretty good inventory of everything I need. And to lose my Coyote pack trying to do one of these exchanges, with its carrying ability means the amount of spare food and drink which I can carry is severely reduced.
  16. JimJam (DayZ)

    How about a BTR-70?

    Actually I think a .50 cal would go through the side of the BTR. And as I said, adding RPG-7's would give a decent counter. RPG-7's (or RPG-2's) were almost as common as AK's anyway. RPG's would give a more realistic counter to the heli as well, since the effectiveness of small arms against the heli is too high.
  17. JimJam (DayZ)

    The Truth - A Guide to Surviving Hackers

    Typical hacker behaviour is to run right up to an ordinary player and pretend to be friendly. Any time you see a fully armed guy in a ghllie suit run right up to you, KNOW he is a hacker. Normal players will not take that kind of risk, they are rightly afraid of being shot instantly. Hackers are in god mode, so they don't worry about such things. They may dance around a bit to prevent a perfect headshot, but they don't worry about a couple bursts to the chest. They'll say: "I'm friendly." "I won't shoot you.", etc. etc. Then after you get comfortable with the fact MAYBE they aren't going to kill you, they will then shoot. They also LOVE the .50 cals, every hacker I've seen had one. Anytime you see a player in a ghillie suit running around with a .50 cal like he doesn't have a worry in the world, KNOW he is a hacker. Hackers are very vocal, they are always chattering on about one thing or another, usually about how good and tough they are. They are also prone to potty mouth, like to drop as many f-bombs as possible. Finally if the voice you hear is on the squeaky side and obviously belongs to a 13 year old who is obviously LATE to puberty and dropping his eggs, then you KNOW its a hacker. In all these situations, get out of the game instantly.
  18. JimJam (DayZ)

    Change use of .50 cal Sniper Rifles

    Another brilliant response from someone who in real life obviously runs around with .50 cal sniper rifles at high port, all day long.
  19. JimJam (DayZ)

    What the heck is the Winchester 1866?

    No, I don't see changing its basic characteristics. Just call it by the right name, and supply the right ammo. Although if it is a 15 shot mag, it should be matched up to the right caliber and hitting power. As mentioned, the 15 version of the Winchester was a Carbine, and fired a pistol bullet, ie. not much more hitting power than a .45 revolver.
  20. JimJam (DayZ)

    Change use of .50 cal Sniper Rifles

    The actual fact is, the .5 weapons are no more effective in the sniper role than the lighter guns. The current long range sniper kill distance record is held by a British team firing a .338 magnum Lapua cartridge, and hitting a target over 2400 meters distance.
  21. JimJam (DayZ)

    Change use of .50 cal Sniper Rifles

    Agree, should be more SVD's. I have never seen one in the game, either encountering one in a loot pile or seeing one used.
  22. JimJam (DayZ)

    What the heck is the Winchester 1866?

    I made this post as a suggestion for the game developers. Didn't say the game was bad, or the rifle's use was bad, my point was since the rest of the weapons in the game are based on actual weapons, it would be a good idea this one should also be. For those who attacked the post, feel free, and while you're at it, maybe you should ask the developers for rayguns and pulse weapons too.
  23. JimJam (DayZ)

    Let's have less hi-tech guns available

    Here's some other older lo-tech weapons which I think would be fun and which would be likely to be around: Moisin Nagant 1891 (regular model and sniper) http://upload.wikime...sin_1891_30.jpg Mauser Kar98 http://www.germansol...ages/mauser.jpg PPsh-41 http://world.guns.ru...02/ppsh41-1.jpg Wouldn't it be fun to run and gun in Cherno with the PPsh and its 71 round mag? "Zombies??? We don't care 'bout no freakin' Zombies!!!"
  24. JimJam (DayZ)

    Change use of .50 cal Sniper Rifles

    Good comments, I would welcome all issues he mentions being examined. As far as people "Alt F4'ing" out, I think there should be a restriction against exiting the game for 1 minute after you fire a shot, or a shot hits within 10 meters of you. You could exit, but your character stays there to be shot or otherwise suffer the consequences.
  25. JimJam (DayZ)

    Change use of .50 cal Sniper Rifles

    :D :D :D You can hear his buddy say: "J**sus Ch***t that was out of bounds." Accuracy is zero... :D You can also see this guy is grunting with the effort as he tries to hold his sights on... and then his barrel control is completely shot... This example is a joke. At 100 yards, maybe, not for sniping.