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Everything posted by Komplex

  1. Murder house is up and running. Forgive the image quality, it was taken from the editor (I need to borrow someones chopper to get in game pics). Example movie coming soon. The New close quarter "Murder House" added to the Fade To Black server: Fadetb.us 4x high yield factories with many additional containers seemed together to create one very large close quarter structure. With walls on the outside sniping in/out is nearly impossible.
  2. Murder house is finished and will be added into the database tonight. PVP events all weekend long. Come get geared!
  3. Buildings and changes to the Chernarus map: -Dozen Markets, and Fire Stations added around the maps to various towns. -New Castle in the NE of Cherno -New Castle in the South of Electro -New Castle added to Otmel -New Barrack, and 4 tents added to the North West Airfield -Two Barracks, and a fire station added to North East Airfield -Dozens of sniper bunkers added around the map. (watch those fields!) -5 New Sandbag bunkers added around the map -7 New Light towers/Tent/camo netting buildings have been added -Zub castle redesigned -Rog castle redesigned -Devils Castle redesigned -Black Mountain castle completely redesigned -Large "Stronghold" Castle added from scratch between Stary and NWA. Tons of vehicle spawns. -Klen castle/scrap yard Coming soon: -New "Murder house" (4x factory buildings setup to all be inter connected, with 4 story walls around the whole thing. Should make fore some amazing close quarter room by room engagements.
  4. Well it sure works, not a single hacker since it went into effect. It's not like we went to whitelist mode
  5. Bandit convoy tonight was great! Between the castle assault event and the convoy I think about 50-60 people participated over a 3-4 hour period. Super fun
  6. Hope everyone had a good Christmas. Just wanted to let everyone know our new Panthera map will have tanks. That's right mother f*$#ing tanks! :)
  7. Combat logging is out of control, and while examples must be made, they aren't always what all the admins agree on. I'll bring this up at our next admin meeting, we've had a few admins cycle in and a few out recently. I personally consider combat logging when someone fires or is fired upon, and logs out before completely losing the other party. I was informed however that you were not banned, you were given a warning. You then proceeded to attack the admins involved via side chat to the point where they were forced to ban you. I will remind you that this is not the place for any flaming or negative experiences to be listed. I'd ask that you please appeal any bans directly through our forums.
  8. Awesome castle assault event tonight! 5 man squad defended cherno castle, and a 4 man squad defended Electro Castle. Good times!. Best part was when the two groups met up in Electro and fought it out.
  9. The massive vehicle spawn castle is north of stary (about 30+ vehicle spawns there). Also FYI we will be running a few events this weekend, come in and get geared before the events. Coming soon: -2x events this weekend(convoy, and castle assault) -New Klen castle/scrap yard -New "Murder house" (4x factory buildings setup to all be inter connected, with 4 story walls around the whole thing. Should make fore some amazing close quarter room by room engagements.
  10. "Stronghold" castle just finished and loaded. Massive castle about 10x bigger then devils castle. Stuffed full of cool stuff and dozens of cars/bike/heli spawns. Come check it out, Our next Event is coming up soon, get geared before it kicks off
  11. Black Mountain Castle was completely redesigned today. Come check it out! (also we have a Death match event going on tonight at 7:30pm EST) Custom castles: -New Castle added to Cherno -New Castle added to Electro -New Castle added to Otmel -Devils redesigned -Zub redesigned -Rog redesigned -Black Mountain completely redesigned New Massive "StrongHold" castle with ton of car spawns coming today or tomorrow.
  12. Team DeathMatch Event tomorrow at 7pm EST! Come get geared for the event. Winning gets their choice of gear or vehicle
  13. Bandit Convoy Tomorrow at 7pm. Come in and get geared!
  14. Bandit Convoy event happening this weekend, come get geared before the event! The following buildings have been added to the map today: -New Castle in the NE of Cherno -New Castle in the South of Electro -New Barrack, and 4 tents added to the North West Airfield -Dozens of sniper bunkers added around the map. (watch those fields!) -5 New Sanbag bunkers added around the map -7 New Light towers/Tent/camo netting buildings have been added Coming soon: -New Large rebuild of Black Mountain castle including medical and military tents. -Large "Stronghold" Castle to be added from scratch between Stary and NWA. -Many vehicle spawns will be added to the "Stronghold" castle.
  15. Another Event happening this week sometime. Come get geared before it starts up!
  16. I don't think the hackers realize the admins track and get alerts on teleports, inventory changes, spawns, and other oddities. They never last very long on this server, its great. Also with full backups and restores they can't really do much to effect the server before they do get banned, and their changes get reverted.
  17. Had our first event tonight, Deathmatch at Berezino. Grats to Curgon who won with 3 kills. He requested a "map" as his prize LOL
  18. Keep an eye out in the near future. The server will be running events! Come get geared up before the next event. Some events we'll be running soon: -Berenzino Death Match: (Gear up and meet for a shootout in Berenzino, player with the most kills gets their choice of vehicles or gear) -Bandit Convoy: (a few vehicles moving from town to town loaded with gear, destinations and arrivals will be announced in global for people to ambush) -Custom Castle Assault: (Attack a squad defending one of our maps custom castles) -Air Assault: (grab one of the dozen heli's or planes on the map and fight it out in air battles over a designated location) -King Of The Hill: (Fight for control of a hill, at a designated time a fully gear loaded chopper will spawn for whoever controls the hill) All events will be recorded, and will be posted on our forums: http://fadetoblackgaming.enjin.com/home Come hangout with us on our teamspeak server and get geared up!!: gallium.typefrag.com:8690
  19. After playing on this server for 4-5 hours I can tell you it's amazing and worth a look. Vehicles EVERYWHERE, friendly players, very active admin and staff.