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Everything posted by gray-z@hotmail.co.uk

  1. gray-z@hotmail.co.uk

    Basic "Weapons" - like big branch or big stones - for more realism

    Now maybe I'm just 'Rust'y, but that sounds familiar..... :P
  2. gray-z@hotmail.co.uk

    3 Things that i think is more Urgent!

    And you say I 'Nerd Rage'............. ^_^
  3. gray-z@hotmail.co.uk

    3 Things that i think is more Urgent!

    :emptycan: Sorry but your opening statement is just evidence of your ignorance to anything related to the development of the game. Try being nicer and less condescending, especially as this was your first post. Now I am a grown up but still like cookies with milk. Think I'll go and get some whilst I continue to be patient and enjoy the game.
  4. gray-z@hotmail.co.uk

    DayZ Attachment's for newbies.

    Nice, very well presented but there are a few errors. 1 - RIS handguard provides a small accuracy increase. 2 - Magpul Handguard provides a significant accuracy increase. When paired with the MP Buttstock the M4 is VERY accurate. 3 - CQB Buttstock increases weapon manoeuvrability at the cost of Mid range accuracy. 4 - LRS does not crack when damaged 5 - Atlas Bipod does not increase accuracy when crouched. Being crouched alone increases accuracy. Has to be extended to gain benefit when prone. 6 - Both the TN3 RDS and M68 CompM2 optics crack when damaged 7 - M9A1 Bayonet can be used as a Melee weapon (in Hand, not on Rifle) 8 - Currently Red Dot sights do work without a battery. When I did my comparison tests all parts used were in pristine condition so I totally agree that the condition will affect accuracy of attachments.
  5. I believe the values are SC = 1000000 Shadow = Not sure, think it's 250-500 Veiw Distance = 2800 Pref Obj Dist = 2800
  6. gray-z@hotmail.co.uk

    First encounter of a clan

    Use F12, default button for Steam Screenshots
  7. gray-z@hotmail.co.uk

    Expansion of gameplay

    Come again? :huh: Are you requesting the addition of NPC missions/Heli Crash Sites? Beyond that I have no Idea what you're asking for :blush:
  8. gray-z@hotmail.co.uk

    Is there a way to get chosen for internal testing?

    Basically No. Haven't seen any in a while but there are/were experimental build servers that you can/could join but have to adjust settings in steam and you can possibly lose your character.
  9. gray-z@hotmail.co.uk


    Pro - Unlimited Life Con - Totally unrealistic and throws everything the game stands for in the trash.
  10. What you suggest is exactly the same as the other thread. As I said in there I agree that there are consequences mentally in real life but it is one sided and only benefits one style of game play forcing it upon the players and essentially taking everything the game is meant to be away. What you have suggested above is a thinly veiled suggestion to nerf KoS. Also, on what planet is feeling hungry the same as feeling mentally drained, mad or happy? You don't decide if you're hungry or not, your body does as it does in game. The balance is that EVERYONE has to do it. The choice you have as a player is which style of game play you want to adopt and how YOU play it. Giving characters true to life mental problems because the player chose to play a specific way is just unworkable and aims to punish those who made the wrong decision according to your morals.
  11. gray-z@hotmail.co.uk

    Laggy Mouse Movement

    If you have a weapon in your hands or your fists up you turn faster. Empty hands for some reason makes you turn slower.
  12. gray-z@hotmail.co.uk

    Blooddmg of Weapons -> one shots

    I believe the Mosin works as it should. You can break legs by shooting them and if a 7.62 hits you anywhere in the upper torso you're going down. Fuck gameplay, a bandage isn't fixing that. Ballistic helmet will give protection but only to the portion it covers. You take one to the face even whilst wearing a helmet you should go down. This game is not about making survival easy, whether it's against players or the environment. All weapons should be capable of a one shot to the head. Should be capable of completely disabling a person at close range (depending on where you hit them) and from there damage drops off with range. There are the Assault vests, press vests which already provide protection. We really don't need this whole 'Nerf everything so I can survive and run away' bullshit. We need players to man up and take their loss like a boss.
  13. Inb4graveyard......... :emptycan: This is being discussed in this thread here -> http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/163475-i-have-an-idea-for-helping-with-the-kos-problem-rocket-should-read/ Also a lot of what you consider 'Balance' is actually completely unbalanced and gives benefits for only one style of game play. This is open sandbox people so if you bought it you can play it however you want. The balancing factor is YOU!! All mental states etc are left with the player, not the character.
  14. gray-z@hotmail.co.uk

    Single Player

    Dude..... There will never be a single player option, that I'd bet my car on (My fixer upper, no one gets the beasties). What you can do if you want to get to know the map, find guns, ammo and practice shooting Zombies is to find a low population server. There are plenty out there with 5 or less players. But to be honest the best way to learn is through death, lots and lots of death. You'll get the hang of it soon enough and you will learn to not get attached to your gear and have fun. Also watch some YouTubers and observe how they move around and check their immediate surroundings. You will get better with experience.
  15. gray-z@hotmail.co.uk

    GPS and in-game map markers

    Define "mark the map". Do you mean set a way point like ArmA 2 (shift+click) or do you mean mark points of interest (double click)?? I'm unsure of the plans Rocket and the dev team have for features like this but I hope the way point feature is left out so you actually have to navigate instead of clicking the map and straight line running to your desired destination.
  16. gray-z@hotmail.co.uk

    What is the DMR MilDot Zeroing?

    Depends, As long as you have not accessed and altered the FOV in the .cfg file out with the game then everything stays standard r.e Mildot's. That figure adjusts depending on the resolution/aspect ratio you run. Everything you want to know about the DMR is in here -> http://dayzdb.com/database/dmr
  17. gray-z@hotmail.co.uk

    Gunshots Could Damage Hearing

    Some deterrent. "Oh, found those ear defenders I've been looking for, time to herpa derp down to Elektro" And to make it fitting they would have to be spawning in the Industrial buildings and be as common as Worker Gloves. Also even though I don't do the whole KoS thing I'm getting real tired of reading these deterrent threads. The deterrent is that you shoot someone you wreck the gear they have on them (but it should be localized to area hit) but guess what. Even if killing a Bambi spawned a hundred zeds on your head there would still be players doing it because that's what they paid for. It's open sandbox, there are no rules, you play your own game and that's the end of it. Asking for nerfs on KoS is the same as asking "Kan I haz eazy mode plz, this iz too hardz" EDIT: Actually reading the above back to myself my rant sounds specific to the OP. I'm not venting on you personally, just all the 'Let's kill KoS with unbalanced/unnecessary game features' threads that are out there.
  18. gray-z@hotmail.co.uk

    MUST HAVE map idea/s

    It's hardly huge is it. OP- I would like to see some more map fillers but it makes sense that the map is not yet complete due to all the new road networks in the north. I'm sure once the Devs have everything essential working as advertised then we'll see a nice big update with a massive new area full of unseen stuff to explore. Though I wouldn't expect this any time soon. Who knows, what you've asked for may already be in the pipeline.
  19. gray-z@hotmail.co.uk

    water source

    Although your thinking is logical to a point you have to consider your position on the map and elevation. Now it's not uncommon to stumble upon natural springs but having an entrenching tool function in the manner you suggest would give you an unlimited source of water which is just unrealistic. Also, it's not like there is a shortage of water supplies on the map so in my opinion I say leave it as it is and leave at least something in place to encourage players to move about the map.
  20. gray-z@hotmail.co.uk

    You have been spotted, you cannot log out

    So there is no group system in DayZ. I've been running with my mate. "Dude, it's stupid o'clock, I'm tired and calling it a night" "me,too" "Oh shit, we've been spotting each other, wait whilst I get out of Line of sight and wait 15mins" "Fuck............." No, no, and no again. Also saying it's bad luck if someone comes to your door................ get a grip. There is a real world out there. Go see it for yourself sometime.
  21. gray-z@hotmail.co.uk

    FOV slider adjustable using mouse wheel

    FOV slider all the way left is a joke for the likes of ACOG and Long Range scope. The advantage it can give you over somebody who doesn't use this feature is terrible. Personally I think that the FOV needs to be locked for everyone. At the very least it should have fixed value for ADS and right click zoom. And I certainly hope that that the ADS zoom stays out of the game.
  22. gray-z@hotmail.co.uk

    Character wont die

    Just abort and join a variety of different servers as fast as possible, that will reset you as the database will fail to keep up with you.
  23. gray-z@hotmail.co.uk

    Celeb Zombies

    Didn't know that all these Celebs frequented fantasy Russian Provinces :huh: Stop wishing that this become some low quality arcade zombie shit fest like Left 4 Dead. You want that sort of crap, go play that game. <_<
  24. gray-z@hotmail.co.uk

    Battleye causing Micro-stutters/Freezing. DayZ Unplayable.

    Sounds like you're running out of memory there.
  25. gray-z@hotmail.co.uk

    Battleye causing Micro-stutters/Freezing. DayZ Unplayable.

    It was never looked into properly or fixed for Arma 2 so I can probably put money on it never being resolved for DayZ SA. What BIS fails to accept is that Battleye is the cause of more problems that it solves and a better Anti-Cheat is probably out the already. Battleye is also one of those things that 'Hackers' (not the scripters that use the tools developed by hackers) have a very easy time when it comes to coding bypasses and the like. So unfortunately it's something we have to deal with I'm afraid. Though I have to say that I play on BE protected (cough) servers and don't experience too much in the way of stutter, certainly not to the levels that the game becomes unplayable. There is another thing - SLi and Crossfire can cause microstutter, more so on the AMD side. If you have it enabled try disabling it and see if the problem decreases.