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Everything posted by gray-z@hotmail.co.uk

  1. 'IF' it ever makes its way across to console (which I doubt is possible and would take intense UI streamlining) then you would probably have to pay again yes. You can't buy BF4 for xBone and get it free on PS4
  2. gray-z@hotmail.co.uk

    Confused, i ate a charcoal tablet and got imidiatly sick

    Charcoal tablets are supposed to make you sick. You eat rotten fruit or something, take a bunch of charcoal tabs to absorb the poison, vomit, drink and eat then you will get better.
  3. gray-z@hotmail.co.uk

    Suggestions, hunt...

    Lol Horses, Checked Shirts and camping tents. I'd predict some Brokeback 'Green' Mountain videos
  4. gray-z@hotmail.co.uk

    Item degradation and hit detection

    I feel your pain and have pondered this myself but it is a work in progress and I'm sure that the Devs are working on more pressing issues. But apart from scope attachments, magazines (possibly ammo) the condition of an item doesn't have an effect on its usefulness
  5. gray-z@hotmail.co.uk

    Weapon Info missing?

    No, there is no way to check condition of the weapon itself just now. Just attachments.
  6. gray-z@hotmail.co.uk

    What is wrong with my game?

    Yes I saw, they were answered whilst I was replying and edited my original post. Practice what you preach
  7. gray-z@hotmail.co.uk

    What is wrong with my game?

    This looks like a hardware problem to me. Are you experiencing problems with other games? Could be as simple as a bad cable up to a terminally sick GPU. EDIT: Other game question was already asked and answered
  8. gray-z@hotmail.co.uk

    Bulletin Board

    If this was implemented I would have a Missing persons poster for my long lost Zombie Rabbit :P
  9. gray-z@hotmail.co.uk

    Dayz help

    Fix is easy. Wait for Beta........ Better yet, wait for final release
  10. gray-z@hotmail.co.uk

    Dayz help

  11. gray-z@hotmail.co.uk

    Where can the long range scope be found?

    Tents and hangars are the most common spawn points
  12. gray-z@hotmail.co.uk

    View problem?

    JUST. SHUT. UP. I've had the very same graphical error with Healthy status on logging in or taking a blow from a zombie. If you even took the time to look at his picture you can clearly see that it's a resolution bug. Not blurry as in low blood level, it's pixelated. Everyman and his dog knows colour loss = blood loss @ OP - You can eat a few cans of food then spam a well. You will see in the bottom left a message that says "I feel completely Full' which means you are at 95% capacity. Continuing after that too much will make your character vomit undoing all the effort.
  13. gray-z@hotmail.co.uk

    Zombie Agro

    Some aggro from a fair distance regardless of what you do whilst others don't aggro until you're right next to them, and that's if they aggro at all. I wouldn't read too much into it as there is still a massive amount of work to be done on them. I'm sure things will balance out in the end but right now I'm liking that they are not as predictable.
  14. gray-z@hotmail.co.uk

    Compass always wrong?

    Nope, cannot say I've had issues with the compass facing the wrong way. I've played Arma enough to navigate the Chernarus without the need for maps :P
  15. gray-z@hotmail.co.uk

    Ammo Combinations

    Simple, get an ammo box. Ammo box is designed for 300 rounds of 5.56 ammo and has 10 slots whilst only taking up 4 of your inventory slots.
  16. gray-z@hotmail.co.uk

    View problem?

    That is not blood. It's a graphical glitch. Go to configure and hit Video, your original resolution will be restored
  17. gray-z@hotmail.co.uk

    Need some kind of self healing...

    You can do it a hell of a lot faster if you ensure that you eat and drink enough to have 'Healthy' status in your Inventory screen. Yes this can be had with low blood levels. Gone from Black and white to Full health in about an hour. Also don't run about so much and press F3 and sit for a couple of mins now and then.
  18. gray-z@hotmail.co.uk

    Glitches walls

  19. gray-z@hotmail.co.uk

    Help unable to do anything

    It should update but it depends on your steam settings as to whether it automatically updates or not. Further to that the latest patch was a hotfix and sometimes they just don't go through. You don't have to re-install (unless something catastrophic has happened) but just go to steam library - right click dayz - properties - local files - Verify Integrity of Game Cache
  20. gray-z@hotmail.co.uk

    Spawn always in a closed room

    Damn, unlucky dude. Better luck next time.
  21. gray-z@hotmail.co.uk

    Improved door mechanics

    Same. I agree that at a minimum it would be nice if they actually made some sort of noise. I would also like it if the interaction distance for doors was increased according to door/gate size so I don't get slammed in the face or risk getting KO'd by them (but maybe that's mod specific) as I have to hit the button and run just in case :blush:
  22. gray-z@hotmail.co.uk

    Possible source of this issue

    Hahahaha, GG sir, GG :blush:
  23. gray-z@hotmail.co.uk

    Dayz view distance

    Overall is the terrain I believe. Basically the distance where everything disappears into the mist (actually just labelled viewdistance=) Object is the likes of Buildings, Trees etc Shadow........ well self explanatory. Nice one OP, happy it's playable for you now.
  24. gray-z@hotmail.co.uk

    Possible source of this issue

    Huh..... What are these issues you speak of? :huh:
  25. gray-z@hotmail.co.uk

    Dayz view distance

    There are a few View distance options in the .cfg. Overall Object Shadow I assumed that the OP meant Overall but some clarification is now needed