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Everything posted by Bocui

  1. Bocui

    is backpack stay after i putting?

    It will definatley go after a restart
  2. Bocui

    Realism and Weapons [Balanced or Realistic?]

    Replace M4s with an AK? Its more Russian
  3. Bocui

    Important! Is it to be? Or not to be?

    This game will not be ported. Its literally impossible. And would litterally be impossible to play.
  4. Bocui

    Questions about map

    Pretty sure they have to be of the same condition
  5. Just glitch into the wall... You are kinda eating? Right?
  6. Steam Library> On the left, right click on DayZ > Properties > Local Files > Verify Game Cache Hope that worked
  7. Bocui

    The true reason behind KoS

    Like an ICBM
  8. Bocui

    The true reason behind KoS

    I used to be 'That Friendly Guy With The Blood Bad' but I would go and approach someone and they used to unload a clip into my back after i BBed them... So a few months ago, I turned to KoS. I am now better at the game, when I need to defend myself, my reactions are quicker, my aim is better ect. TL;DR; Its good 'fer 'yer 'ealth
  9. Bocui

    SUGGESTION:Losing items

    Sounds like a good idea, but the game is real enough and I think at the moment. with all the bugs, a loot losing system would be too buggy along with the current gear related bugs related to it.
  10. Bocui

    Oculus Rift Support?

    Its in Early Alpha so I doubt it would get support anytime soon. Im sure it would also put you at an extreme disadvantage with no 3rd Person
  11. Bocui

    DayZ SA Cherno Parkour

    Just vault as you hit the floor
  12. DayZ is a game of getting over lost work, decision making and not trusting people.
  13. I just dont get too attached to my gear. It takes a while to get over the fact of losing gear, but once you're over it, you will consider dying something positive
  14. The only reason for a crosshair would be for getting loot in awkward places. They will hopefully stop placing loot in the oddest places!
  15. Bocui

    server hop ghosting SOLUTION!!!

    This often works. But for a few times for me, it has sent me back to the selection, and the history tab isnt working just yet
  16. Bocui

    Getting Saved From Survivors

    I've helped people but as soon as I have given them my canteen, they've unloaded their whole clip directly into my back
  17. Bocui

    Farewell, my friend...

    Same happened to me. Some lovely fellow tried to save me at Balota, although it was unsuccessful, It really touched me and reminded me that this game isnt just about being shot as soon as you enter the AF.
  18. Cars, Helos! And other things like tents or building (might be like epoch)
  19. Bocui

    Mouse Sensitivity Vote!

    Ive been playing games on the lowest sensitivity, no acceleration. DayZ sensitivity is a living hell for me
  20. Bocui

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Im editing mine now! Got some great shots of devils castle
  21. Bocui

    Help I need to calm down...!

    breathe In, breathe Out, breathe In, breathe out... *Breathing Intensifies* Calmness
  22. I just sprint. Works perfectly. I dont think you can outsmart them yet, as they have been running through walls after i hide