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Everything posted by Bocui

  1. Bocui

    Suggestion: Pointing!

    Sounds great. We have middle finger pointing but no pointing? :o
  2. Bocui

    Close Encounter at Pavlovo Military Base

    I think we walked past you guys earlier :) Sounds like you both
  3. Bocui

    Taken Hostage!

    My friend and I both have a pair of universal keys in our backpacks just in case
  4. Bocui

    Only 40 players ?

    40 is enough. It adds more of a survival sense, less people meaning that when you do see someone. you dont kill them because you're lonely (That happened to me in the SA, I would KoS in the Mod if they didnt scream friendly)
  5. 'Get the fuck down' Wait 15 secs Shoot warning shots at player wait 5 seconds Shoot if not complied If im being held and there is no way of survival, I just stand and put my middle finger up
  6. Re-visited there today... Some sort of dark wiggle magic was going on around a man having his blood robbed....
  7. Bocui

    Day Z Controls

    The controls are more fluid, but the point is that you have to modify them for your own personal use!
  8. Bocui

    Death By Fall Damage.

    I ran off a rock...
  9. Bocui

    M4 and fresh spawns

    You probably have legit aim... but its in a very early alpha stage
  10. Bocui

    Possible FPS Enhancer

    When i read the title i was like: No TY, thats how i got my BattlEye ban! BI Gave me a replacement though :)
  11. I prefer a playable game rather than combat logging being stopped Atleast they're arent may hackers;
  12. Bocui

    Looking for a team

    My steam is Bocui
  13. Many bad things happened there... *Drinks disinfectant*
  14. I was on the hill at Balota AF, this guy was being held hostage, I took out the bandits and freed him, gave him their weapons. The guy thanked me, waited until I walked away and unloaded a whole clip into my head...
  15. Bocui

    Hopper scares the sh!t out of me

    Its a pain in the ass. Hes be biggest dick: Most likely a server hopper and also a logger... Lets just wait 'till beta
  16. Bocui

    The map is NOT balanced right now.

    Less military, more food!
  17. Bocui

    Can you craft double mags with tape?

    Sounds like a great idea. They are pretty rare and this miiight make it a little too easy
  18. Bocui

    Killing bandits at NWAF

    I got shot by a group of 2, one guy wanted to restrain me and the other wanted to kill me... *Drinks disinfectant*
  19. I end up wasting ammo trying to shoot them
  20. So, I have got around 10hrs of playtime now in the SA, I have met many players, and killed fully armed players in self defense, but today, I experienced my first murder. I was hanging around the Balota AF and this guy walked past. I was dying of thirst and asked if he had any drink, I somehow didnt believe him, I was fully geared with M4 and gasmask ect... I felt powerful, I shot him, looted him and found... A canteen! TL:DR | A supposedly needless murder saved my ass! I felt bad afterwards though, he obviously had just spawned in at the camp and found it >Bocui
  21. Bocui


    I found one where I found my M4, I think someone swapped the M4 for their Moisin
  22. Bocui

    Dont you guys think (payday masks)

    Helmets are functional. You do not have to wear masks if you dont want to, unless you are being forced to by 3 armed bandits threatening to pour disinfectant down your throat
  23. Bocui


    The ammo is in the game, but the revolver will be in next update
  24. Bocui

    Looking for a person to play with

    PM me for my skype
  25. Bocui

    My first instinctive murder

    Yeh, I didnt quite understand the thirst system, I agree, it was a lazy murder, but I was on red thirst so I probably wouldnt of lasted to the pump