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Everything posted by YoungSimba

  1. Hey guys, just wondering if there's any squads needing another player. I'm in one at the moment you may of come across us. YoungSimba (me) Jamie, LT. Dan, Professor bandage and GrownSimba. But they aren't on as often as i would like so i rarely get the chance to get on and have some squad action. I have both TS and Skype, just let me know on here and ill add you and get talking. Thanks
  2. IGN: YoungSimba Location: Bournemouth GUID: 8ebfa7dcf541227b6dbaa22252aa0fd3
  3. Just a quick question maybe you guys could help me with. All my friends who stream or record whilst playing have the battle-client writing or server information come up in a red colour. Mine still seems to be in white, is there any reason for this?