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Everything posted by eddict

  1. Any help with this? Every server I try this happens after about 5 minutes. I even found someone to kill me because I thought it might just be my character but it just happened on my new one too. Any advice for this? By the way it is the thing where you're teleported back and you have to alt f4 out. Thanks.
  2. Thanks mate I'll give it a go. I don't mind the odd bug considering it's alpha but this is literally unplayable.
  3. eddict

    Valentine's DayZ-A DayZ song!

    Oh god ahaha, you're right you're not a singer, but if your objective was to make me laugh you succeeded, even if I couldn't understand the high pitch parts. And now: back to being alone.
  4. eddict

    killed by a hacker?

    Broken/damaged buildings have a habit of breaking legs
  5. The thing is, that little won't make a difference to regular players, it'll only kill off those that don't play for a while, which is totally unfair.
  6. eddict

    I Lost My Cool

    I'm sure we've all thought about getting back at script kiddies via the use of their own scripts, this post only serves as evidence that two wrongs won't make a right in this case. Unlucky for you, but at the same time I hope people with malicious intent have also had their keys stolen.
  7. eddict

    Have you got a coppa

    I will admit, took me a few mins to realise coppa was chopper.
  8. eddict

    Help with FPS issues.

    Overheating most likely... do you notice your computer becoming excessively hot?
  9. If you run through buildings the zeds will follow and slow down, losing sight, same with running around buildings/walls, if they lose line of sight they'll lose aggro.
  10. Are carbon steel blades a common thing?
  11. We should be able to salvage vehicles, for example, take a wheel off, or maybe the engine or fuel tank. Can't say how many times i've found 2 vehicles with 3 wheels each.
  12. Looks good, particularly liked the ending.
  13. eddict

    Finding lost server

    Hey, only way I can think of is on DayZ commander there is an option to search for players, so if you know their exact name you can hope they're online and search, if no servers are found keep trying until they're online.