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About Experiment47

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    On the Coast
  1. Experiment47

    The [NA] Recruiting

    IGN: Jeffery Location: Virginia USA
  2. What time zone are we going to be on the most?
  3. My brothers AppMy MMMM Application My Brothers App Name: Jeffery Age: 16 Timezone: EST Your experience: I've played DayZ some and have gotten a good feel of the controls, now I just need some experience with a group to better learn how to play the game. Favorite Gun: ...Any gun I can find, and has bullets. Are you patient: I can usually wait for about 5 minutes, but I like to keep moving around. Have you ever been with a group in DayZ: Nope, but I have played a lot of wasteland. NopeWhat Role would you prefer?: Raider Got a Microphone?: Yes Skype Username?: I don't really like Skype but I'll make one if I get accepted.
  4. Name: Jake Age: 16 Timezone: EST Your experience: Like you I've been playing for around a week and have died a couple times and have really learned how things work. Favorite Gun: M4A1 CCO SD Are you patient: Yes Have you ever been with a group in DayZ: Nope but I play wasteland a fair amount and work well with groups What Role would you prefer?: Raider or Soldier Got a Microphone?: Yup Skype Username?: I'll PM you if you accept :)
  5. Name: Jeffery Age: 16 Skype and/or TeamSpeak Names: On teamspeak I use Jeffery, I don't really like Skype, the program pisses me off. Mic?: Yup Experience in game: I am very new to the game, I have basic controls down... its just experience I need now, and I'm hoping this group will help me learn the game. Timezone: US East Bio: I love looting in towns/ Spotting players. In game Name: Jeffery
  6. Experiment47

    Complication Of Suggestions

    Me and my brother over the last year have started playing DayZ, and really gotten into thhe game, but now we are noticing little annoying things, and areas the game can be improved on, well heres just a quick list that we wrote up real quick. Character Customization! I think that DayZ just really needs a way to customize your character, I sure would feel more attached to a character I spent half an hour making sure looked perfect. Another important thing to add would be able to customize your clothing! In my experience 95% of friendly-fire incidents happen because all the character have only a few options for clothing, and people cannot distinguish between friends or enemies. Vehicles In DayZ vehicles are a life line, it's what allows me to more efficiently play with friends when one of us gets randomly shot, in some cases it help you not get shot. Vehicles in DayZ are really iffy for me, my reasoning for this is; Cars seem to fragile in-game to even convince me I'm driving a real car. On Chernarus, with all of it's city's and town's it really does not have that many vehicles, this leads to a great demand and a strong motivational factor to get one from other players, this and weapons is one of the main reasons I am killed. So to sum it up, Vehicles need to be more durable, and more vehicles! Also a Flat-bed truck to transport broken vehicles would be nice to XD. In-Game Radios/Cell phones. My brother suggested this to me, it would make the game interesting being able to pick up a radio, put it on a channel then talk In-Game to other players. I think that this would improve Game -play and generally make it feel more connected. Cell phones would be nice to call player in-game if that player had also found one. Player-Made Maps! DayZ's standard maps, can easily become well known and campers can easily set up on well known locations and go to town killing the new-spawns. I think that there should be a way to implement a way for new maps to at least get the code to make maps have loot tables, and zombies to spawn. In addition There needs to be ways to link the maps together on the same server, Such as: When entering a new area, a load screen occurs showing you a topographic map of the area. If entering large cities, you would see a street map with notable locations. In new areas It would put in relative location to where you went thru the border. If you went thru in a forest, you won’t spawn in an open field basically. A good size in my opinion would be county-size territories, or maybe 3/4 the size of cherno, then big cities would have their own as well, this would also keep people from sniping in and out of larger cities. Guns. I think that guns just need a huge overhaul; you should honestly be able to pick up a M4 then put whatever sights/attachments on to it. As well as use any ammunition in the same caliber that you wish. That really goes for every gun. Build. I think that the only thing that DayZ lacks is a way for long-term stuff...as I see it is, Spawn, Get good stuff, Die, Spawn, Rinse and repeat. DayZ really need a way to build up and survive, such as, dig holes and ditches fro water, then use that water to irrigate crops, which can be made into food. A way to use saw-mills to cut trees into planks, and make houses, or simple structures. I just think that the game needs a way for you to truly survive instead of the normal, Live-Die process of DayZ. So I know Rocket has addressed some of these things in some of his interviews, but there are a few he hasn’t, so I just wanted to share my thoughts and opinions on here.