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Everything posted by bovine3dom

  1. bovine3dom

    New computer components for DayZ

    Installing it's a piece of cake. Just like lego, except there's only one way it will fit. Be sure to buy an ESD wristband while you're at it, they're so cheap it's not worth the risk. Will stop you frying the GFX card with any static charge you have on you. Shame you don't have the i7-2600k, they're brilliant overclockers. Re. your PSU wattage, it's worth checking the back of your computer first - it might have a label if you're lucky. If you need to buy a new PSU, buy a branded one (antec, corsair etc.) - you need to pay ~£40+ or you'll get one that will blow up and fry your computer after a year or so.
  2. bovine3dom

    Athentication Timeout

    93965 is the newest that works for me. ftp://downloads.bistudio.com/arma2.com/update/beta/ARMA2_OA_Build_93965.zip
  3. bovine3dom

    Athentication Timeout

    EpeeNoire, just revert to the previous ArmA patch by installing it over the top of the new one. http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php
  4. bovine3dom

    Athentication Timeout

  5. bovine3dom

    Athentication Timeout

    I'm getting the same trouble - Authentication Timeout, Six Updater, ArmA X retail, 94103 beta. Six Updater is calling the latest beta patch 93965, but it's actually 94103. Could that be part of the issue?
  6. bovine3dom

    Authentication timeout

    And me. Six Updater is calling the latest beta patch 93965, but it's actually 94103. Could that be the issue?
  7. bovine3dom

    Remove sniper rifles.

    A silenced sniper rifle is borderline oxymoronic. Sub-sonic rounds don't travel all that far.
  8. bovine3dom

    Team ban (WHY?!)

    Offtopic: That's an interesting philosophy. How can you prove that you don't hack? It's a bit like being asked to prove that you aren't a witch.
  9. bovine3dom


  10. bovine3dom

    Rocket working full-time?

    It's pretty reliable: PCGamer saw it on reddit, and reddit saw it on somethingawful and the people on somethingawful never lie.
  11. 170,000 unique users of DayZ 100,000 sales of ArmA 2 source: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-06-08-the-future-of-day-z => 59% of DayZ players are complete newbies. That's lower than I was expecting to be honest, but it doesn't count people who bought the game a while back and have only just picked it up again.
  12. bovine3dom

    DayZ has become Deathmatch / Team Deathmatch

    Behind your brutal attack on a straw man - which isn't helpful by the way, it just turns people away from considering your viewpoint - there is a valid point: the world might be full of arsehole sociopaths. I don't think that's true: most people would feel terrible for having caused someone else such a deep inconvenience. Besides, I don't think the kind of people who get a kick out of cheap, opportunistic schadenfreude by camping on top of buildings and just killing random people are the kind of people who are prepared to wait 8 hours between deaths - we'd just be left with the real psychos: people who are prepared to stalk people for hours until they are absolutely certain that they can get the perfect shot. I'm all right with that. I would be more trusting of strangers because I know that I really don't want to kill them, and they know I really don't want to kill them, so they'll feel safer - so they won't kill me. The only way we'd find out though is by giving it a sustained trial - it could work. Also, 1 hour isn't long enough. I think 8 hours is a good balance.
  13. bovine3dom

    DayZ has become Deathmatch / Team Deathmatch

    Life expectancy probably won't ever be long enough. For me, the whole point of a respawn time is to stop you from playing DayZ for the rest of your planned session. It's supposed to be a massive inconvenience, to make people value their (and hopefully other people's) lives more. I quite like the idea of professions, but I don't like the idea of a random profession, I would like to be able to choose - I don't want to be forced into banditry because my character is very good at PVP. They would have to be 'balanced' asymmetrically though, otherwise we'd end up with everyone choosing one profession and it'd be rather dull. Asymmetric professions could encourage co-operation between players as each player could have a role within the group - e.g. the ex paramedic as a medic who can bandage very quickly and perform more effective blood tranfusions, the ex-soldier who is able to operate a Javelin (perhaps manuals could be left around for other players) etc.
  14. bovine3dom

    Buying Arma II

    In the UK, you're usually better off buying ArmA X as it includes OP:F, ArmA + DLC, ArmA 2, and ArmA OA + DLC for about £25. I've seen it go for as low as £15 in sales. The DLC is worth trying to get as it increases the resolution on a few models ingame, not to mention the fact that it is excellent anyway.
  15. bovine3dom

    DayZ has become Deathmatch / Team Deathmatch

    Actually, it's overwhelmingly PVE. There are very few PVP clans or servers.
  16. bovine3dom

    WTF is happening to the server community.

    So... how do you suggest we fix it? Item degradation over time, player corpses not being 100% lootable, less bonkers guns in the deer stands? EDIT: I really don't like the idea of not allowing people to team up with friends. ArmA 2 is always better with friends, especially since my friends know how not to attract hundreds of zombies and get me killed.
  17. bovine3dom

    Replace UH-1H with the MH-6J

    I'm all for this, I love the little bird. It's such good fun to fly - it's like the difference between driving a and a tank.
  18. bovine3dom

    Add ultimate objective/end game?

    I wouldn't like an end-game so to speak, but I would like some places to be filled to the brim with zeds and some rarer loot - people seem to pretty much get all the best stuff within 20 hours on a single character... I want myself an A-10.
  19. bovine3dom

    A question about infected speeds

    When are we going to see zombie dogs that can outrun people?
  20. bovine3dom

    WTF is happening to the server community.

    You didn't actually said why a long cooldown/respawn timer is a bad idea. We're getting into details here, but if you have a a friend with a large backpack or a tent, he can pick up the most important parts of your gear and hold them for you until you get back in 15 minutes. He would probably not be willing to hold as much for a whole day.
  21. bovine3dom

    DayZ has become Deathmatch / Team Deathmatch

    People seem to just be dismissing the respawn timer idea with "wah wah it's not fair", or words to that effect. I'm not saying that there are no flaws, but people are dismissing it out of hand without considering it fully (as I did initially, although I had the good manners not to post until I had thought it through). Why shouldn't dying ruin your day? You already loose all your gear. Regarding realism, I'm pretty sure taking a bullet to the face - or knee - would ruin anyone's day. And let me remind you that a truly realistic server would just ban you when you died :D A 10 minute respawn timer is just a coffee break. A 12/18 hour timer would force you to stop playing for a day and give you time to think overnight about why you died. For clarity, I don't like the idea of a respawn timer whose length is based on your humanity as it unfairly puts bandits at a disadvantage.